Factors to Consider when Choosing Children Toys

Julia Watson
2 min readApr 10, 2018


Buying children toys can be a daunting task for most people. If not for anything else because there are thousands of magnetic toys for kids that can leave you confused. The good news is that these are currently the hottest products on the market. The fact that they come in all manner of shapes, sizes, styles, and designs means you will be lost for options when it comes to choosing the right one for your kids. How then do you go about the process?

The first consideration would be the age of the child or children that you are looking to purchase for. There are magnetic toys for toddlers below three years, those designed for kindergarten kids and preschoolers between ages three and seven years, and those for kids between the ages of seven and twelve years. When buying kids building toys for toddlers, for instance, you should know the age bracket is characterized by curiosity and exploration using the fingers and mouth. As such, you should get magnetic toys customized for their needs.

Magnetic toys for kindergarten kids and preschoolers, on the other hand, should focus on the creative nature of the kids. This is because it is in this age bracket where creativity starts to gain roots fully. It is also at this age that a child starts to learn how to count. As such, your purchase should be focused on getting children toys of different shapes and colors to capture their attention and imagination while putting their creativity to test.

The next important consideration is whether or not the child has siblings, and if so, you should consider their age. The reason for this is so you can be able to invest in a building toy set that can hopefully keep both kids engaged while at the same time be able to create the much-needed bond between siblings. One thing you should keep in mind when buying magnetic building toys is the fact that the magnets should be strong enough.

This way, you will be assured the structure will hold together without necessarily interfering with their ability to pull the pieces apart. This becomes all the more important because most kids have a very short attention span. This means if they have to put in lots of effort, they can quickly get bored and end up tossing the pieces away. Invest in durable yet functional children toys, and you will be assured of happy kids regardless of their age.

Get further details at https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/building-blocks-to-literacy_us_59bffa47e4b0171e6765787e.

