The silent mosquito because the noisy mosquito got his brains graffitied all over the wall.

Mic and Dream - Juliani
4 min readMay 23, 2016


The art of activism.

I have no idea; the best example we have so far is team courage Boniface mwangi or Moha Jicho pevu/ John Allan namu, Mama Wangare Maathai, Josephine Kulea or maybe Joshua oigara and Bob collymore standing up against corruption.

Yesterday I read about David Munyakei(Kwani three) the Golden bag(I know it’s Goldenberg, you didn’t notice what I did there?) whistleblower, it was inspiring at the same time sad.

What are the consequences of standing up against the ills in our society. Will the history books remember you?, will you be branded as a snitch like David Munyakei or will you end up at a ditch with bullet holes and the police report reads out “head on collision with a sharp object” ?

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The price for our country.

As you rote under ground, the flowers are brown and dry on your grave, after the tears have dried and you no longer trend. Will there be substantial change for your act?

One of the subjects in high schools dictate that “every action has equal and opposite reaction” are we always surprised when our people who speak out are gunned down and killed? Or when there is clearly economic sabotage against them? Do we expect to rattle a snake and not get bitten?

Is that the reason why we tuck our tails and prefer to wait for a paybill number so we can generously contribute?

What’s the relationship between political happenings in our country and the price of unga in our kiosks?

Yes, we are having riots and I see people online taking sides. Am getting calls from NGOs on their next peace concerts and having meetings to strategies. My answer remains the same budah! Not this time,unless we are doing a long term engagement; before, during and after election. Izza budah!!

How come we wait for the damage to be done and now we are looking for an elastoplast to conceal a wound that deserve an ICU attention?

We are not in a bad state contrary to popular belief our country is not going to burn. We will come out victorious. Only concern is we are having wrong diagnosis of the situation. Like our moms always prescribing Panadol for anything even heart breaks.

This is not a political emancipation this an economic opportunity for guys in the street. They are now valued. Now is when they can be heard. It’s an economic decision when they go out in the streets. They either get paid by the politician mobilizing them or getting paid by the opposite side to disrupt.

I have been there, seen that.

Everybody is setting up to get that deal to print t-shirts, to be a body guard, to join a campaign team etc..

Elections is an economic endeavour not process for change. If we really needed Change. This would have been our third year on ground finding and assessing ways to make real transformation.

If we really needed Change we would have gone back to the constitution as our point of reference and push for its implementation. it’s seem it will be a CORD or Jubilee victory not a Kenyan victory.

Utawala is my biggest song yet, from Garrisa to Nyeri to Mombasa to kisumu they all know the words. Because it resonates to their real needs. I have performed the song for the elite to the poor who just exist, they all think is a powerful song.

I have done sheria with Sarabi, did an EP voter vs vulture before the last elections.

I also would like to make songs so you do that ka dance style yaku nusa makwapa! Yes, dab!

I speak what I see, what I hear. I interpret people’s thoughts, word in a song. Am just a messenger at the same time a prophet as a musician, we go beyond the physical that’s why different people from different background share similar emotions when they listen to our music. We are going to use music to inspire change, to educate to provoke conversation. The question remains how many songs will it take?

for now let’s get our youth busy. Give them something to lose. They have nothing to lose, after losing dignity, girlfriends to sponsors. Losing their youth. Losing sportpesa.

As well We need inclusion, make them feel part of the change,otherwise for now it seems like nyasi anaumia! It will be a fight between Goliath and David. The rich and the poor. On the other hand.

The middle class who are dismissive complaining how guys are stupid, are busy with their hashtags only interrupted as they try to find the closest wifi hotspot.

This election year will see a lot of young people joining politics not to change and be different but because they need a piece of the cake, the tender. It’s a short cut to building wealth. We need to look at our approach as stake holders.

As per now it’s a simple matter of who’s the highest bidder.

If we give them something to protect, they will not got out or be taken advantage of.

Let’s restore their dignity.

Let me quote one of my favourite musician the late Miti ni Dawa i paraphrase,

“Ukinunua my Cd ama cassate unapunguza crime rate”



Mic and Dream - Juliani

Changing the rhythm of the world through Music, Art, Tech & Finance!