What The British Election Has To Tell American Voters

It’s not quite what you think.

Julie McClung Peck
6 min readDec 13, 2019

In the United Kingdom’s December election, Boris Johnson, the Conservative candidate for Prime Minister, was re-elected to that seat by virtue of his party’s landslide victory. Johnson, the brash, crazy-haired leader with a casual relationship with the truth, is seen by many on both sides of the Atlantic as an avatar for our own President Trump. Johnson and Trump have many commonalities in policy, the two generally get along famously, and President Trump has repeatedly declared his support for the somewhat similarly-coiffured Johnson.

It’s not out of line, then, to wonder what the Prime Minister’s re-election portends for our forthcoming election here in the States. Indeed, Trump himself mused on the topic in remarks earlier today.

European and especially British elections can in fact be telling forerunners to our own. After all, the vote that got the ball rolling on Brexit was the seminal event in the rolling wave of nationalism in which the world is currently gripped.

This latest vote, however, is not the bell cow that the Brexit vote was. Whereas in that instance we in America should have been paying closer attention to our cousins across the pond, taking a warning from Brexit in advance of the election that left us with…



Julie McClung Peck

Mental health advocate, mom, writer, former caregiver.. Live from the American South. Opinions my own.