Heidegger, Drugs and authenticity

Julien Böker
2 min readMar 7, 2017


Martin Heidegger (1889–1976)

Sein (being) and Nichts (nothing)

Heideggers basic thoughts are that every Sein is surrounded by the Nichts. That is one truth that is given and all-time present. Yet, people try to escape this truth by engaging in numbing activities. It will start with things like chatter, news (Heidegger never reads the newspaper) or focusing too much on your work. This activities creates what Heidegger calls Uneigentlichkeit (inauthenticity). They leave a void inside yourself, because they detach you from Sein. When you can´t numb this void inside yourself anymore with those easy activities people tend to use drugs, alcohol, porn, television or video games. These activities are even more numbing and lead even further away from Sein. Uneigentlichkeit and Seinsvergessenheit (the oblivion that all seinede [beings] are attached to each other in sein) are the consequences.

The myth of moderation

People allways say that you need to keep moderation when you take drugs. Nothing is further away from the truth than this. Even when you once a month drink one beer you push yourself away from Sein. Moderation is the biggest lie by the drug-selling companies. Drugs are the consequences of the first wave of inauthentic activities like chatter or television. Drugs are the consequences of running away from the fact that the Sein is unwillingly attached to the Nichts. Even if it´s only one sip of alcohol in a week you are running away from facing that truth. In the long run, your behaviour will escalate.


If you want to break out of the cycle of Uneigentlichkeit and Seinsvergessenheit you have to stop all the numbing activities you are doing, NOT ONLY drugs.
To support your understanding of the Sein you should take walks in nature. Heidegger also supposes that to be more in touch with ourselves we should spend more time on graveyards.

