The Power of “No”

Julien Meyer
2 min readJun 2, 2016


Girl crossing arms in “emoji” language stating “no”. 2016.

No is saying “not right now” or “I don’t think this is right for me at this time” or “I’m not comfortable with this”. If you think back on some of the regrettable decisions you’ve made in your life I bet you can find at least one instance where the word “no” would have prevented you from making that decision. The problem is that so many of us associate the word “no” with negative outcomes like missing out on life events, friends not liking us, or bosses not promoting us. Furthermore, for entrepreneurs we often feel like we have to say yes to every meeting, every investor request or every employee demand. The truth is that sometimes a polite “no” is the best answer not just for you but for both parties involved.

Think about it… most people ask for what they want when they want it. They don’t think about what this means for you or for them in the future. All they know is that they want it now and that you can give it to them or help them get it now. A simple and polite “no” can show the demanding party that now is simply not the right time, but like all good things in life, in due time, they will get what they want.

For these reasons I wanted to share my appreciation for my new found love of the word “no”. Since I’ve become comfortable with saying “no” I’ve found myself again. I have time to execute on projects both in my personal and business life that need to be tackled. I’ve found out that negotiating a deal isn’t life or death anymore and that I have complete peace of mind that if I’m not happy with a situation I can say a simple “no” and move on with my day to day life.

So here’s to the word “no”. Try using it a little more and see what happens. Let me know what your thoughts are. Thanks for reading!



Julien Meyer

Managing Director | NorthStar Venture Partners — I use Medium to publish 1–2 minute inspirational reads.