Julius Ebola
1 min readAug 30, 2016


You keep insisting that this is a “fringe internet hate community” while providing overwhelming evidence that it is anything but fringe. As to if it’s a “hate community,” I’m not sure what currency the left thinks the word “hate” has in a political landscape where Trump supporters are violently assaulted, as they were in San Jose, while the media ignores it.

For years now, there’s been nothing but withering criticism of “straight white men” which blames them for everyone else’s suffering, and this at a time when white men are 7 out of 10 suicides. The privileged gender is 3 times as likely to be homeless and commit suicide, 4 times as likely as you to die by violence, less likely to graduate high school and college. They are routinely told that anything they accomplish in life is meaningless, the result of their “privilege.” Do you think this could have some relationship to all the anger you see online?

You see what you want to see.



Julius Ebola

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