A responsible rebel´s reflection on the Berlinale.

White Rabbit
3 min readFeb 26, 2018


With the Berlinale wrapped up and deserved awards for an amazing selection of films, now is a good moment to reflect on White Rabbit´s time in Berlin. Film festivals are always special, especially Berlin and Cannes as it´s a chance to catch up with many great colleagues and friends. White Rabbit´s founder has been in the film industry for nearly ten years and so it becomes like a family away from home. No normal family by any means, but then again who has or even wants a normal family!

Berlin has been an opportunity to meet new people tool especially many new people enthusiastic about Blockchain. Meeting new people in the film industry is always exciting. This is no 9–5 job, you live and breathe film. So during Berlinale, Cannes or Sundance you meet so many people driven by passion, by dreams, hopes, and aspirations and above all — a love for film. It´s always inspiring.

What was especially inspiring this year that so many people had in fact heard about Blockchain. I dare say, blockchain was the talk of the town this year. Producers are worried about the future, and rightly so. Netflix is buying less films, while their other films risks getting lost in the I-tunes jungle. The cost/reward of getting films on the platforms and then getting them noticed is discouraging. While a handful of filmmakers make good money on a Netflix and Amazon deal, fewer and fewer producers are able to make a proper living. That makes it equally hard for the directors, writers and everyone else too. That makes it twice as hard to get equity into the industry. The future is ominous.

That is — until we begin talking about White Rabbit. As said , so many people have heard about Blockchain but not all quite grasp it´s potential. When you begin to explain you see hope in their eyes. When you continue on and tell White Rabbit´s story — wow has that been fun! They got it. They loved it. In short — it was awesome.

We spent an entire day at the festival that was specifically set up for Blockchain and the future of film. There was much discussion, debate and interesting projects presented. White Rabbit usually spends 12 minutes on our presentation — this time we only had 5 minutes but despite that, we were approached by so many people afterwards that we ran out of cards.

There was a workshop on blockchain consisting of producers, distributors, blockchain experts and artists. The task was to come up with a blockchain idea to revolutionize the film industry. It was inspiring, again, to see how many believed blockchain would change the industry for the better. White Rabbit was home.

What now? We met plenty of potential partners at Berlinale and we will continue talks with them in Cannes. As we continue talking with the industry, product development is core as is the token sale. Then we´re bringing White Rabbit to Cannes. At Cannes we aim to lock down our first content deals for larger libraries of films. Dont forget however that the White Rabbit Token (WRT) is designed for our users — you — to stream films, series and offer the token to the rights-holder. Why? So you have the opportunity to stream anywhere you like. That´s being a responsible rebel. White Rabbit collects the amassed tokens (stored in an encrypted distribution pool) and offers these to rights holders, with a bonus, converting one film and one series at a time to our project. That´s what´s going to change the industry on your terms.

Therefore we want to challenge you to join in on our ambition for White Rabbit´s launch: let´s have more films and series on smart contracts than Netflix has in their library. It´s one small step for White Rabbit, but one giant leap for the film industry and fans.

In the meantime — be a responsible rebel too @ t.me/jumpin

Rabbit out.



White Rabbit

Father. Film producer. Tech entrepreneur. Two film awards from Venice & Cannes film festivals. One tech exit and one film exit #responsiblerebel