White Rabbit
4 min readDec 29, 2017

Christmas isn’t over yet! White Rabbit is excited to announce our Partner Streaming Sites program.

White Rabbit would like to invite streaming sites, developers, film connoisseurs or those with brilliant ideas to join us in creating the next generation streaming ecosystem. White Rabbit will be sharing up-to $1M from our token sale with the most innovative, brand conscious, film and series loving streaming sites either already out there, planned or about to launch.

What is White Rabbit?

White Rabbit is a browser plug-in that recognizes the content you are streaming, regardless of what p2p or open server streaming service you prefer to watch it on. Using blockchain technology, the rights holders are paid directly by the users. By separating distribution from payment and revenue sharing with streaming sites, White Rabbit offers one payment system but infinite viewing experiences.

What is Partner Streaming Sites?

White Rabbit believes in choice, access and competition in the global streaming market. We will support teams that innovate, are user focused, and brand conscious. Crucially, they are ready to participate in an ecosystem that rewards all the filmmakers, without the middlemen. With well thought out projects White Rabbit will offer up-to $100,000 to each of them.

Improving the market also means improving the situation of both Users and Producers. If you want Nordic Noir, you’ll have a site offering the best of Nordic Noir. If you want Asian action, there will be a site for that too. You´ll have sites which are brilliant at search and recommendation for the User. As a Producer, you can avoid launching your film in an Itunes jungle with scant hope for recognition (or much payment). With PSS Producers will find sites and users dedicated to films like theirs, allowing focused marketing and release campaigns matching their target audience.

To make this happen, we are looking for the best developers, the top film connoisseurs, those most passionate about films and series today. We are looking for entrepreneurs who clearly understand the value of brand and market. We are looking for creators, innovators and strategic thinkers. If you are one of these, and you believe in the value of rewarding the filmmakers, PSS might be for you.


Because we haven’t been able to realize the potential of digital streaming. Because neither fans, nor filmmakers are happy with the status quo. Because the OTT streaming sites themselves don´t make money — Netflix hasn’t turned a profit in over a decade! We want to give the fans convenience and choice, we want to give the industry and artists revenue transparency and we want to create a business model that actually works. An estimated 35% prefer p2p streaming. 55% stream illegally because they can’t find what they are looking for, but are willing to pay if given the option. These people are not pirates, they are fans willing to break the law to watch the films and series they love. So let’s hold them to their word and allow them to pay.

More to come…

This is only the beginning. There will be more PSS programs after launch. There will also be a user library we call the Rabbit Hole that allows third parties to develop new ways to monetize content and engage fans. You can read more about the Rabbit Hole in our Whitepaper available @ www.whiterabbit.one

What’s the deal?

We are still working on all the little details, but we have a few items that guide us. We are looking for projects that…

  • Meet exceptional and/or innovative UI, search and recommendation solutions
  • Show integrity in content quality
  • Respect content rights holders by removing content on request
  • A clear vision and considered brand strategy

In return we provide up-to $100,000 for each chosen project and upon launch of White Rabbit, 10% of revenue from content streamed goes to the PSS.

Who is White Rabbit?

CEO — Alan R. Milligan

CTO — Alexander Yarushin

COO — Adrian Hessel-Rutter

Artistic Director of Content — Hengameh Panahi

  • Worked as producers and sales agents on over 800 films
  • Nominated for Oscars, won best film awards in Cannes, Berlin, Venice
  • Software entrepreneurs behind Milbros Chemical Information System, installed onboard hundreds of chemical tankers and operations offices worldwide. Today MCIS is the industry standard for the safe transportation of chemicals at sea.

At the end of the day, we are film lovers trying to create a better world for art and entertainment.

To participate in PSS program, send an email to pss (@) whiterabbit.one and tell us about your site or project!

White Rabbit

Father. Film producer. Tech entrepreneur. Two film awards from Venice & Cannes film festivals. One tech exit and one film exit #responsiblerebel