White Rabbit announces token sale date. The raise is on!

White Rabbit
4 min readMar 30, 2018


We are excited to announce the start date for the presale and main sale for White Rabbit tokens. It’s taken a little longer than expected, but as you might understand the emerging and dynamic token sale market requires flexibility.

No worries though, as we’ve kept ourselves busy developing the product, building a stronger team, and reaching partnerships, all of which will be announced shortly.

In the meantime, pencil in these dates and bonuses into your calendar:

May 7th 2018, 14:00 UTC — token presale opens.

May 14th 2018, 14:00 UTC — presale closes on this date, unless the presale hardcap of $5,000,000 is reached first.

May 15th 2018, 14:00 UTC — main token sale opens.

June 10th 2018, 14:00 UTC — token sale closes on this date, unless hard cap is reached prior to this date.

2,000,000 USD — soft cap.

10,000,000 USD — hard cap.

Token sale details

Please note that a higher bonus is available during the week of the presale.

We have limited the space for the presale capped at $5,000,000 with 2000 ETH already pledged. With the extreme volatility of cryptocurrency at the moment, we will lock the conversion rate of White Rabbit Token (WRT) to ETH the day before the presale.

Token price: 0,13 USD = 1 WRT

Main sale hard cap: 10.000.000 USD

Presale hard cap: 5,000,000 USD

Soft Cap: 2.000.000 USD

Total token supply: 190 000 000 WRT

Pre-sale minimum and bonus structure*:

Contributions from 5 ETH to 10 ETH receives 10% bonus;

Contributions from 11 ETH to 20 ETH receives 15% bonus;

Contributions over 21 ETH receives 20% bonus.

Main sale (first 48 hours)*:

Contributions from 0,05 ETH to 10 ETH receives 5% bonus (minimum commitment may be adjusted pending ETH price).

Contributions from 11 ETH to 20 ETH receives 7% bonus.

Contributions from over 21 ETH receives 10% bonus.

* Please see token distribution and funds allocation in our Whitepaper.

About White Rabbit

White Rabbit is a browser plugin that aims to resolve the failing business model of digital distribution of films and series. Content is expensive, users have ever less choice, revenue is neither transparent nor cash-flow positive, and by not accepting users p2p streaming habits the industry itself encourages piracy. White Rabbit offers a p2p tokenized system powered by blockchain technology that will enable users to access any content globally, reduce cost by paying producers and creatives directly, share revenue with streaming sites to encourage a legal, innovative streaming market, and offer transparent and instant monetization model for producers, investors, artists, and entertainers. Everybody wins, everyone’s happy.

About the White Rabbit Token (WRT)

The White Rabbit Token (WRT) is the key ingredient in ensuring a fan driven change of the film and TV industry. It’s at the core of what is means to be a responsible rebel #responsiblerebels. It’s what sets White Rabbit and WRT apart from all the other streaming and digital distribution tokens around. We will soon release an explainer video of the token, but here are some details.

Users offer their payment for a film or series they are streaming. If there is a preexisting smart contract with the rights holder, 75% of the offered tokens goes directly to the rights holder. If the rights holder has not yet entered into a smart contract for these rights, the tokens are placed in an encrypted distribution pool. White Rabbit then gets in touch with the rights holder after a certain period of time. We offer the rights holder their share of the tokens from the encrypted distribution pool once they enter into a smart contract. If they agree, the tokens are divided between rights holder, the streaming site involved, and White Rabbit. Thereby, what was once an illegal stream has now been legalized, and the smart contract will henceforth collect payment automatically. Should the rights holder disagree or not be able to enter into a smart contract due to rights issues, the tokens are returned to the user. As it was encrypted, neither White Rabbit, nor the rights holder can access any information about the token holder.

It is important to note that smart contract revenue may also be distributed among sub-distributors and other parties (producers, investors and artists) depending on the rights holders prior agreements. In other words, we can collect tokens for available territories only or unavailable territories, pending all relevant parties acceptance.

Another important note regarding the token is that even the least tech savvy users may be part of White Rabbit´s disruption — not only those who hold cryptocurrency wallets. The token is the underlying utility enabling a transaction. Therefore users can also enact transactions using credit cards/PayPal or other FIAT payment forms.

We look forward to your participation and contribution to White Rabbit. Join our Telegram group t.me/jumpin to engage in constructive discussions with the community and offer your suggestions.




White Rabbit

Father. Film producer. Tech entrepreneur. Two film awards from Venice & Cannes film festivals. One tech exit and one film exit #responsiblerebel