jungle fruits | 6 ways to boost your immune system

Six ways to boost your immune system

Jungle Fruits
3 min readNov 15, 2020

As we have entered lockdown 2.0 here in England, we wanted to give you the lowdown for keeping our minds and body in good shape this time around.

Hopefully, the lockdown lasts no more than 4 weeks and although it’s quicker than the previous one; it is still tough where mental health is concerned.

We have put together 6 ways for all of us to look ourselves during this period and boost our immune systems and we just had to share them with you.

Number 1 & Number 2

Jungle Dried Fruits | Eat fruit and vegetables and exercise regularly

Number 1 — Have a lot more fruit & veg in your diet.
We all know the benefits of these and whether its fresh fruit, dried fruit, fruits in smoothies just eat more

Number 2 — Exercise more
Now, this is not a race so please just go at your own pace. More for you is not more for someone else and it does not have to be a daunting 5k run. It could just be a few star jumps a day or whatever you feel comfortable with. Just get that body moving and I can guarantee you will feel better and it will work wonders for your immune system.

Number 3 & Number 4

Jungle Dried Fruits | Reduce stress and get adequate sleep

Number 3 — Reduce stress
We have all come to appreciate the relationship between mind and body. Of course, reducing stress is easier said than done and one person’s stress is another person’s strength but there are small things we can hopefully do to reduce the stressors in our lives even by a little bit. Let’s take the time to block out the world for a few minutes a day, go for daily walks socially distanced, of course, check-in with yourself and don’t be so hard on yourself.

Number 4 — Get more sleep
Whether you are working from home or not let’s use this lockdown as an opportunity to catch up on some well-deserved sleep. Lack of sleep negatively affects our immune systems and during sleep, our immune systems actually release proteins which help protect our body.

Number 5 & Number 6

Jungle Dried Fruits | Keep in touch with family and friends and smile

Number 5 — Check-in on family and friends
Now we all have people in our lives that make us feel at ease so let’s try and spread love and positivity with each other this lockdown and reach out if we need a helping hand and help others that may be reaching out.

Number 6 — Smile
Because when do smiles ever put us in a bad mood? and not to go too much into the science but research also shows that smiling can lift our moods, lower our stress levels and boost our immune system.

So there you have it those are our 6 ways we can boost our immune systems this lockdown.

And remember for some social interaction is completely cut, others may feel loneliness. Some may have anxiety about the virus, the elections, hunger or just life in general and some are back to working from home which can equal burnout.

So let’s keep safe and keep smiling and help one another Jungle Family.



Jungle Fruits

We bring the exotic taste of the jungle to the concrete jungle with only natural ingredients. No added sugar, no messy peelings just 100% natural dried fruits.