Junø Tokenomics and Utility: Powering the worlds first fully interoperable smart contract blockchain.

Junø ⚵
5 min readJul 25, 2021


$JUNO is the native asset of the Juno ecosystem. Below you can learn about its utility on the network & beyond.

The Role of JUNO

JUNO the asset carries a variety of use cases within the JUNO ecosystem, including securing the proof of stake network, key to on-chain governance, acts as transport fuel (gas) for all interoperable smart contracts deployed in the ecosystem, collateral in various smart contract usecases and work token to capture value from dapps (decentralized applications) built on top of JUNO.

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Genesis Supply Breakdown


⚪️ Community Stakedrop (Circulating at inception): 30.663.193 $JUNO

⚪️ Community Pool (Non-circulating/Locked Onchain): 20.000.000 $JUNO

⚪️ Smart Contract Challenges (Circulating at launch): 2.373.341 $JUNO

⚪️ Core Development Reserve (Non-circulating/Vested 12 years): 10.084.396 $JUNO

⚪️ Core Team (Non-circulating/Vested 12 years): 1.782.312 $JUNO

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✅ Circulating Supply at Genesis: 33.036.534 $JUNO

✅ Vested at Genesis: 11.866.708 $JUNO

✅ Locked in Community Pool: 20.000.000 $JUNO


✅ Circulating Supply: 33.036.534 $JUNO

✅ Total Supply: 64.903.242 $JUNO‌

✅ Maximum Supply (Reached in 12 years/year 2033): 185.562.268 $JUNO

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Network Security (Staking)

As JUNO runs on the delegated Proof-of-Stake based Tendermint PBFT consensus engine, staking is integral to ensuring a secure and robust network.

JUNO feautures some of the most reputable validators in the proof of stake space. Asset holders are be able to stake (delegate) their $JUNO to validator nodes on a non-custodial basis and receive their share of the yearly fixed protocol reward allocation.

Staking 2.0 reward schedule

Improving upon the reward model of other SDK based blockchains, JUNO launched with a novel reward structure. Over a 12 year period (12 Phases) the max supply of 185.562.268 JUNO will be reached.

In order to get to the maximum supply, fixed yearly network incentives are allocated to delegators that secure the network along the way. Early adopters initially enjoy the biggest benefit from staking their JUNO. After 12 years, the reward schedule ends and JUNO will become deflationary. At that point network incentives would primarily come from tx fees by hundreds of dapps deployed on the network, IBC traffic and stakedrops/airdrops.

Reward Schedule

⚪️ Phase 1: Fixed inflation 40%

New Juno in year 1 = (+25.961.297)

Supply after year 1 = 90.864.540 $JUNO

⚪️ Phase 2: Fixed inflation 20%

New Juno in year 2 = (+18.172.908)

Supply after year 2 = 109.037.449 $JUNO

⚪️ Phase 3: Fixed inflation 10%

New Juno in year 3= (+10.903.744)

Supply after year 3 = 119.941.194 $JUNO

Once the inflation reaches 10% it gradually reduces on a fixed 1% basis each year.

⚪️ Phase 4 = Fixed 9% (+10.794.707) Supply = 130.735.901 $JUNO

⚪️ Phase 5 = Fixed 8% (+10.458.872) Supply = 141.194.773 $JUNO

⚪️ Phase 6 = Fixed 7% (+9.883.634) Supply = 151.078.407 $JUNO

⚪️ Phase 7 = Fixed 6% (+9.064.704) Supply = 160.143.112 $JUNO

⚪️ Phase 8 = Fixed 5% (+8.007.155) Supply = 168.150.267 $JUNO

⚪️ Phase 9 = Fixed 4% (+6.726.010) Supply = 174.876.278 $JUNO

⚪️ Phase 10 = Fixed 3% (+5.246.288) Supply = 180.122.566 $JUNO

⚪️ Phase 11 = Fixed 2% (+3.602.451) Supply = 183.725.018 $JUNO

⚪️ Phase 12 = Fixed 1% (+1.837.250) Supply = 185.562.268 $JUNO

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JUNO holders are able to take part in protocol governance by issuing proposals and voting on various factors which shape the broader JUNO ecosystem.

Each JUNO enables 1 vote in on-chain governance.

The community pool is used to fund ecosystem tooling & initiatives & has a 20.000.000 JUNO protocol allocation at genesis which is substantially larger than any Cosmos SDK based project in existence. This brings a lot of freedom for the community to build out a strong ecosystem from day 1. Additionally the community pool regenerates based on a 2% block reward tax.

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Work asset

Ecosystem dapps deployed on top of JUNO bring value to JUNO the asset via fees generated on smart contract usage and from the usage of JUNO in vast usecases ranging from DAOs to NFTs.

Similar to Ethereum (ETH) or Terra (LUNA), JUNO is the backbone of the ecosystem and plays a pivotal role in offering a designated smart contract platform that scales, interoperates and provides a fertile sandbox environment for developers from across the blockchain space and beyond.

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JUNO Genesis Distribution

64.903.243 $JUNO (64.9 Million) came into existence (not all circulating) at genesis based on the Cosmos Hub 3 snapshot from February 18th 2021 (6:00 PM UTC).

Via a 1:1 stakedrop, 47% of the genesis supply goes to $ATOM stakers that had their assets bonded during the snapshot. Exchange validators and delegators staking with these validators are excluded from the stakedrop. Additionally the community voted to implement a hard whalecap at 50k $ATOM to ensure a less top heavy distribution particularly relevant in distributing the network voting weight and ensuring a wide and even voter base in on-chain governance.

Approx 10% of the supply difference was allocated to the core-1 development reserve (multi-sig) address for the funding of core infrastructure development. The remaining 90% of the excess supply was allocated in the following ways (20 million $Juno community pool, Smart contract competition 2.373.341,66 million to be managed/distributed by Core-1. The remaining difference will not be included in the genesis file ie. burned).

✅ Learn more about the ongoing Moneta Hacks and start building decentralized applications.

Get together on Discord & discuss your ideas with fellow Juno ecosystem contributors or permissionlessly deploy your own innovation right now.

⚪️ Web: https://www.junonetwork.io/

⚪️ Medium: https://medium.com/@JunoNetwork

⚪️ Discord: https://discord.gg/QcWPfK4gJ2

⚪️ Github: https://github.com/CosmosContracts/Juno

⚪️ Updates: https://t.me/Juno_Updates

⚪️ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JunoNetwork

⚪️ Price Discussions: T.me/Juno_Price

