Multiverse — Junø

Junø ⚵
2 min readJun 28, 2022


Inter-chain Accounts are coming to Juno. Providing composability and true interoperability of smart contracts across different blockchains.

Inter Chain Accounts (ICA) represent one of the biggest technical changes in the Cosmos since IBC, and we believe it is important to add this functionality to the network.

Juno is the “hub” for CosmWasm Smart Contracts in the Cosmos, and so it follows that being a Host Chain for Inter Chain Accounts makes sense.

The Multiverse upgrade proposal will go live for on-chain voting this week between the 30th of June and 2nd of July.

This upgrade will allow Controller Chains to interact with Juno functionality, including:

  • Native functionality and core SDK modules
  • Smart Contract store
  • Smart Contract instantiate
  • Smart Contract execute

Note that this is ICA Host functionality only, and does not enable Controller functionality.

The release candidate for this upgrade is on the Juno GitHub here, and contains a changelog for this release.

Why is ICA a big deal?

ICA brings composability to the Cosmos ecosystem, facilitating a drastically better user experience.

Interchain Accounts enable Blockchains to Control Accounts on Other Chains

In practice, this means a network like the Cosmos Hub, Evmos or Osmosis can execute transactions on Juno ie. stake, vote, swap. So cosmos ecosystem blockchains can access application features of other chains and carry out any action native to that chain.

For smart contracts, this means that complex financial instruments can be exchanged on a permission-less basis over different smart contract, with each smart contract handling a part of an overall business process.

For more information on Inter Chain Accounts:

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