Here Are 11 Email Templates That Will Make Collecting Late Payments From Clients Easier

6 min readOct 9, 2015


Collecting late payments from clients… I’m sure you agree with me when I say that:

It TOTALLY sucks!

So, is there any way to make the problem of debt collection suck less?

Well, it turns out that there are one trick that works great:

Use well-crafted email templates.

Here we’ve collected some insanely useful email templates for collecting payments from clients faster

Template 1 (find original here)

[Subject:] Your payment for [Project X][Client’s name],

I recently sent you an invoice dated [date], for [services rendered]. The total cost reflected in the invoice is [$X]. While I’ve worked up to standard and delivered on time, the compensation still hasn’t arrived. According to our agreement, the payment terms are below. [Insert relevant details here, preferably in bold for emphasis.] According to these terms, the payment ball is clearly in your court. If you’re going through difficulties, please let me know, and we’ll work to reach a solution together. Otherwise, I’ll be expecting your payment by [date X], and will be contacting you on [date Y] if any issues still remain. Thanks, [Your name] [contact details, website]

Template 2 (find original here)

SUBJ: Account Alert: Your payment is due today. [Invoice ]

$FIRSTNAME – The payment date for your invoice was # days ago. To keep in good standing, please pay by end of day. * To make a payment now (and avoid service interruption,) please visit: * Thanks for being an $YOURNAME client!

Template 3 (find original here)

SUBJ: Account Alert: Payment reminder for overdue invoice ### The payment date for your invoice has past. * To keep $CLIENTBUSINESS in good standing (and avoid service interruption,) please pay now at: $INVOICEURL *

Template 4 (find original here)

Hi [..],

A quick note to say that I am really disappointed that you have still not paid me the [..] that I’m owed for the work I did for you. In the grand scheme of things, it’s not a lot of money, but actually I think that this is more a matter of respect.

I have always been there at the drop of a hat to sort out any problems you might have. I love working with you and have always taken our relationship as more than just client/supplier. But if I can’t rely on you paying promptly or it takes several attempts and reminders to get my money, that’s not good business.

I’m not saying that I don’t want to work with you, I do. But if I don’t receive what I am owed within the next couple of days, I will have to think twice about helping you in the future.

Kind regards
Your Name

Template 5 (find original here)

Dear — -,

I hope this note finds you well. I want to follow up on an invoice I emailed on April 1. I haven’t received the payment yet, so I wanted to ensure the email isn’t lost somewhere in depths of cyberspace. Would you please check to see if the accounts payable department has received it? I’ll be happy to resend if necessary. Otherwise, I look forward to receiving payment within a week.

I really appreciate your help! Thanks!


Template 6 (find original here)

Dear — -,

We wanted to touch base with you about your account here with us. We hope that you are satisfied with the services that we’ve been providing over the last 4 months, and based on your feedback on our last phone call we’ve noted that you are satisfied based on the amount of return you’ve been getting on your investment with us.

As of last week, your account is past due. We are a small business and each payment is necessary to fuel our operations, which includes the in-house technicians that we pay to work on your campaign.

You can pay us by check, credit card, or PayPal.

If you have any questions, please let us know and we’d be happy to respond.

Thank you for your patronage.

Template 7 (find original here)

Dear — -,

I hope you have are enjoying a productive week.

Request: Payment or a phone call today to discuss payment options.

I noticed that your invoice is overdue by 25 days and wanted to reach out to make sure that you received our original invoice and my reminder email on 5/15.

I’m concerned that you may not be aware that your invoice is 25 days overdue to reach out to you immediately before a late fee of X% is added to your outstanding balance.

.. I have included it here just in case you hadn’t received it or misplaced.

Could you please reply to me via email or call me directly at 800–908–1568 by the end of the day and let me know you received this?

As a reminder we do take payment by CC, direct deposit or with a check.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the service we provided on 5/1 or on your outstanding balance please call me personally so that I can make sure that you have an excellent experience with us.

As always we are grateful for your support and loyalty.

Warm Regards,

Template 8 (find original here)

Dear {client};

You have been a valued customer for many years, and you have always been conscientious about paying your bills within the 30-day payment period. This is just a reminder that your payment of {amount} for invoice # {0000} has not been received by our office. If you forgot to mail us your payment, please send it today. If you have already mailed your check, please disregard this notice.

As always, if you have any questions or problems feel free to contact us at {phone number} or {email address}.


{Your Name} {Your Title}

Template 9 (find original here)

Dear {client};

We know that life can sometimes be difficult and staying on top of invoices is not always easy. That’s why we wanted to send you a friendly reminder regarding invoice # {000} in the amount of {$.00} that is currently past due. If you experienced an issue with your order, please do let us know. If you have any questions regarding this invoice, please call us at {phone} or contact us via {email}.

We value your business and are here to help you. If your payment has already been submitted, we thank you and please disregard this notice.


{Your Name} {Your Title}

Date: DD/MM/YY

Template 10 (find original here)

Dear Sirs,

Outstanding Account Value: £X,XXX.XX

The above sum was due for payment on DD/MM/YY but as at today’s date no payment has been received.

Should your company have any legitimate reason for non payment, please contact us within the next seven days so we can fully investigate any issue.

Should no query exist please be aware our payment terms are strictly XX days and we make no provision for extended credit terms in our pricing structure.


Template 11 (find original here)

Dear Sirs,

Outstanding Account Value: £X,XXX.XX

As at today’s date, we have yet to receive payment of the outstanding amount, which is now considerably overdue.

Our company has not yet levied any late payment or interest charges under “The Late Payment of Commercial debts (Interest) Act 1998 (as supplemented and amended)”.

However should payment in full not be received within the next seven days we may add these charges to your account. Please also note that our company has a policy of ceasing supply of work/services to any organisation with an account more than XX days in arrears.

We trust this will not be necessary and look forward to receiving payment by return.

Regards XXXXXX

There you go, clear, actionable email templates that help you collect late payments and which lets you focus on your work rather than inventing new ways of collecting late payments.

Originally published at on April 21, 2015.




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