A Liberal Talk About Melania Trump.

7 min readMar 22, 2022


Tell me what she did, that was so shocking or distasteful.

“What about the secret recording of her talking about the child separation at the border?”

Ok. Now, what I love about that one, is that it was a secret recording. You will be hearing the unabashed truth. Like that told to Catholic priests in their confessionals.

Melania Trump tapes: Secret recordings reveal reaction to Christmas decorations, immigrant children:

The really important part to me on this is perspective. I am not sure I am right, but all indication I see of her character, indicate I just might be. At this point of time, she has already learned that fake media is real. Everyone knows it. It’s either Fox News and their many terrible so-called reporters, from drunk Jeanine Pirro or White Supremacist Tucker Carlson, or guiltier than your serial killer Sean Hannity, to the I will say anything for the next paycheck Laura Ingraham, I mean the list goes on in that nuthouse.

Seriously, why is it, we have laws that protect our news media. The freaking FIRST Amendment, is dedicated to the Freedom of Speech, and thereby to the Freedom of the press. We all want that. But we have no laws that protect the People from the Press? Fox News gave us Trump. Fox News is doing what Russia has failed to do. It is destroying America from within. We are our own worst enemy, because of Fox News. We have always been divided in ideology. But since the Civil War, we have never hated each other so much.

Back to the media and our trust in it. Do we have it? Can anyone honestly say they trust the media fully? I can, but not coming solely from the mainstream media. More a collection of people I like as people, and that I value as being good. Mostly. This list is long and include practically all the greatest Comedians in my book, John Oliver, Stephen Colbert, Samantha Bee, Jon Stewart, Craig Ferguson, Trevor Noah, Desi Lydic, Jordan Klepper, woah I am really going on, they are all so great, Roy Wood Jr. Ok, it’s official, I am addicted, Seth Meyers, to a special kind of comedy. I admit. But, it is not just the comedy, Jimmy Kimmel and Fallon, it’s the actual freaking people, Trevor Noah hits you with his looks, wit and mostly to me, his empathy. You feel it in his ‘Between the Scenes’ where he connects with the audience. Like no one before. And when Anna Kendrick (funny, as I am writing this, I forgot her name, had to look it up, and I googled “cups”, a song I loved, had no idea she sang, until AFTER she was on the show with Trevor Noah) walked in to be part of those scenes. You just knew why. Cause you loved those scenes just as much as she did. As it was the scenes where people saw the full Trevor Noah. And we love him.

Even Bill Maher, I love hearing his views too. Cause often he is right, his problem is, he is often right before everyone else is.

So, because of those comedians, and because of commentators of the news and other things, like David Pakman and Beau of the Fifth Column. I am well aware of whom I can trust to tell me, what they find to be the truth. The reason is simple. They all care about the truth, about honesty, and about humanity. And so do I. And I know I am not always right. None of us are. But you can’t always trust the news, and the media are far worse than any comedian or any commentator I listen to. They are wrong so often, that we ALL can understand, that the news Melania get, the things she is told when visiting these centers. And then hear the “lies” coming from the so-called left media groups like CNN. She then either have to believe they are right, knowing they often lie or don’t tell the whole truth, or the things she saw herself, and was being told to believe at the time she did.

You tend to belief the first lie, especially if the second turns out to be a lie first.

Think about that. I had to.

So, when I hear this tape, I believe in honesty. And I honestly believe she believes what she says. And if she does, can anyone really blame her for thinking the media is indeed, fake news?

Regardless of what we know is the “truth”, her “truth” certainly sounds to be different. So, to her, we are the liars. And that is a trend that goes on. Every time she tries something, we the left, portrayed it as something sinister, something Machiavellian. Like her “Be Best” campaign.

Seriously, if you want a better, everything. “Be Best” is the best slogan you can follow to get there. Because if we all did our best, we would vote on who we truly believe is best. And since we can’t lie to ourselves, we will eventually admit that discrimination is wrong, that looking away as children are being violated is wrong, or taking a trip when one’s state freeze over. Then slowly, over time, that vote would actually be on a good person. And not another Ted Cruz.

To summarize, I believe Melania is honest in this secret recording, because of deductive reasoning that works for me. Might not be fool proof, but I trust my reasoning:

  • Since it is a secret recording, it is one we are to believe would not have been released had she known it was recorded. Ipso Facto, she is being honest.
  • If she is honest, then she truly believes the children were better off, than where they came from, and away from the criminals that tried to smuggle them in.
  • Anyone that think that, has empathy, and empathy is humanity’s greatest gift.

That is my reasoning. And every time there is something that comes up in regard to Melania, I get it.

She did not love Trump. Pretty sure after she was pregnant, that was it, with sex. Then Trump does what Trump does, have sex with porn stars and Playboy Models. Good for him. It’s his money, it’s his life, and we should seriously decriminalize prostitution. But she is not a fool to reject all the luxury his crocked lifestyle provides. Her life, her choice. Wouldn’t be mine, but I die before giving credence and class to what we now know is a monster, waiting to be unleashed. America’s own Tyrant.

But to be fair. All that came later in her life. At worst she was a trophy wife. And I honestly have nothing against that. That is consent, and then its none of my business. Good for you both.

“Alright, what about the time she wore the jacket with “I really don’t care, do you?”

Really? That’s just more of the same. She is way past listening or trusting any media. She couldn’t stand Fox News before she started to distrust the more liberal media. But since they consistently lie about what she believes is the truth, and a truth she experienced herself…

Yeah, I wear a jacket to tell the media to fuck off.

“The time she plagiarized Michelle Obama’s speech”?

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. And you don’t try to flatter people you don’t admire. Was this ever mentioned by anyone that were reporting on this? Shout out to anyone that did, because we all should know this to be true. It’s why we on the left are repulsed when we see the Trump sycophants kiss up to him. And why the right doesn’t see that, because to them, it’s just flattery and they do that because they admire him.

To me that’s more repulsive. They care about his wealth and how powerful he appears. While I look at his character, and I don’t like what I see. I generally don’t like people that think they alone can fix things. And I would advise people to listen to Mary Trump’s and her incredible insight into the persona that was and now is, Trump. Cause over time he changed, and hs was there to see it. Everything I would think or already think about Trump, I knew before I heard about her, as many have, but I doubt any of us had the insight into the history that shaped Trump. But once you really listen to her, and believe that at least she believes what she says. It will make a lot more sense why Trump lost New York City so overwhelmingly. His own city would rather NOT be associated with his name, forever. Sadly, there is also a reason why he got more votes in 2020 than in 2016 … We should really look into that.

As for the speech. We can then either assume, she knew it was Michelle Obama’s speech, or that she was not only unaware, but that no one on her team told her it was. That’s a lot to ask, so I assume she knew.

But the best part to me, is that, no one holds a speech, they don’t believe in. So at the very least, she agrees with Michelle Obama, knowingly or not, and that is something Trump always has to live with.

The fact she held this speech, made me like her a lot more, regardless if her intention was to throw shade on Trump or not, she held the speech and that’s enough.


I lie, it makes it so much better. Everything about this is great.

I could go on and on. And I could probably come up with an excuse or reason, or alternative reality explanation for whatever. My point is though. We didn’t give Melania much of a chance, and for being on the left, that is shameful. If I am even remotely right about anything, then we jumped right on that train to vilify her, a tad bit too fast.

I don’t think we owe her an apology. I do think we should at the very least, listen to her without the bias, and with the perspective of being Melania.


Twitter: @JustADad




Aspiring writer. Articles and books (in the works) on my views and philosophy that is based on empathy and wisdom. Knowing that none of us are always right.