Elon Musk — Community Notes

7 min readMar 5, 2024


Is this feature on X-Twitter working?

What is Community Notes? It is a tool X-Twitter has made that allows certain people to add valid notes to a post. Often calling out a lie, yet the post remain. Lately, Elon Musk has been brainwashed by far right ideology and as a result, his posts often have Community Notes.

I find it highly disturbing that someone like Elon Musk consistently post from terrible sources like Daily Mail. If you find your “truth” from a source that repeatedly lie, then perhaps you need a lesson in common sense.

While this notes is true, and I will show other links, I have to say this note was not helpful, due to the fact that the link bring you to this:

Search for Daily Mail, owned by the 4th Viscount Rothermere in England, and you will quickly see it is a tabloid and highly unrealiable:

The issue however is how often Elon Musk re-post a lie from grifters or known sites that are highly unrealiable. In fact, what he is showing if one analyze it, is how corrupt we have allowed the press to be, and how he is brainwashed to … what? trust these people and sites?

Community Notes adds context, often they straight out call out the lie:

Another re-post of something wrong and directly hurtful to Democracy. Dislike immigrants as much as you like, but if you are being lied to, you should be upset. Base your views on facts and reality.

Two notes, does Elon Musk read them and go, oh shit I messed up there. Spreading hate and ignorancy to people on my own platform?

I doubt it. As his views has not changed, he still clings to the notion that America is being overrun by illegal aliens. When in fact, they are seeking asylum, which is a major difference.

The narrative of the far left: There are no borders and we are all humanity. The narrative of the far right: They are all murderers and rapists.

Extreme ideologies is never the approach. There is a reason for borders, and until the world are more united in that ideology, that we are all part of Humanity, and we all deserve a good life. There will be a need for borders.

Calling people monters is equally stupid, particularly in a country that allow mass shootings to go on and on. Americans are killing Americans daily, and they focus their anger on people that seek a better life. It is demented, and it is by design.

What is it the RNC and DNC wants more than anything? To keep the people from uniting. Plain and simple. The system only works for the rich, if the people fight among themselves, it works for them. For that they have politicians that make sure, the people will not unite. For that, politicians are giving a whole new life style of wealth and connections. Their donors will make sure they are taken cared off, as long as they make sure the people stay in two camps, fighting each other over which party of corrupt politicians that is the correct party to vote on.

I make it simple. Vote on any politician that wants Universal Healthcare. It is what most Americans want:

There is a huge debate on how though. What it boils down to for me is the Constitution’s first three words: We the People.

Politicians has one job, work for the people. It is their only job. To make lives better for the people. Are there truly anyone that believe healthcare is not that important to a good life? If it is, then it is the job of politicians to make it that people have access and can afford it. Best way to do that, is to make it like most of the civilized world have done, in a form of Universal Healthcare.

An older post that show Elon Musk has NOT learned from Community Notes that happens on his platform, on his own re-posts. Everything Elon Musk said on this post, is a lie?

Now statistically, this is a LOT of Community Notes. I am not sure what I signed up for when I got access to see Community Notes and interact with them before they are posted. But this is how it should be done. I hope it is used the way it should. For Justice, you need Truth and Facts.

For this platform to be what it should be, a place for Humanity to connect, it need to seek the highest virtue we have. Justice.

Only then will we unite.

Now, as I learned one has to interact with these Community Notes before they are released. Which means a lot of extra unpaid work for me. It’s good I am currently looking for a job, as I got time right now to do just that. It is important, more than most people can even begin to fathom, comprehend, wrap their head around. We have all been so finely tuned to indoctrination that we are all victims of it.

The success of a platform that truly seek to unite Humanity, could do that. Bring the light of Justice to Humanity, the only way we can unite and end all wars.

I want to draw attention to the one I did NOT Find Helpful.

Why is that?

I certainly did not read through all those links the previous Community Notes had made. I looked at the consistency of all those comments, and they all provide links.

The last one, did what he accused the other people off. Having an opinion. Yet failed to provide a link. To an indisputable fact. That should be easy, right?

Then why are not all the Community Notes found Helpful?

I got the idea for this article at this point. So, first this. Then back later and dive into this. Though, statistically and using common sense. Community Notes nailed it. Wonder if their hard work gets paid off. Will it change this platform to the betterment of Humanity?

Facts matter, and the least one can do for Community Notes is to back up your opinion.

The biggest question remain, will it have an impact? Do people even read Community Notes? I always advertise that people should look in the comment sections of X-Twitter. Community Notes is really taking it to the next level of finding facts and truth faster. It is an extremely powerful tool, if used right. But it is voluntary, and that can have a cost. Demand at least a link to those that make Community Notes.

Opinions is for the comment sections, or articles, podcasts, talk shows or the so called news.

I really hope Elon Musk are reading the Community Notes. Sadly, it does not appear so, as he keep repeating the same lies on Democrats view of the Border, an issue that is volatile in America.

Let’s not forget reality, where Republicans killed their own Border Bill.

It is of course explained away by career politicians.

Meanwhile we have this new case on Biden’s so called 94 executive orders … Go back and read this artile all over as many times as you like.

It’s all free.




Aspiring writer. Articles and books (in the works) on my views and philosophy that is based on empathy and wisdom. Knowing that none of us are always right.