Frontline: Before The Mets, Steve Cohen Was The Hedge-Fund King (full documentary)

7 min readSep 2, 2022


With commentaries. I do love Frontline.

Alright, right of the bat:
0:45 we all knew this. Martha Stewart¹ was out in prison for this. Because she was advised to sell. Nancy Pelosi is famous for her stock market “decisions”², and while she is smart. She is not “winning” the stock marker by being smart. She is a major reason why I am not a Democrat, but a Progressive. Trading by our elected leaders is such a breach of Ethics. We all know this. They know it. But they still do and nothing changes, and no one is punished (unless you Martha Stewart or another civilian caught doing what so many of them do). Loeffler and Perdue were both Republican Senators that lost in Georgia³, when this country more than ever needed Democrats to win. They won those two seats, I would guess because too many were pissed of Loeffler’s and Perdue’s insider trading. And shame on anyone that still voted on them. You literally accepted corruption. But to this day, neither Loeffler or Perdue has had any consequences for betraying their constituents, for corrupting our Democracy. The system shelters them, because the system is what is wrong. We fixed nothing by having Martha Stewart in prison. We need to fix the Stock Market.

0:55 Oh the good old “No one is above the Law, he must be a Democrat. If he was a Republican he would spew a similar line “Law and Order”, but people that think care only about one thing “Justice”. We have no real Justice in America. So his “tough” on crime speech, is pretty lame.

3:55 10b5–1⁴ is a pretty important legislation, so it is great, that it is so easy and obvious to find and read, and understand. Another way for the rich to obfuscate the system, to get away with all their illegal schemes. Worst part, very rarely do they get caught, and it is even more rare, anyone suffer the consequences from it. Today, it is worse than ever.

5:35 Amassing a vast amount of money, by screwing with people’s lives and businesses. He along with so many the greedy selfish people worship, gave us Trump. Wealth acquired with no ethics. With exploiting people. With ruining lives. This is the evil politicians had made a reality in America.

6:20 That is chilling. No one was paying attention. They were ruining lives, and still are. And no one was paying attention? Has they learned nothing from history? All great empires fall to their own ability to stem corruption and the rise of wealth of the rich, at the cost of pain and suffering by the poor.
Look around today. America is a shithole, CA is a place of paradise and hell on earth. Being poor means life in suffering.

9:20 That’s a failed system, and why we need to change the stock market. As this is also human behavior. We want to win, we want what is best for us. We can’t change humanity with a magic wand. But we can fix the system, but listening to the experts. Clearly the stock market is a playground for the rich, to steal money for the less fortunate.

12:45 There he nails it. How do you truly regulate insider trading? My solution, you can’t, so you don’t, you fix how the stock market works.

13:50 Fuck his charity. Charities are used by too many rich people, to buy likeability. They are so dirty, they try to buy back karma. Sadly I don’t believe in Karma or punishment in an imaginary after life. We need to make our world better. We need to prevent sociopath like Cohen to ruin it for so many, the wealth of the rich like him, is gained on the pain and suffering of the poor.

16:45 John Moon, the look of the heroes we need.

18:35 Again. Fix the stock market. You can’t fix some people’s greed, and they will continue to ruin it for others. Just to get what they want, which is always. never enough.

21:10 In the world of the corrupted. It is not you are, but who you know.

21:40 And there lies the real reason why Republicans always yell about “smaller government”, what they mean is: more police, more prisons, less freedom and more order, and less IRS agents looking into their ways of life.

23:30 Again. We can’t fix humanity to not oppose the system we have. We have to end how Wall Street and the Stock Market works. Remove that which is broken, and which is used to make our society more corrupt.

25:20 And Martha Stewart went to prison …

31:20 When they know the laws. And they construct systems to circumvent those laws. They are still criminals, and they broken what really matter when we make laws. The spirit of the law, is to achieve some form of Justice.

32:18 I love how these journalists at Frontline are always prepared and have done their research. Keeping the people they interview on the spot.

32:25 Denying what he wrote, meant what he wrote. I am surprised he agreed to do the interview.

33:50 Our stock market is destroying the world.

36:30 All that work, all that money they made corrupting our system. profiting of others misery. People that had been sold the lie “buy high, sell low”, when the real trick has always been “it’s who you know”.
We have to change our stock market, it is literally corrupting the whole world. It is the greatest evil humanity has ever created.

All those hours investigating. An operation like this has taken tremendous amount of time and planning. it is insane to think, they only get less than 4 years. I can’t even begin to scream loud enough. Ask what the punishment for weed is. Especially if you are black. And you wonder why BLM rose up. And why it resonate with the people. Then look at the freaking Justice, failing us again. Less than 4 years for all that pain and suffering they have caused?

38:18 The one incredible good give away on this. Is that is brings trust back to the FBI. This was masterly done. This was an incredible operation. One the people really needed. One that went after those that ruin our society with their greed. Too bad, our Justice system shelter the rich and connected, and punish the poor.
But FBI, they did their job with respect.

39:30 He is surrounded by crooks. By he is not a crook. Sounds familiar. This however is the reason why we need to change the problem. We need to fix the stock market.

42:50 They had just been involved in an investigation into insider trading. And they do this. They know there are eyes on them, and they don’t give a fuck. Because they are sociopaths, and the system is build to shelter the rich and punish the poor. And they were very rich. If they were to serve any time, they would end up in a “prison” like Ghislaine Maxwell. Because apparently sex trafficking children gives you the golden treatment.

This worlds corruption, sickens me. We have to change the stock market.

43:20 But it’s a good thing. That while the system is set to shelter them. It is also made to capture people like them. And those agents did their job.

43:25 Oh great. Class action lawsuit. Invented by lawyers…So much corruption. Come on America, wake up. Do better. Vote with your heart.

44:25 His I don’t give a shit attitude, reminds me of Trump. Both know how rotten the system is. Both believe they have too much power to go down. And both are sociopaths.

44:40 He is clearly lying. He puts up his arms, in defense move as well. but being a sociopath. He don’t have many feelings. However, logic dictates, he is lying.

45:20 They have so many names, to so many different schemes, and none of them said. Hey, let’s change the stock market.

46:19 Wow, that was some serious thinking. Right, he had no idea what was in his company laws. The system is literally created for people like him.

47:15 The irony is of course. Many politicians like Pelosi openly do insider trading now. We also have to change Congress.

48:20 Again, journalist comes prepared, and put them on the spot. Wonder how much of those interviews that is not shown to us. I am certain there is a lot more treasure missed out on. This was perfect though. Typical lawyer speech “allegations”. The system has so damn many loop holes and protections for the rich and connected.

48:30 Just like so many individuals around Trump have plead guilty. Yet they are all out and having better lives than I ever will. That most of us ever will.

48:40 Yeah, and you one of them. Too smooth, to arrogant to think he can talk through these interviews. Nope, these guys have done their research. He is cracking. “There are bad guys out there”, oh please.

48:50 Hey it’s Preet Bharara, love that guy. He is one smart cookie.

49:29 There are not many that gives me faith in the system. He does.

50:10 always wonder what a corrupt judge looked like. And recently, I seen too many. Four Supreme Court Judges broke their oath, and one is a traitor. A judge ruined my life. It’s not a lot of faith I have, or America has in our Justice system. Why are they even allowed to belong to a party?

51:00 And let me guess, Republicans are not really onboard with this one. Something something something, free market, constitution, blah blah. They are sheltering the rich and connected.

And they practically walk free.

Wow, as always Frontline did not disappoint.





Aspiring writer. Articles and books (in the works) on my views and philosophy that is based on empathy and wisdom. Knowing that none of us are always right.