Twitter Special — Tucker Carlson

7 min readApr 24, 2023


Fired from Fox News.

A week after the Dominion lawsuit. When everyone was thinking Fox News was going to get away with it. This happened:

Tucker Carlson out at Fox News, 1 week after Dominion settlement.

Reported on all the major Networks. So it must be true. This happened like 1 hour ago, and I am sure as breaking news everywhere.

That is how huge this is. Tucker Carlson was the face of White Supremacy and he has gotten away with lying to the American people all this time.

Let’s get some perspective and look at some of the work dome by many through the years. Trying to expose and show everyone, who Tucker really was, and he was certainly not someone you could trust. So why would you listen to him?

Let’s start with one of the best sources to get news. Not always accurate, and certainly opinion based. But fun and sometimes, you just can’t deny the facts they do use.

The Daily Show:

July 17 2021

The Worst of Tucker Carlson?

One line alone should resound in your mind.

“One thing couldn’t be denied. Tucker Carlson said all that. Out loud. On purpose. Knowing other people would hear him”.

Remember that for later.

Let’s have a few Tweets to see how they are taking this breaking news.

Yes Steve Bannon, the conman that scammed Trump followers. Because Fox News viewer really care what he has to say. Though they certainly care about Tucker Carlson being fired. That pisses them off.

They should see who Tucker’s allies are … like Steve Bannon.

If the culture is still the same. Then maybe Fox News use these firing of their biggest names, only as a sacrifice to silence the mob. We will see want happens next. Looking forward to see the Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson interview. Then wonder what Elon think now.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver — Tucker Carlson.

A great team, doing amazing work together in research and their writings.

Presented by British Bird.

Learn why White Supremacists watched Tucker Carlson, and think, he was fired for lying, not for his views.

Seth Meyers — A Closer Look: Tucker Carlson Said He Hates Trump.

The fact this alone didn’t get Tucker Carlson fired…

This was another gem of a segment. The lies they are willing to commit, on the screen for everyone to see. It is insane, no integrity, no sense of Justice, no care for the evil they do, knowing their lies spread pain and suffering to the people.

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert — Tucker Carlson is the Biggest Hypocrite at Fox News.

They are all guilty. Including those lower down the chain. That’s the system. That’s what they rely on. That so many desperately need work. They would accept liars that makes America worse as their boss, or the face of the place they work.

Again insane this was not enough to get him fired.

Jon Stewart

The Mentor. The one that learned from giants, and taught his Wisdom the right way. Judging from all the students and colleagues he has had. Just ask them.

Let’s go back 8 Years on C-Span …

Tucker Carlson on Jon Stewart “What he had to say was dumb”.

Let’s hear what he said:

Jon Stewart on Crossfire.

When he spelled it out, not just to Crossfire, which was canceled after this. But to the MEDIA. This was 17 years ago. I do not think all of them listened.

9:58 “Where is your morale opinion on this?”

“I don’t have any.”

“I know.”

I couldn’t do what Jon Stewart do. That was biting words, but also seriously, who freaking care about Bill O’Reilly’s vibrator story? Like what? Who cares? Really what is wrong with you? Why do you care?

And what an opening for the coming back comment to a guest by Tucker: “Jon Stewart who was just lecturing us of our moral inferiority”.

What do you expect except for fighting words?

10:53 Donald Trump watched this and said “Hold my bucket”.

This is proof Jon Stewart is NOT a fortune teller.

12:25 Agree. I written it many times. We can personally use the end justify the means. But we can’t accept a government that use that. Every action has to be the best we can for the people. Starting by honoring their quality of life. Repair this broken system, where even a Supreme Court Judge is a traitor, a tax evaders that got Al Cabone, got nothing on a Black man in a robe, owned and bought by the rich that run this country.

That’s how this work. Greed is the currency for power and influence, and for the quality of life.

Sure CNN canceled the show. But it only got worse, Trump followed, BLM and Jan 6th happened.

They only cancel and fire. They never change. We have to be the ones demanding the change to happen. We have to push for a better quality of life.

July 17 2019

Something rare happened on Fox News, Jon Stewart was on with John Feal.

Like a little coincidence they both named “Jon” spelled differently. And one is Stewart, defender and the other is Feal, as feel, compassion for.

Both are for real and they won over this massively corrupt system, because they united.

Let’s see some more Tweets.

Wow, and he is a Presidential candidate.

Lying to use it on his own agenda that he has been heavily critiqued from by the left. What a low.

Marianne Williamson have something far better to say about this I am sure.

Again I wonder. Did the firing of Bill O’Reilly really end the sexual harassment at Fox News?

Will the firing of Tucker Carlson stop Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham for continuing their lies and propaganda?

Greed buy you soul. There is no low they won’t go to sell a story of go gulfing in Saudi Arabia or apologize for having an opinion in someone’s native language. A good and rightful opinion to have. If China wants Taiwan, it will have to be Taiwan’s decision. If China becomes a country that Taiwan one day wished they were part of, like mich of Europe wish they were part of Switzerland. Then, maybe one day they would ask to return to an older culture. But through war or any pain and suffering, and that will only continue to grow dissent and no Empire, can survive that kind of strategy to conquer what is not theirs, and haven’t been for as long as it matter. Since people settle there and made a culture out of it.

I am sure within days there will be a lot of talk about this. Much celebration and much planning on whom next to get the “truth” from. If we don’t fix the system, we only removing a problem that got to visible.

Now to Tucker Carlson and Elon Musk:

Elon Musk reveals the goals of the new Twitter.

Like a 12 min long commercial for Twitter.

7:00 is exactly what it was. The old Twitter was trash. Gotten banned 3 times that made no sense. I wrote an article about it. Then a permanent ban for reminding Ted Cruz about Uvalde. Wrote about that:

10:00 Propaganda, sticking the finger to the government. Which party? You support one, hate the other Tucker. Yet this is the government, both sides. You don’t stick it to the government, you a grifter. And so far, Elon has not delivered on what he said he would. It is a long process and the team is certain to make mistakes. The way verification has gone, could be a LOT better, and still trust in Twitter is low.

11:56 Good on him to make it clear, he decided on the lesser evil in this terrible system.

12:30 The whole idea of meeting in the middle, really only work when you in the middle. There are no meeting in the middle, when both parties are really right of middle for most other countries that are doing better.

Elon Musk tells Tucker potential dangers of hyper-intelligent AI.

Like a master telling a child about the concept. This would have been a far more interesting talk, had this been between Elon Musk and Isaac Asimov.

1:20 Elon telling all you libertarians he is very pro government. That doesn’t mean he agree with all the kinds of regulations we have. Many makes sense.

3:10 As Elon stated, many regulations they agree with and comply with.

Think on that Republicans.

10:30 Listen how the liar at Fox News spin that whole thing into Elon Musk said the left wants to use AI to control you.

Today that man was fired. Not for all the horrible things he has said and done, but for losing Fox News near 800 million dollars. And likely more behind the scenes with sponsors. Where the real gold is spun.

Who does Elon Musk feel about all this now?




Aspiring writer. Articles and books (in the works) on my views and philosophy that is based on empathy and wisdom. Knowing that none of us are always right.