1 min readMar 6, 2017


Hi everybody! I’ve been away on (a much-needed and awesome) vacation for the past week and a half (and caught up on all the articles I missed while stuck in a Houston hotel on Saturday night) so didn’t estimate on Friday.

Friday was just hanging out at our lodge for the last night of our trip. Saturday, we got up, packed, went to the airport, returned our rental car, and started our voyages home. In Houston, I paid for dinner ($34.38) since my boyfriend was slightly ahead on vacation-related expenditures. His flight back to Portugal left that night, while I went to a hotel near the airport (pre-paid) for the night. Sunday I took the free shuttle back to the airport, ate breakfast in the United lounge, and then took my two flights home. My roommate picked me up at the airport and then I just went home and did laundry and caught up on the rest of the internet.

Also #billfoldlivejournal, my boyfriend asked me to marry him during the trip so now I have some new spreadsheets to make!




Mostly just spreadsheets, books, whiskey, and refined carbs.