The Ultimate Home Cleaning Guide

Eva Cooper
14 min readAug 21, 2014


Everything you didn’t know about cleaning … and you were afraid to ask

There are many ways to clean the house, unfortunately not all are efficient and many people loose a lot of time because they haven’t found the right way to clean. I’ll give you some tips and you can decide if my advice is useful and will it work for you. All of the tips won’t reduce cleaning at least not the way you want, but they will in time save you a lot of time. I really hope the information here will be useful and help you in dealing with the cleaning chores faster and easier.

Estimate and distribute the cleaning chores

We will begin with the basics, you have to be aware of how much work you have to deal with. The first thing you have to do is sit and make list of all the chores that have to be completed. Decide which one have to be done daily, weekly and monthly of course there are the annual ones, but we will talk about them later on. Now it is time to distribute the chores, no one expects you to deal with everything so don’t even try.

At first I wanted to manage with the work, cleaning and taking care for the children, but pretty soon I understood this isn’t possible. Although my beloved mother-in-law told me I was not a good wife because I asked my husband for help. This is probably the worst thing anyone can do – let other people decide what is best for you and your family.

Involve the family members

Ladies, it’s ok to split the housework with your husband or boyfriend especially if you have a full time job. You can ask him to vacuum clean the floor or to wash the windows. Washing the dishes is not a women’s work and everybody who tries to convince you the opposite is wrong. If you both don’t enjoy dishwashing, buy a dishwasher and the problem is solved. If you have kids involve them in the cleaning too – you can make it feel like a game. You can ask them to arrange their clothes or take out the trash.

Now, let’s see how to deal with the cleaning in all the rooms of your home.


The kitchen is one of the most important places in home. It is the place where food is prepared, and the family gathers to eat and spend some time together. It is in the kitchen, however, that collect the most dangerous bacteria and should be cleaned thoroughly and regularly to avoid health problems.

The kitchen counter is where most of the food is prepared. Just for this reason it should be perfectly cleaned. After each cooking on the counter, spray it with disinfectant to clean it. The nozzle of the fountain is very convenient, as you can adjust it but you need to clean it also. Many bacteria are collected inside and more or less polluted water comes with every letdown. To disinfect it you may soak the filter in white vinegar once a week.

The chopping board is a true haven for germs, especially if you use a wooden board. Unfortunately frequent washing with hot water and dish soap does not solve the problem. One solution is to use a plastic board or to replace the wooden one more often. Another option is to clean the board with a mixture of bleach and warm water. Pour the mixture in a spray bottle and use it to wash the board every time you use it.

Have you ever thought how often even unconsciously you have wiped your hands on the kitchen towel while cooking? Surely you do not always wash them off with soap before. This helps the development of a number of bacteria in it. So a better option is to use kitchen roll paper. If you dry the dishes with a towel, then use it only for this purpose and do not wipe your hands.

The carpet and the furniture upholstery in the kitchen also get different types of stains. Unfortunately most of those stains contain oil and you need to react fast to clean the area. You may use special detergents or you may treat the stains with water and white vinegar cleaning mixture.

Everything that falls into the sink is able to create bacteria. You need to wash it regularly with sponge and bleach or other strong disinfectant designed specially for sink cleaning. Another important point is to remember to dispose the kitchen trash can as often as possible. Do not wait to be filled up with rubbish and scraps of food, but empty and clean it more often.

Living room

Living room is the place that makes the first impression of your home because you usually invite your guests to this room, right? Believe it or not the first thing people see when they enter the living room is the couch. So, take sofa cleaning seriously, because no one enjoys dusty upholstery. I’m sure you have chosen wisely one which will suit your needs and match the interior. Nevertheless I would like to tell you a few things about upholstery because this is what people see. There are two different kinds natural and man-made, although they have some similarities they’re very different. One you decide which type you want things don’t get a lot easier because the sub-types are a lot.

Is Synthetic Better Than Natural Fabric?

I’ll try to present the advantages and disadvantages of both categories so your choice is easier, but I warn you that I have my preferences. Of course I’ll try to be impartial therefore I’ll start with the synthetic ones first. To almost every specimen which is natural there is a synthetic one invented – for example silk. You know that this material is very expensive and not many people can afford it, moreover it is not durable therefore not suitable for upholstery.

On the other hand man-made silk has all the qualities natural one doesn’t and it is affordable, it is also not sensitive wetness. If you’re not an expert and you haven’t dealt with fabrics professionally you won’t be able to make a comparison between the two. You’ll know it is not genuine once you look at the price, another advantage of synthetic silk is that is is durable the real one is not. The same applies for all the other man-made fabrics which resemble natural ones.

Probably the only exception is leather – you either purchase the real thing or don’t buy it at all, at least that is my opinion. There is one exception suede, if you want to have it get faux one because the genuine one is just not suitable for anything. Not that it is not nice as a fabric, on the contrary but first of all is it not durable. Second it is sensitive to sunlight, it is not tolerant to cleaning solutions of any kind and water or any liquid can damage it permanently.

Natural Materials Have Advantages Too

As for the other fabrics there is a saying: “The copy can never be like the original, it will look the same but deep down you’ll know it is a copy.” I think I read it in a book one but I can’t remember which one, the point is no matter how good it is the copy is only this, nothing more. This is my opinion about all synthetic fabrics except for microfibre, I really admire the person who invented it because it is amazing probably your best choice if you prefer man-made fabrics.

If not I recommend cotton or leather, I know both have nothing in common but they have unique qualities which are not to be underestimated. For example leather is by far the most durable material for anything from shoes, clothing, to upholstery. Keep in mind that it is expensive, really expensive if you want high quality prepare to give a small fortune. The investment will pay itself and the touch of leather can’t be compared but it will take time.


Bedroom is the most private room of the house, so make sure it’s always tidy and cozy. A messy bedroom can make you feel nervous and tired. I have prepared tips and ideas for easier cleaning of the bedroom area. It will make sure you never forget any of the cleaning activities and your bedroom is always clean and cosy.

Here’s a step by step guide for a clean bedroom:

  1. Before you start with the actual cleaning actions, you need to remove everything that will make it more difficult for you to clean the room. Remove anything that does not belong to the bedroom – any toys from the floor, dishes and cups. You may also keep some clothes outside the closet – check if they are clean and find the right place for them.
  2. Use a microfiber piece of cloth and water and clean the dust from all the surfaces in the room. Do not use much water on the cloth and avoid dampening the furniture. Make sure you clean also all sides of the bed and the wardrobe. At the end use appropriate conditioner for every surface. The conditioner is very important if you treat any wood furniture.
  3. For the next cleaning activities you will need a vacuum machine. Before starting vacuuming the fabrics in the bedroom remove all the bed sheets and covers. You may put them on the balcony during the cleaning process. Start with vacuuming the draperies to clean the dust from them, and then vacuum the mattress carefully and any upholstered furniture. At the end clean the carpet with the vacuum machine. It is important to use appropriate attachments for the draperies and the upholstery to avoid damaging the fabrics.
  4. When you are done cleaning with the vacuum machine you may take in the sheet s and covers and make the bed. If needed you may change the sheets.
  5. Clean and organise the closet – make sure all the clothes are well arranged and the dirty ones are put in the washing machine.
  6. Finally clean and organise the dresser and the night stands.
  7. When everything is completed, make sure the room is cleaned and double check everything is done right. If needed you may clean the carpet finally with the vacuum machine and deodorise the room for a fresh and warm feeling.


One of the most hated and annoying cleaning chores is cleaning the toilet, I understand the need of cleaning it although it is proven that there are dirtier places around the house. And still we pay far toomuch attention to the toilet, therefore here are home made recipes which are organic and not dangerous to your health like the most commercial toilet cleaners. All the recipes listed are tested and work so you can try whichever you like the most.

Toilet Cleaners

For the first recipe you’ll need three things – hot water, dried yeast and brown sugar, I don’t think many of you will prefer this recipe because you’ll need a pound of sugar. Let’s face it who would prefer to use this amount of sugar when you can make so much cakes out of it. Continuing with the recipe, dissolve the sugar into a quart of hot water around 45 degrees Celsius and leave it to cool down. Once it is lukewarm add the yeast, stir vigorously, pour the solution into the toilet and then flush.

No More Chlorine

The next recipe will not only clean but also remove build ups form the toilet bowl in a matter of hours. If you have a lot if lime scale you’ll have to wait longer and scrub with a brush but you’ll be satisfied with the results. First you have to flush the toilet to wet the sides and then sprinkle a cup of borax all over the area. Then after pouting the white vinegar into a spray bottle drizzle over the borax leaving it to sit for a couple of hours.

While you have applied this solution don’t use the toilet and keep the room well ventilated just in case. Thee hours are enough, get a brush you can sue the one for the toilet and start scrubbing this will remove build ups and at the same time sanitize the area. If you don’t want to scrub leave the solvent to sit overnight and on the next morning just flush a couple of times. Another way to prevent lime scale build up use liquid vitamin C in the bowl for a hour.

Say Goodbye To Mould

You can use a variation of the above recipe to eliminate mould from your home, you’ll need half a cup of borax, the same amount if vinegar and a cup of water. Mix all the ingredients together an pour them in a spray bottle. Apply on the desired area and after several minutes wipe using wet sponge.

Go green

The commercial cleaning products almost always contain many harmful substances and chemicals that can cause different types of allergies. To avoid them use natural cleaning solutions. It is very easy and effective to clean the surfaces at home with simple and natural ingredients. I have some ideas how make your home sparkly clean with home-made detergents.

Cleaning product for floors

To clean the floors at home you do not need aggressive chemicals, just vinegar and warm water. Fill in a bucket with warm water and add 1 cup vinegar to easily maintain the floors.

All purpose cleaner

A mixture that will easily clean all the surfaces at home could be prepared with 2 tablespoons vinegar, 1 tablespoon dish washing detergent and water. Mix the ingredients in a spray bottle and you may also add a few drops of essential oil for a nice aroma.

Abrasive product

Sometimes we need abrasive cleaners to clean heavily soiled surfaces at home. You can prepare this mixture at home with some baking soda and a glass of warm water. Stir the ingredients until a paste forms.

Window cleaner

Mix 3 tablespoons of ammonia and one tablespoon vinegar, and put the mixture in a spray bottle. Fill the bottle with water and shake it well. If you are bothered by the smell of vinegar, you should know that it will disappear after the liquid evaporates.

Unclog pipes

If you had this problem, you know very well how dangerous the commercial products are. If clogging of drains is not so serious, you can solve the problem by pouring a cup of baking soda into a clogged pipe. Then pour some vinegar into it. Wait for the reaction and after about 20 minutes, rinse with two cups of hot water. Repeat the process if necessary.

Soap for fabrics washing

You can prepare homemade detergent with 1 cup shredded vegetable soap, ½ cup washing soda and ½ cup borax. Some people say that washing soda can be replaced with baking soda. Use one to two tablespoons of the mixture for washing the clothes in a washing machine or by hand. You should know that it does not foam as much as the standard detergent. You may also add a few drops of essential oil for fragrance.

Fabric softener

Softening clothes without harmful chemicals is very easy. Just put a little vinegar in the washing machine during the rinse cycle. The vinegar will make your clothes soft static and any detergent residues will be removed.

A few home cleaning mistakes to avoid

Of the major mistakes most housewives make is trying to complete all the chores in a single day. I don’t say it is impossible just really hard and by doing so there is a chance you’ll miss important hot spots. When dealing with cleaning chores around the house the war laws apply, because after all cleaning is a war against germs and grime. So apply the first law ‘divide and conquer’ preform little chores every day, that way you’ll be able do do most of the work during the week and have free time.

The best way to do this is to make a schedule, there are some daily chores like dusting, mopping and vacuuming. They don’t require much of your time and you can do them for no more than half an hour. Of course there are also weekly chores like cleaning the kitchen, bathroom, living-room etc. So choose one day and deal with one room, by doing so you’ll see that it is possible to have the weekend for yourself.

It will be best if you have someone to help you with all the chores because they really are endless, so forget about the feminist thinking ‘I can do everything on my own’ and ask the other family members for help. The time when women spend their time at home taking care for the children is long gone. You too go to work and are as tired as your husband so divide the cleaning chores, men are good at cleaning too. Let your beloved wash the dishes and watch him while he does it you won’t regret it, trust me.

Forget about paper towels as soon as possible, you waste not only money but also valuable resources. Instead purchase microfibre ones, they are reusable and really attract not only liquids but also germs. Cleaning them is really easy, put in the washing machine and you’re done. Talking about green cleaning watch out for the toxins in the commercial detergents because they’re dangerous to your health.

If course this doesn’t mean you should make your own cleaning solutions, unless you want to of course. Just be careful the next time you’re in the supermarket filling your supplies. Next mistake people make when cleaning is they use too much detergent. Keep in mind that for minor stains you should use less amount, that way it will be easier to rinse the place and you’ll save money. Remember that grease stains are cleaned easier when they’re warm, so next time you decide to clean the oven make sure you heated it a little before you start.

Before you start cleaning make sure the house is tidy, there is nothing worse than stopping your work because a sock is underneath the sofa or there are magazines underneath the table. Don’t multi-task, this is another common mistake most housewives make. They want to do everything right away and tat way they can’t do anything properly. This is also the most curtain way you’ll miss important places such as the microwave, the coffee machine or the dishwasher.

Remember one important thing no one can say a thing if your home is not spotless and no one has the right to. You do your best with the resources you have, that’s all. And the last advice I can give you is to value your time. You’re working and I assume your family lives well, so spend more time with them and less in cleaning. There are companies which offer whole home cleaning and you can make sure the professionals will leave your home sparkling clean.



Eva Cooper

Blogger. Believer. Achiever.Sea addicted. Cleaning maniac.