Making Sense Of The Crying 9–5 Tik Tok Girl

Just Jake
7 min readOct 31, 2023

Weighing in on the latest 9–5 debate

Every once in awhile, we get a piece of content that sparks a cultural debate. Look no further than a video from Tik-Tok for the recent discourse. Everywhere I look on X this topic is being debate. The current X cultural clash is revolving around the 9–5. A topic I have written about extensively.

The 9–5 is a topic that creates a clear divide amongst people from different generations. How people feel about the 9–5 is becoming very similar to politics. An older generation is completely set on their ways and will NOT be talked into thinking any differently.

Here is the video that started this discussion:

Here are some examples of the discourse surrounding this video, on both sides of the equation. Those that believe she should suck it up, as work is part of life. And others who sympathize with her and question why we should all have to feel this way:

