Justin Walters
1 min readFeb 17, 2017


Wow an entire article based on absolute conjecture with no solid data. What a surprise.

I have also been using 4chan since it’s inception. I have a feeling you never really got it. 4chan has never been anything more than a place for people with similar interests to gather. Some groups used it to organize and gain support for specific causes, sure. However, there has never been a clear goal for all the users of 4chan. You seem mostly to be ragging against one specific board here: /pol/. That I can understand. /pol/ is a cesspit of disgusting fascist assholes.

That said, most of the site is not /pol/. Take a look at /a/ and discuss why everyone else’s favorite anime is shit. Head over to /x/ and find conspiracy theories you couldn’t even make up on a crazy acid trip. Visit /out/ and learn about wilderness survival.

Most of the boards, and I would even argue most of the posters, on 4chan want nothing to do with all the political bullshit /pol/ creates for itself.

I won’t even discuss /b/ here because it is the board that seems to attract the most immature and mentally under-privileged of the bunch.

Before you all accuse me of being an alt-right fascist, you should know that I am actually a democratic socialist and despise Trump and his policies with a fiery passion.

