Pempek Palembang: A Traditional Flavor That Sticks to Your Palate

Juwairiyah Imut πŸ’•
Nusantara Banget
Published in
7 min readJul 16, 2024
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You must be familiar with Pempek Palembang, right? This dish has become a favorite across Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke. Imagine, with every bite of Pempek, you'll experience the savory taste of mackerel fish combined with sago flour, dipped in a tangy, sweet, and spicy cuko sauce that tingles your taste buds. Speaking of Pempek, let's dive deeper into this traditional Palembang dish. After reading this article, you might just crave some Pempek.

When you think of Pempek, the first thing that comes to mind is its savory taste and chewy texture. Especially when paired with its true companion, cuko sauce. But did you know there are many types of Pempek you can try? So, don't just stick to one type; there are many varieties that can make your dining experience more diverse and exciting.

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A Brief History of Pempek Palembang

Talking about the history of Pempek is like discussing the long history of your relationship with an ex. Pempek has been around since the days of the Sriwijaya Kingdom! It is said that Pempek was first made by a Chinese descendant living in Palembang. The name "Pempek" itself comes from the word "apek," which in the local dialect means uncle or elderly person. Initially, Pempek was made from belida fish, which were abundant in the Musi River. But as belida fish became scarce, the main ingredient switched to mackerel, which is equally delicious.

Pempek became popular when Chinese traders spread this food to various parts of Indonesia. Its unique taste and easy acceptance by Indonesian palates made Pempek quickly become a favorite among many. Even today, Pempek remains a source of pride for Palembang residents and is often served at important events like weddings and cultural festivals. So, it's no wonder that Pempek is still around today.

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Types of Pempek You Must Try

If you think Pempek is just one type, you need to explore more! There are many varieties of Pempek that can make you addicted. From Pempek Kapal Selam, Pempek Lenjer, Pempek Adaan, to Pempek Kulit. Each type has its own uniqueness and deliciousness that make your eating experience more exciting.

First, there's Pempek Kapal Selam, the most famous type. Its egg filling makes the taste richer, and the texture is soft inside but crispy outside. Usually, Pempek Kapal Selam is served with super spicy cuko.

Then, there's Pempek Lenjer, which is long like a sausage. This type of Pempek is chewier and perfect for snacking. There's also Pempek Adaan, which is round and more savory because it contains coconut milk. Don't forget Pempek Kulit, made from fish skin, giving it a unique crunch.

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Cuko: The Key to Pempek's Deliciousness

One important component that shouldn't be forgotten with Pempek is the cuko sauce. This special sauce is made from a mixture of palm sugar, garlic, dried shrimp, and chili. Its tangy, sweet, and spicy taste makes Pempek even more delicious. You could say cuko is the soul of Pempek. Without cuko, Pempek might not be as special.

Making cuko is a complex process that requires patience. The palm sugar must be cooked until it dissolves and blends with the other ingredients. After that, the mixture needs to be left to sit so the flavors and aromas can meld together. Usually, cuko can be stored for a long time, so you can enjoy it anytime.

Here's a tip for those who like making Pempek at home: Make sure to taste the cuko before serving. If it's not spicy or sour enough, add more chili or tamarind to suit your taste. The key is to adjust the cuko to your palate to make eating Pempek even more enjoyable.

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The Best Places to Eat Pempek in Palembang

Palembang is the paradise of Pempek. Almost every corner of the city has delicious and legendary Pempek stalls. One of them is Pempek Candy, which has been famous for ages. Here, you can enjoy various types of Pempek with super delicious cuko. This place is also a favorite among tourists visiting Palembang.

There's also Pempek Beringin, which is equally popular. This stall is known for its large Pempek Kapal Selam with plenty of egg filling. The comfortable dining atmosphere makes you want to stay longer. Another one is Pempek Lince, famous for its Pempek Adaan and crispy Pempek Kulit.

For a more traditional atmosphere, visit Pempek Vico. This place serves Pempek with a traditional recipe that has been passed down through generations, maintaining its authenticity. You can experience the authentic taste of Pempek as it was in the old days.

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A Simple Pempek Recipe to Try at Home

For those who love experimenting in the kitchen, try making Pempek yourself. Don't worry, the recipe isn't as difficult as you might think. First, prepare the ingredients: mackerel, sago flour, water, and salt. For the filling, you can use chicken eggs or whatever you prefer.

The first step is to puree the mackerel and mix it with sago flour. Gradually add water and salt until the dough can be shaped. Shape the dough as desired, whether long for Pempek Lenjer or round for Pempek Adaan. Don't forget to fill it with eggs if you want to make Pempek Kapal Selam.

Then, boil the Pempek in boiling water until they float. Remove and drain. To enjoy Pempek, fry it briefly until the outside is crispy, then serve with the cuko you made earlier. Congratulations, you've successfully made delicious Pempek Palembang!

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Pempek's Appeal Around the World

Pempek is not only popular in Indonesia; it is also gaining recognition abroad. Many foreign tourists come to Palembang just to try this delicious dish. Some Indonesian restaurants overseas also offer Pempek as their signature menu item. Pempek has its own charm that makes people curious.

In some countries, Pempek has entered the international market. For example, in the Netherlands, there are restaurants that specialize in serving Pempek Palembang with an authentic taste. This proves that Pempek has the potential to be known more widely. Additionally, Pempek is often brought as a souvenir by tourists visiting Palembang, spreading its fame further.

Pempek is also often introduced at various international culinary festivals. For example, at food festivals in Japan, Korea, and European countries, this dish always manages to capture visitors' attention with its unique taste and unforgettable deliciousness.

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Tips for Choosing Delicious and Quality Pempek

For those who want to buy Pempek but are confused about which one to choose, here are some tips to ensure you don't pick the wrong one. First, pay attention to the color of the Pempek. Quality Pempek usually has a yellowish-white color, not pale white. This color indicates that the Pempek is made from fresh and high-quality fish.

Second, smell its aroma. Good Pempek usually has a distinctive fish aroma that isn't too strong. If the smell is too fishy, it could mean the fish used isn't fresh or the processing wasn't good. So, make sure to choose Pempek with a pleasant and appetizing aroma.

Third, check the texture. Good Pempek is usually chewy but not hard. When bitten, you'll feel a soft texture inside but still crispy on the outside. This indicates that the dough is made with the right ratio of fish to sago flour.


So, that's the exciting story of Pempek Palembang that surely makes you drool and want to try it immediately. If you have any exciting experiences or other tips about Pempek, share them in the comments below! Also, don't forget to visit our favorite website for more interesting culinary information. Enjoy your Pempek and don't forget to invite your friends to try it too. The more, the merrier! Thank you so much for reading this article, I hope it is useful, and see you in the next culinary article. Bye!



Juwairiyah Imut πŸ’•
Nusantara Banget

I really love poetry and enjoy writing poems that are captivating and touch the heart.