Access Code 2.1: Exploration #5- Signboard Project Demos

It was an interesting week. Our Java instructor Alex Samuels gave each random teams, consisting of between 5 to 6 Access Coders, an assignment: to make an animated LED sign board for a New York falafel cart. The group project will help us novice coders how to understand how API (application programming interface) a bit better. Our job is just to reinvent the signs with colors, animations and text.

Signboard Demo Day:

Each group came up and presented their signboard. We all went “Oohs” and “Ahhs” as each demonstrated different types of animations. Here are some that were captured from each group.

Group 1: Team Captain Alvin

Group 2: Team Captain Sufei

Group 3: Team Captain George

*Group 4 (aka Team “Cheese Doodles”): Team Captain Anthony F.*

Group 5: Team Captain Hans (Presented by Ramona)

Each one was special in their every way and it was fun to work in a group to make one awesomtacular signboard! GREAT JOB ACCESS CODERS!!

And go:

