How to avoid a personal financial crisis — Koala’s life

KALC Official
3 min readSep 18, 2018

A personal financial crisis can come from many things — a lost job, a divorce, bankruptcy, a sudden medical emergency, or any situation in which your financial security crumbles beneath you. Regardless of the cause, the consequences are often similar: emotional stress, confusion, perceived loss of control, and loss of confidence. While enduring a financial crisis may be challenging, know that you can regain your financial stability once again. Your situation can be remedied by regaining your composure and taking concrete action.

Let KALC take a look at some of the most effective ways to avoid a financial crisis before it happens:

1.) Save before you spend

Benjamin Franklin said “a penny saved is a penny earned.” Nothing can be truer than that! Every time you spend on something, you take out cash from your pocket. It decreases your wealth. Spending on unnecessary things may mean that you could have used precious resources for other things.

Now, it doesn’t mean that enjoying the fruits of your labor and buying things that you love are bad things. The point is that sometimes you just have to make small sacrifices today to enjoy great rewards in the future. And that’s precisely what saving can do for you.

The best way to avoid a financial crisis is as simple as saving a penny a day. You can then gradually increase your savings each month. It may sound small at first, but great things start from little things. The key here is consistency. Just keep on saving, and you will soon see how it can help you become financially secure.

2.) Make a Budget

It’s helpful to be reminded of this adage, “If you failed to plan, you planned to fail.” Budgeting is a form of planning for the future. Some people mistakenly thought that they could go on with their lives without a budget. Almost always, without fail, those who don’t have a budget are the same people who are in a financial strait.

Making a budget does not have to be complicated. It only takes a few minutes. Decide where your money goes and ensure that you track every penny from your wallet. If you made a personal loan online, then make it a point to pay off debt first as much as possible before spending on things that are just optional.

Most importantly, planning does not end in budgeting. Make sure you stick to it. Discipline yourself and don’t let impulse buying slave you around.

3.) Look for ways to earn extra cash

Apart from cutting down your expenses, you also need to increase your source of income. Undoubtedly, “Time is gold.” When you work, you are trading your time for money. That’s why it is best to consider finding a passive source of income. Identify a need, create something of value to meet that demand, and sell it to people who need your service or products.

Most importantly, don’t put your eggs in one basket. Make sure that you have a safety net to land on in case you lose your primary source of income. Don’t just work hard, but also work smart.

4.) Learn from the experts

There are just so many ways to avoid a financial crisis, and you must not stop learning. That’s why it is a must that you learn from the experts. You don’t have to experiment your way to financial freedom. You may talk to financial adviser, watch self-improvement videos, read business books, and learn from your past experiences. The more you know, the higher your chance of avoiding a financial crisis.

Final Thoughts

It’s okay to be concerned or worried about a financial crisis. However, your anxiety should drive you into action. Take the necessary steps to be prepared for any economic problem that may come your way.

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