Gaming Guilds 101

KAP Games
4 min readJul 7, 2022


The Kapital DAO Presents: Gaming Guilds 101

While a major part of web3 gaming, gaming guilds are lesser-known to non-web3 natives. Here’s a quick overview of what they are.

What is a guild?

Gaming guilds are organizations of gamers and investors interested in web3 gaming who have usually collectively amassed a vault of gaming NFTs. Guilds often rent or loan these gaming NFTs through “scholarships” to community members who use these NFTs to play web3 games. These scholarship recipients, or “scholars,” can play web3 games and share some of the rewards they collect while playing.

As a result, gaming guilds are able to generate a source of revenue through gaming that is used to support their operations, and, at the same time, the players (scholars) earn a form of income in exchange for their time and skill. Over time, the guilds often use their operational revenue to purchase more assets and scale their scholarship offerings to their community members, enabling more community members to enter web3 gaming.

Guild Structure

But guilds do much more than just loan assets. The best guilds also create communities of web3 gaming enthusiasts who drive massive organic momentum and adoption for the game ecosystems they enter. To facilitate this, guilds oftentimes are more structured with defined roles. Some members are managers, who oversee the scholars and in-game operations. Other members are moderators, putting on events, enforcing certain social standards, and assisting with marketing developments. Yet still other participants might be modern day financiers, managing treasury assets and actively deploying capital into live strategies, both in-game and out.

Benefits to Members

Guilds are fundamentally communities. To harness the power of their communities, many guilds are structured as Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), which means that the guild is built in a way that allows community members to set the future direction of the guild through voting and governance mechanisms. Ideally, this means that anybody within the community who wants to contribute and run the organization has the ability to do so.

Other ways that guilds have been able to support their communities and beyond are through guild-funded charitable giving. For instance, the Kapital DAO has been able to support its members and nonmembers for medical tests, emergency hospital bills, and food donations among many other initiatives.

Successful gaming guilds are those that encourage their community members to contribute their talents such as in art, community management, and research, and support this activity with partnerships with leading web3 games and organizations. Additionally, the best guilds will be able to quickly identify and grow their top talent with whom they can provide their best high-value NFT assets to maximize risk/reward both ways.

How the Kapital DAO Fits In

The Kapital DAO’s journey to building infrastructure for the future of web3 gaming guilds started when we saw web3 gaming communities merge into complex economies without the technology to scale and reach their full potentials. As a result, we developed our guild operations protocol to help gaming communities operate more efficiently and focus on what truly matters: community building and player experience.

Derived from our own experience running our gaming guild with 50,000+ members, the Kapital DAO’s web3 gaming asset management protocol enables institutions, investors, and players to build a more inclusive metaverse with real permissions for key layers like scholarships, art & curation, blockchain education, community, and base wallet infrastructure.

The protocol is designed to be an essential toolset for the future of gaming guilds and hedge funds deploying assets into web3 games. It specifically enables guilds to deploy their web3 gaming assets at massive scale, trustlessly, via a proprietary tech stack of hierarchical delegation tools that emphasize security while maximizing flexibility of assets across account owners, ultimately reducing organizations’ operational overhead. The protocol also provides an immense amount of data and analytics to support managers’ decision-making capabilities, and makes scholars’ lives much easier by providing true transparency, automated payouts, accelerated NFT requests and swaps, and social achievements and partner discounts.

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KAP Games

KAP Games is the premier web3 gaming publisher, distributor and studio, specializing in browser and mobile-native experiences.