KCH_Chui_PSB- Karen Chui
2 min readFeb 4, 2016

1st Project Proposal- Photo-montage Idea: Maps Ideas

Here is the initial idea for my photo-montage work.

When I search for ‘Photo-montage family’, there are tones of images like the two below. But in my opinion, those are quite a simple and easy work for my project. In order to present my work much better, I need to do something more interesting and unique.

Image 1 & Image 2 : Photo Montage (Source: This Life Photography, 2016)

The image from Hannah Hoch, ‘ Cut with the Kitchen Knife Dada through the Last Weimar-Beer Belly of the Cultural Epoch of Germany, 1919’ has gave me an idea that I can combine the images with a world map as a background. The reasons of Barbara is a Polish and she came to England from Poland 11 years ago, I want to represent her and her son with their nationality. Therefore, I thought of combining images on the island’s shape of Poland and England with the country flag on.

But still I think it is still too ordinary and not creative enough for this project. Therefore I will need to expend my idea and do more research.


This Life Photography (2016 [Photograph]. Retrieved from http://www.thislifephotography.co.uk/prints-gifts/photo-collage-montage/