Amazon KDP Template paperback Book In Word
4 min readNov 17, 2022


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Amazon KDP is a unique and convenient platform that allows writers to upload and format their books for publication on This process is simple and streamlined, giving authors a great deal of control over the final product. In addition, KDP offers features that make it an attractive option for self-publishers, including the ability to set your price and royalties and receive payments directly from Amazon.

Having a professional editor comb through your manuscript before you self-publish can be beneficial. A great editor will catch errors, tighten up your prose, and even improve your book’s overall flow and pacing. Even if you are a strong writer, it’s easy to miss typos and mistakes. That’s why having a professional editor on your team can make all the difference.

Amazon KDP Template paperback Book In Word For 6 x 9 Size

Do you want to get your book ready for Amazon KDP self-publishing? Use this excellent KDP paperback book in Word to save time formatting a book. This paperback book may be easily customized and edited in Microsoft Word. It is 6 x 9 in size.

This paperback template is 6 x 9 and is ideal for printing through Amazon self-publishing. You must copy and paste your current information into this KDP template, or you may start from scratch. This free amazon KDP template has an excellent layout and structure that is also modifiable. Obtain a copy to view for yourself!

All our free Word templates are fully functional; they don’t merely consist of a bunch of text boxes arranged on a page; instead, they are hand-crafted with organized and consistent styles for desktop authoring. In addition, we constantly create our free contemporary Word templates with reflowable text.

How Should I Utilize This paperback KDP Book?

KDP publishing is the intended audience for this free book layout template. This template can format your 6 x 9 books into a professional layout. This KDP paperback template is open for you to fill with as much content as possible.

This contemporary amazon KDP template can be entirely altered to suit your needs. However, it works best for non-fiction writings.

Outstanding Fonts For This Free Amazon KDP Template

This KDP template uses excellent typefaces for attractive typesetting in Microsoft Word, making it more than a drab blank template. The template exclusively uses the serif typefaces “EB Garamond” and “Playfair Display.” Google offers both of these typefaces for free for personal and professional service!

Create your content using this free KDP paperback template in Word, then download it as a print-ready PDF and submit it to CreateSpace for printing. That’s all there is to print a paperback book; follow these easy steps.

You can download many of our editable book templates in Microsoft Word from the link below to see more of these free book templates.

Dimensions Of The Amazon KDP Template

Suppose you still have trouble understanding KDP cover dimensions and have only general knowledge of the subject. Then, you will always put “KDP cover size error” or “KDP cover dimensions problem” on Google after finishing this guide.

It is easy to calculate KDP cover dimensions using the suggested method. Suitable for all types and sizes of books.

The first Step

The cover proportions are determined by two elements connected to the inside template, which you should be aware of first:

  • Number of pages inside
  • Dimensions inside

After obtaining these two characteristics, we may get the Cover Template from the official Amazon KDP website. Here’s an illustration:

6 x 9 Interior Amazon KDP Template Example

Let’s determine the proper measurements for a 120-page children’s notebook/sketchbook printed in a 69 format without bleeding. As previously mentioned, we visited KDP Cover templates and got our cover template for this book. Then, we choose a trim size of 6 x 9 and set the page count to 120.

How To Design Amazon KDP Paperback

An attractive KDP paperback cover is crucial for the Amazon book publishing industry. Before anything else, such as your book’s title or description, it is the first thing that would draw in potential readers. Your book’s KDP paperback cover has a significant impact on whether or not potential readers will check it out further. Because of this, you should invest your time and energy in making a fantastic cover for your Amazon KDP book. The well-known excellent graphic design program Adobe Photoshop can produce a book cover that looks just fantastic. But the issue is that many people find Adobe Photoshop to be difficult to use and not very user-friendly.

If you belong to this group, you shouldn’t panic because I have some encouraging news for you today. The truth is that there are other options besides Adobe Photoshop for graphic design that you may utilize to make your amazon KDP template. You can use a variety of other graphic editor software programs to accomplish the same goal. In this article, I’ll demonstrate how to utilize Canva’s graphic design software to make a pretty awesome paperback book cover.

The finest free image editor is Canva, which is also really simple to use, even for brand-new users.

Canva does have one disadvantage, though. The amazon KDP in PDF and PNG formats that you got from the Amazon website cannot be opened directly by this program. However, if you continue reading this blog post, you will learn how to simply get around this problem and design utilizing a template in Canva.


Creat, a paperback book with Amazon KDP is an easy process. But you will want to ensure you are following all of the steps to create an amazon KDP template. This blog post will help you understand the process and how to make your amazon KDP template the best it can be.

