Lead Generation Best Practices for 2018

KEO Marketing
4 min readApr 3, 2018


Every marketer’s main concern should be generating quality leads. Finding new ways to increase lead generation, however, is the challenge. HubSpot found that B2B companies generate leads using a variety of different methods:

Source: HubSpot

Note some of the common lead sources above. Is your company using the most effective means of marketing to generate leads?

Here are innovative lead generation best practices for 2018 to skyrocket your results and keep your pipeline full for months.

Use a variety of content

Each buyer has a unique combination of wants and needs, and they like to consume content in a variety of ways. Make sure your content speaks to them in a personalized way at each stage of the sales process. For example, incorporate video, audio, graphics, and text to target prospects on their journey toward conversion.

Narrow your top funnel

Most marketers shoot for a wide top funnel by trying to get the most leads. Instead, narrow your focus at the top of the funnel by using predictive marketing tools to find the leads and accounts that will most likely result in a sale. Account Based Marketing (ABM) is a highly effective strategy to help you narrow your focus and position your marketing in front of the right audience. ABM allows for a more targeted approach to lead generation than the traditional spray-marketing style.

Diversify your inbound marketing

Use a mix of organic inbound marketing techniques coupled with paid campaigns to drive more traffic to your website. Consider how you can build audiences and generate leads through social media. Combine that with paid email marketing campaigns and other paid strategies to drive leads to your funnel.

Streamline your form

Reducing friction at your capture point can help you generate more leads.The length of your submission form influences conversion rates. Be sure to optimize each fieldto fit your specific audience. No one wants to fill out long forms with detailed information if all they are trying to do is sign up for your newsletter. Also consider how you can capture email addresses and find other information such asindustry, number of employees, and revenue from other sources. By streamlining your submission form, you can achieve a better conversion rate, and your leads will receive their content quickly and easily.

Enhance lead scoring

What qualities make one lead more qualified than another? Enhance your lead scoring by using information beyond demographics. Find out how prospects come to your website and tracktheir actions to help you score leads more effectively. When you make lead scoring dynamic and behavior-based, your leads will be high quality and robust.

Use the data

With today’s analytics tools, you have both qualitative and quantitative data at your fingertips. Use available data to help you analyze and understand the pitfalls inyour buyer’s journey. Where are visitors stumbling on your website and where are they spending the most time interacting with your content? What is their goal at each stage of their journey, and how does your site meet or exceed their needs? Answer these questions and use the data pragmatically. Trust the process and make sure not to rely on the subjective opinions of others.

Personalize your website

Consider how you could create micro audiences based on specific job titles you want to target. Then engage with those micro-audiencesat targeted companies to generate higher quality leads. Use the data you get to find high-value customers most likely to convert and increase your ROI. And if your micro audience does not respond to your strategies, move on to a new strategy.

Consider co-marketing

Finding a partner and combining your marketing outreach strategies makes it easier to get your messagingin front of new prospects. You can drive new qualified leads to your website through strategies, such as in-person and online events, at a low cost. A bonus to this strategy is expanding your brand into new markets by focusing on establishing robust co-marketing partnerships.

B2B sales is a long and complicated process because customers typically take a more methodical approach to their buying decisions. Use a combination of the above lead generation best practices in 2018to boost your conversions, fill the top of your funnel, and keep your pipeline healthy.

Lead generation questions? Contact me at skloefkorn@keomarketing.com.



KEO Marketing

KEO Marketing delivers innovative B2B and inbound marketing solutions designed to help your business achieve tangible results.