The Nine Far Right Entities of Tufton Street

Khristophorous Gallowglaich
3 min readSep 9, 2018


Anyone you knows a little about British History and Current Political Affairs will probably now be aware of what the little Farage/Banks represent and who has really been responsible for engineering the whole BREXIT farrago, namely the aging British Tory Party with help from UKIP, which is essentially simply it’s extreme right wing. This has been a Conservative Party-UK Independence Party planned affair for some years, not the entire Parliamentary Tory Party of course, just as not all the US Republican Party has been involved in “Soft Coup” that resulted from that horrific corruption and infiltration, but a damned large chunk of the Libertarian Thatcherite Right, aiming to extend and complete the Lady’s Great Intended Works. Some of them might be liars, cheats and twisters.

There is another character from the recent past running through this like Ariadne’s thread, a fine, strong, high strength steely alloy sort of a ship’s prow figurehead. Grocer’s daughters aside, the firmly male Old Etonian factor in all of this is huge. Those men are almost like an old secret society, brainwashed as they were in their youths into believing in the superiority of the British “ruling classes”, even after the tail-end of Empire. Rooted in good old Antony Fisher, a lovely fellow.

“The Atlas Network was founded in 1981 by an Englishman living in San Francisco. Old Etonian Antony Fisher was a pioneer of factory farming in the UK and is the same person who had earlier founded the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) in 1955. The idea behind The Atlas Network was to replicate the IEA on an international scale through training, coaching and funding new think tanks that were essentially clones of the IEA. People like Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, and Margaret Thatcher applauded the idea of replicating the IEA model far and wide”.

Recent articles (Refs. 1 and 2) summarise what has been going on for some years. The “Nine Entities” operating out of 55/57 Tufton St. in London. Photographs of the guilty parties, mostly Tory MPs. The funders of these entities are known by a select few who have worked hard to find and understand where the cash comes from, although not fully.

This exposure of the “Nine Entities of Tufton Street“ was a major piece of work over some months and many organisations and individuals were involved. More intriguing than a John le Carré thriller, the shadowy story behind Brexit is a tailor-made blockbuster.

· The Adam Smith Institute (Great Smith St)

· Brexit Central (55)

· The Centre for Policy Studies (57)

· Civitas (55)

· The Global Warming Policy Foundation (55)

· The Institute for Economic Affairs (Lord North St)

· Leave means Leave (55)

· The Office of Peter Whittle (The New Culture Forum) (55)

· The Tax Payers’ Alliance (55)

The attendees and sponsors of the “Conservative Friends of Russia” kick-off in August 2012 makes for interesting reading. Whether or not these men realise they have effectively been working as “Traitors” on behalf of a long term enemy of Great Britain and it’s allies is an interesting question which will no doubt be answered in the fullness of time.

1. Real Media (2018), “The Tufton Street Network — Hacking Our Democracy”, 6th September 2018.

2. Brexit Shambles (2018), “Brexit Scam: We Need to Talk About Tufton Street…”, 4th September 2018.

