What You Need to Consider About Plea Bargains According to a DUI Law Firm

Law Offices of Kim E Hunt
1 min readJul 27, 2017


Each year, 1,500,000 people are arrested for drunk driving. If this has happened to you and you’re charged with a DUI, you still have the option of taking a plea deal. Prosecutors will reach out at some point, as long as you’re willing to plead to a certain offense. Although this may sound like the best option, there are some considerations you need to be aware of before agreeing on anything.

Plea Bargain Deals Vary

Not all plea bargains are equal. They do vary, depending on the severity of your DUI charge. There may be times when you’re offered multiple deals, in which case you can select one that satisfies all parties. Then there are other times when you’re given a one-time deal and have to decide on the spot. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2uYI1ib



Law Offices of Kim E Hunt

The Law Offices of Kim E. Hunter Caring, competent, and affordable criminal defense