Have we overcorrected into the land of: overcomplicated?

Krista Kankula
2 min readApr 20, 2016


Today marks a beginning of sorts, a beginning of another beginning (which for a serial starter and mediocre finisher, like me, means it is beginning #1,000,001). Every time I start something new, part of me is questioning how long this will last and what is the point and part of me is brimming with excitement at all of the possibilities. Today is Day 1 of the #100DayProject started by Elle Luna and the start of #100DaysofThoughtsWhilePaintingbyKrista (I’ll bore you with the story of that hashtag another day).

There has been one thing that has stuck for me and that’s painting. Something I thought I had left behind in art class because I was always horribly messy at it. Like writing it’s been something that when I ignore it, I feel a little off. After much hesitation, I started sharing that I was painting regularly. It felt weird and awkward at first, because I wasn’t sure that what I was creating looked great. Once I shared this, the questions began flying it, what techniques do you use, where do you buy supplies, what things do you paint, what art do you like and what classes have you taken. While I appreciate their genuine curiosity, to me none of that mattered. I painted for the sake of painting.

We have access at our fingertips to a crazy abundance of information in the form of books, ebooks, courses, workshops, podcasts, blogs and the list goes on and on. With all of this access it can sometimes feel like you need to earn your right to try something by consuming a certain amount. There are many cases where learning is practical, necessary and beneficial, but are we hindering our chances of actually pursing that THING when we only focus on the learning part and not the practicing part?

Consider all of the unread newsletters in your inbox. Courses you’ve taken and never referenced. Those conferences you attend, where the ideas recorded there never left your notebook.

The fear of not being ready, not being good enough is real. It’s there. Which is why we reach for the information, it’s the mac n’ cheese comfort meal that makes us feel good in the moment, but leaves us craving something else.

I’m all for learning, it really is essential. But don’t let it be the barrier that stops you from experimenting, from trying. Sometimes we overcomplicate, when all we really need to do is pick up the pen and start.



Krista Kankula

🎨 Usually found covered in paint ⚡️I help you practice imperfection while you navigate the uncertain & MESSY creative process → www.revelinthemess.com