Unmasking Dejitaru Tsuka Part III

23 min readOct 27, 2023

I hope you are caught up with the information presented in the last two articles. Things are getting more complex and many times I have referenced details from before. If you’re not familiar with them it’ll be harder to follow along. TSUKA is a dragon meme coin on the surface but underneath there’s a lot going on. There’s a reason I've written three long Medium articles on it now. There’s a great big cryptic puzzle around this coin, it was created by Ryoshi, and by all means I think Elon Musk is involved. This article mostly talks about new research findings. Much of it is brand new but there are lots of little things that were missed before. The research I've presented has been found by a community of researchers which includes myself. I’ve included many links and tried to credit people where I could. And I've tried to include many images as the details can be long and tedious. This article is in my own words and describes what I believe based on the evidence presented in the links and images. Your thoughts on all of it is going to vary, but the evidence and connections are there. It’s difficult to discern what is meaningful or not, as you will see that even a simple message from the Tsuka deployer can have many meanings.

Disclosure: I own TSUKA and HOSHI, therefore I have a vested interest in this project. This Medium is not financial advice. Do your own research and verify the information for yourself before buying the tokens. I have presented the information to the best of my knowledge.

New Research

I previously talked about a Telegram and CoinMarketCap user with the name urulokimasanori. There is also a Twitter user by that name:

urulokimasanori Twitter

This Twitter account has been around since May of 2022, the same month that Tsuka launched. I’m not sure which exact date though because we can’t see. It has only been archived on 12/4/22 and 12/20/22, aka 420. This account was seemingly not discussed until ancalagon posted this tweet on August 12, 2023 at 11:43 pm EST:

ancalagon tweet

This led people to uruloki’s Twitter. The “36 29 24 25 32 25 60 2C 29 23 25 34" above the blurred image is an ASCII Shift Cipher and decoding it with a shift of 64 produces “videre licet”:

Cipher decoding

This corresponds to uruloki’s name “viz.”, as outlined by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viz.: “The abbreviation viz. (or viz without a full stop) is short for the Latin videlicet, which itself is a contraction of the Latin phrase videre licet, meaning “it is permitted to see”.”

The easiest thing to decode on uruloki’s Twitter is the location “34672314135484802”. This relates to a Tsuka deployer transaction message that was sent to Vitalik Buterin on June 9, 2022 that reads: “34.672314, 135.484802”. The coordinates lead to a crossroads in Osaka, Japan:

Google Maps screenshot

Now for 64 digit hexidecimal text: “f03cc9e2826dbba952fec9df5cbf34b0cfbbbf1879cd38c5b1922bf52f0ba28b”

First we convert hex to string and get: “ð<Éâ‚m»©RþÉß\¿4°Ï»¿yÍ8ű’+õ/¢‹”

Then reverse it: “‹¢/õ+’±Å8Íy¿»Ï°4¿\ßÉþR©»m‚âÉ<ð”

Then decoding with UTF-16, we get this symbol: ㋡

This is the circled katakana syllable for tsu (pronounced tsu). Katakana is a writing system used to represent sounds of Japanese syllables. We can rearrange katakana tsu to katana tsuka. Tsuka is of course the term for the handle of a katana. I’m not sure why the decoding required reversing, but backwards is part of Tsuka lore as I discussed with the Blade Runner stuff in my previous article.

Now for the morse code: “. .. . .. . . ..”

Translating gives you EIEIEEI. But if you change the double dots to a dash and remove a space after each syllable you get: “.-. -.. -”

This translates to RDT. And we can translate that into Ryoshi Dejitaru Tsuka.

“Still round the corner there may wait A new road or a secret gate”. This quote is from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring:

Still round the corner there may wait
A new road or a secret gate,
And though we pass them by today,
Tomorrow we may come this way
And take the hidden paths that run
Towards the Moon or to the Sun.

The words were written by Bilbo Baggins and sung by Frodo, Pippin, and Sam on a hike through a wooded region on their journey.

The Twitter banner reads: “When the student is ready the teacher will appear”. The letters for d and t are the same as those at the center of the Tsuka logo. I’m not quite sure who gave this quote, it is debated and there are a variety of versions of it.

urulokimasanori Twitter banner
Tsuka logo

Looking at the Twitter pfp we see a shining star. Due to what looks like a bright star in the lower right corner my guess is a binary star system, specifically Sirius A and B.

urulokimasanori Twitter pfp

Sirius A is the brightest star in Earth’s night sky. Sirius is part of the constellation Canis Major. Sirius A is referred to as the “Dog Star” and Sirius B the “Pup Star”. Dog days of summer is a term relating to when Sirius rises and falls with the sun. It is a hot and humid period from July 3rd to August 11th. This date, July 3rd, just so happens to be the same day R’s wallet woke up after 574 days to signal that he created Tsuka in his 555/1141/5555 transactions.

An important side note: something I overlooked in my previous articles is that when R’s own wallet woke up on July 3, 2023, the .227 ETH transaction was sent at 3:49 am UTC. This is the same time that Tsuka was launched on May 26, 2022, and then later Hoshi on August 24, 2023: 3:49 am UTC. R’s wallet transaction and Hoshi launch were actually to the same exact second at 3:49:47 am UTC. As if the 227/1143/5555 transactions weren’t enough, this is another bit to add on.

3:49 am UTC transaction times

The day before R’s wallet woke up, he actually told us to look to the infinite night sky in this Tsuka deployer transaction message:

Tsuka deployer message

This message also came right before the decoy Hoshi was launched, so it seems it had multiple meanings. On August 11, 2023, the end of dog days of summer, the Tsuka deployer sent a transaction message:

Tsuka deployer message

This message mentions the word crossroads, which is what uruloki’s Twitter location led to. So, given this and R’s July 3rd transactions, Sirius seems to be the accurate interpretation of the Twitter pfp.

I’m not quite sure what the purpose of this account is, but it seems to be another piece of the big cryptic puzzle at play here. It has 12 tweets just like a wallet seed phrase, but R is a trickster and it might be something else. It is important to note that R and team have not claimed the Twitter to be theirs, even though it very much seems as though it was created by them. Same with this cryptic urulokimasanori Youtube channel that popped up on August 17, 2023:

urulokimasanori Youtube

There’s not much here but it ends up going quite far. This “1F 2B 2B 27 2A 71 66 66 2E 2E 2E 65 30 26 2C 2B 2C 19 1C 65 1A 26 24 66 2A 1F 26 29 2B 2A 66 64 20 7D 27 1D 70 28 6F 21 24 0C” is an ASCII Shift Cipher. Decoding it with a shift of 55, you get a link to an unlisted Youtube video. Unfortunately a couple days after decoding the video it was put on private for unknown reasons, at least for now.

Cipher decoding
Unlisted video screenshot

The title of the video is in Hindi and translates to Poet’s sparkles:

Youtube video title translation

Most if not all of the video seems to be from a German Netflix show called Dark. And I think the its melody might be an altered version of the one in the show’s opening credits. These opening credits and some of the posters from the show are actually mirrored like the video. The video is full of mirrored clocks, one of them in the image shown above is at 11:05. If we think about minutes the hour hand is at 55 and minute hand at 5, aka 555.

This portion of the video is of a portable time machine referred to as Tannhaus’s clockwork device:

Kavayacfvr Onke [rain] screenshots
Tannhaus’s clockwork device

Tannhaus receives the blueprints for the device from a stranger who wants him to build it, but he doesn’t know what it is. He says: “this thing… the blueprint… I don’t really understand what it is.” This reminds me of the crypticness around R’s blueprint at play here.

In the video are images of Tannhaus’ book A Journey Through Time:

Kavayacfvr Onke [rain] screenshot and A Journey Through Time

And lots of 3's:

Kavayacfvr Onke [rain] screenshots

33 is a significant number in Dark, where time travel through a wormhole is possible in increments of 33 years into the future or past. This number first reminds me of Cicada 3301. But also the lunar-solar cycle is 33 years. This is the time it takes for the moon and sun to reach the same alignment they were in when the cycle began. And we know how the sun and moon relates to Tsuka and Ryoshi as discussed earlier and in the last article in regards to lunar eclipses. Of note is the star in the last screenshot. It looks like the Hoshi star. This is among many six sided images in the video. The uruloki account and video were respectively made on August 17th and 18th, a week before the real Hoshi was launched.

Hoshi logo
Kavayacfvr Onke [rain] screenshots

Tann is a poetic word for a forest of fir trees, relating back to the translation of the video’s title “Poet’s Sparkles”. Tannhaus may also be a reference to Tannhäuser Gate. This is mentioned in the Blade Runner “Tears in Rain” monologue during the climax of the movie. This has been mentioned before in what appears to be a Tsuka deployer frontrun to an Elon Musk tweet referencing this Blade Runner video. Tannhauser Gate is mentioned at 2:09 in the video, just before tears in rain. The [rain] portion in the title of uruloki’s video is possibly a reference to this.

The cipher that led to a short unlisted video by uruloki has yielded many connections to Tsuka, and this Netflix show could be where R’s term “blueprint” originated from.

When we revisit uruloki’s Youtube description, there is a quote from The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien: “How could such a large door be kept secret from everybody outside, apart from the dragon?” This is a question that Thorin asks Gandalf in regards to a secret door to The Lonely Mountain of Erebor as shown in Thror’s Map. This lonely mountain used to belong to Thrór (Thorin’s grandfather) and his people until they were put into exile by Smaug who claimed it and its treasure for himself. Smaug the Golden was the greatest fire-breathing dragon (uruloki) of the Third Age. The journey to reclaim the mountain by Thorin and company via the secret door makes up the central story of The Hobbit.

Thror’s Map

Thror’s map is drawn with East at the top, so the door is located on the West. The door is secret because it has been made to look exactly like the side of the mountain. The mountain being “star-shaped with six ridges radiating as spurs from the peak.” The text on the left below the hand describes the door: “five feet high the door and three may walk abreast”. The other cryptic text is in moon-letters and says “stand by the grey stone when the thrush knocks and the setting sun with the last light of Durin’s Day will shine upon the key-hole”. These are instructions on when and how to see the key-hole to open the door, as long as you have the silver key. Durin’s Day is “the first day of the last moon of Autumn on the threshold of Winter”. On this day the sun and moon can be seen in the sky together. In the Hobbit it is on October 19th.

The Tsuka deployer did have transactions on this day in 2022. 2.488 ETH was used to buy USDC, and then it was sent it to an old community multisig wallet.

Where this leads to now is speculation. More research will need to be done first. It’s hard to tell how deep it goes and which direction is correct. Even simple wording that been used in deployer messages seems to relate to the Hobbit. For example, this wording for Smaug and this Tsuka deployer transaction message:

LOTR fandom screenshot
Tsuka deployer message

Even though the uruloki Youtube has never been claimed by R or team, it very much seems to have been created by them.

The same day the uruloki Youtube account was created, our cryptic fren ancalagon tweeted this:

ancalagon tweet

When you google this it leads to a YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6C8SX0mWP0

This is Sam’s speech at the end of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. Last time I talked about how a tweet from ancalagon led to the Cicada 3301 revelations, and another tweet led to an Elon Musk tweet related to 555 on May 30, 2022. This ancalagon tweet might be related to a LOTR meme that Elon posted on May 30, 2022 that I mentioned last time. I don’t believe that was discovered until after his tweet. Since the tweet came on the same day that the uruloki Youtube popped up and he led to the uruloki Twitter before, he might have been specifically leading us to that. He does not have many tweets.

A couple months passed by and the community brought up his tweet again:

Community replies to ancalagon’s tweet

Days later Elon posted this meme from Sam’s speech:

Elon Musk tweet

This is a funny little coincidence that happened, adding to many before. It does go even deeper though, as you can check Wayback Machine and see Elon made a tweet back on August 18, 2023 (or 17th depending on your timezone) as his pinned tweet on October 15, 2023 (or 16th depending on your timezone). This coincides with his meme post and the ancalagon tweet/uruloki Youtube creation/video post.

Elon Musk pinned tweet

Back on May 27, 2023, just over a year after Tsuka launched, the deployer sent this long message:

Tsuka deployer message

It’s in reference to the countless meme coins that launched this year. It all started with Pepe that pumped to over $1B market cap. Then coins kept launching with any meme that people could think of. Many of them borrowed the narrative of Tsuka’s decentralized tokenomics and community. One of them was Refund (RFD). It seems R secretly referenced this coin back in this deployer message:

Tsuka deployer message

The capitalized letters are DFRETES. Backwards this is SETERFD aka Smiling Ear To Ear RFD. When we look at these two deployer messages with the RFD chart we see:

RFD price and Tsuka deployer messages

This is the typical meme coin chart. People buy and look to use their followers and supposed friends as exit liquidity then rotate to the next coin. They go straight up and down then slow bleed to zero. This coin recently pumped after “RFD 2.0” rugged and went to zero. Not to say that RFD is dead or a scam, but it and the other coins do not have a blueprint to decentralization and the favor that Tsuka does. The RFD bit in the decoy deployer message adds more complexity to a transaction that was already complex before.

The Tsuka deployer sent this transaction message back on June 6, 2023:

Tsuka deployer message

Something was overlooked here and needs to be pointed out. The numbers 1 and 2 represent Tsuka and Hoshi. R hinted us that a second token was coming well ahead of time, we just did not realize it. He then patiently waited to create the decoy Hoshi on July 2nd, then do the dog days of summer transactions, and then later create the real Hoshi.

Elon Connections

As time goes on the community continues to find more connections between Tsuka and Elon Musk. I mentioned some of them earlier and tons of them in the previous articles, but there are more.

Last article I mentioned how the only times that Elon posted a “first rest of ur/your life” tweet were before two significant dates for Tsuka. One being the day before 2/27 and the other the day before Ryoshi deleted everything and changed his Twitter pfp and banner.

Elon Musk tweets

And in the first article I mentioned the second part of this tweet:

Elon Musk tweets

“Happiness is a choice” got brought up in Telegram recently and Uruloki immediately responded:

Tsuka Telegram

He very much knew about this Elon tweet. Remember, this person seems to be team but has said very little. A couple long time Tsuka community members have made aware that this person continued conversation in Telegram DMs that had started with the Tsuka deployer’s email address. So this Telegram account is in fact team. His Shiba Inu gifs and the few words that he’s said remind me of R, but even if he is I don’t think he’d admit it.

Remember how on September 22, 2023 ancalagon posted this tweet?

ancalagon tweet

It led to a Daft Punk music video called Veridus Quo that had 555 in it. This led further to a tweet by Elon on May 30, 2022 that says “Veridus Quo”:

Music video screenshot
Elon Musk tweet

Well, on September 21, 2023 at 12:17 am UTC Uruloki said “feels like good day”:

Tsuka Telegram

September 21st is the day that The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien was first published:

The Hobbit publish date

That’s something I talked about before. But later on after Uruloki sent that message, Elon sent this tweet:

Elon Musk tweet

The length of the most viewed Youtube video for Ave Maria is 5:55 (for some reason it says 5:56 for me on mobile):

Andrea Bocelli — Ave Maria Youtube video screenshot

The only other time Elon tweeted about Ave Maria was on May 29, 2022:

Elon Musk tweet

As you can see he is talking about Andrea Bocelli- Ave Maria here. So, we have a Telegram post by Uruloki on September 21, 2023 relating to a tweet by Elon later that same day and on May 29, 2022. Also, we have a tweet by ancalagon on September 22, 2023 relating to a tweet by Elon on May 30, 2022. All of Elon’s tweets related to 555 and were on significant dates for Tsuka. To me it seems that ancalagon, Uruloki, and maybe even Elon gave hints to things we missed.

With The Hobbit publish date on our mind, let’s look at The Lord of the Rings’:

The Lord of the Rings publish date

This is something that was missed before, as July 29, 2022 is the date that the Tsuka deployer sent a transaction message that says “The dragon will be head of the class.”:

Tsuka deployer message

And Elon later tweeted on the day an image with a dragon at the top (head). “Friend made this for me 2 years ago”:

Elon Musk tweet

2 years earlier on July 31, 2020, SHIB was launched.

Looking back on another date that was discussed before, May 22nd, Elon posted these tweets:

Elon Musk tweets

These tweets came 2 days before dejitarutsuka.io was registered and 4 days before Tsuka launched. It’s the only time Elon has used the word katana on Twitter. And he’s talking about Elden Ring. Last article I talked about how the first song on Elden Ring’s soundtrack, called Elden Ring, is by Tsukasa Saitoh. You can rearrange some letters and get Tsuka a Satoshi, relating Tsuka to Bitcoin’s creator Satoshi Nakamoto. The katana being discussed in Elden Ring is a digitial katana. Dejitaru translates to Digital, therefore Dejitaru Tsuka = Digital Katana.

First song of Elden Ring’s soundtrack

All of this relates to what took place a year later on May 22, 2023. This is the Blade Runner stuff that I mentioned before. The Tsuka deployer sent a transaction with a message that relates to a very famous tweet by Hal Finney that says “Running bitcoin”. Hal Finney being one of the first persons involved in Bitcoin and widely thought to be Satoshi. But Elon tweeted a quote from Blade Runner later on the same day after the Tsuka deployer transaction message. There is a corresponding Youtube video “Tears in Rain” with length 3:55 that matches Elon’s tweet time 3:55 pm EST. When you watch the video he begins to say “tears in rain” at 2:27, and there‘s a TD in the background which is DT or Dejitaru Tsuka backwards. You relate “Blade” to Katana to its handle- Tsuka. Then you can relate Blade Runner to Running Tsuka backwards. It’s amazing how many things are intertwined here on this date but especially when you take into account Elon’s tweets about Elden Ring a year earlier. And it connects with the new stuff found recently with Tannhäuser Gate and Tannhaus’s clockwork device.

May 22nd connections

Something was also missed before on May 5th. This is when Elon removed the word nothing from his bio. Well he removed his location too:

Elon bio and location removal

The exact time that these removals occurred from what I can tell via Wayback Machine was just after 12 am UTC +2 on May 5, 2023. This is a timezone that was discussed before, one that Durban, South Africa is located in. It is the place that Ryoshi discusses at the end of his last Medium:

Ryoshi Medium excerpt

I’ve related some tweets from Elon to Tsuka with this timezone before. These are just some little details to add to what I discussed last article on why the change on this May 5, 2023 mattered:

Unmasking Dejitaru Tsuka Part II excerpt

As more people see these connections, lots of little things get picked up on. They could be nothing, but I'm going to share them. I just talked about the bio and location change on May 5, 2023. Well, Elon changed his profile picture on May 26, 2022 to a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. He did this sometime between 9:24 pm and 10:44 pm UTC. The Tsuka deployer received a little bit of ETH at the time and sent the first transaction message later at 11:55 pm UTC.

Elon Musk Twitter pfp change

This is just a funny little thing, but I just started to look at Elon’s likes and he liked this tweet:

Elon Musk like

This screenshot was taken at 2:27. I haven’t really looked into Elon’s likes but i’m going to look more now.

Back on July 14, 2023, Elon posted this tweet:

Elon Musk tweet

He was testing Twitter Spaces for an xAI Spaces the next day. 12 days later the Tsuka deployer sent a transaction message saying “Testing”:

Tsuka deployer message

This was sent during the time period of the decoy Hoshi that was a test of the community. Those transactions occurred during the dog days of summer. At first people thought it meant testing a chain, now I see it as testing the community, but the message could have been hinting to look more into Elon connections too. As we know, R loves sending messages with multiple meanings. Elon is familiar with the dog days of summer, associating it with Doge back in 2021. Remember that uruloki’s Twitter pfp is Sirius, and in it the flare is actually is an X.

Elon Musk tweets and uruloki pfp comparison

I’ve talked about how Ryoshi is not exactly the biggest fan of Chainlink, as he has said so in his first and last Medium articles. And he is a big fan of decentralization, as shown in his Twitter location.

Ryoshi’s Twitter

What’s funny to me is that back on May 16, 2021, Elon responded to a Chainlink fan, talking about Bitcoin and decentralization:

Elon Musk tweets

As I have discussed previously, this is the date of one of R’s big wallet movements related to lunar eclipses where he sent over $1M to another wallet. A year later the Tsuka deployer removed liquidity and then R’s wallet woke up again, making a transaction to signal that Tsuka was created by him, and it all related to Elon with the number 227. Anyway, on May 16, 2021 R moved over $1M, Elon sent these tweets, then later on the same day Vitalik did something too. He burned over $6.7B worth of SHIB, saying he didn’t want the power. Vitalik was sent half the SHIB supply early on for marketing purposes but it ended up being worth quite a lot. He donated 10% of it and burned 90%. His move reminds me of the second transaction message ever sent by the Tsuka deployer:

Tsuka deployer message

In addition to May 16, 2021, Elon also had some choice words about Bitcoin on February 18, 2021:

Elon Musk tweets

This date, February 18, 2021, relates to the first transaction from cryptoallen.eth that occurred a year later. This transaction frontran R’s pfp of Milarepa by over 3 months. We know that dates have specific meaning for Tsuka so it might relate to these tweets. Looking back on specific dates have yielded many Elon-Tsuka connections now.

As I said in my first article, people like Ryoshi and Elon have money already so they are able to create something decentralized solely for the benefit of humanity instead of greed. Given Elon and R’s takes on decentralization this could very well be the attempt. Tsuka is decentralized and has a meme narrative around fire-breathing dragons. It has been seeded with various numbers and dates such as 555, 1143, 227, 69, 420, May 5th, May 16th, May 26th, and May 30th. All connected with details and memes from amazing stories such as The Life Of Milarepa, The Iliad, The Odyssey, The Bible, Elden Ring, The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, The Watchmen, Roverandom, and Dark. Tsuka and Hoshi also relate to SpaceX Dragon and Starship spacecraft.

Elon Musk tweet


The crypticness and long playout of the blueprint has caused lots of confusion during the bear market. But research has now helped bring a lot more clarity. It would be nice to get a tweet from Ryoshi as proof that he made Tsuka and Hoshi. But instead he gave us proof with some very cryptic and clever transactions. Many TSUKA holders have not even bought HOSHI due to confusion and lack of clarity, but as we have seen Hoshi was launched at the same exact time (to the second) as R’s first wallet movement in 574 days. And he told us to trust in the star via a Tsuka deployer transaction message. I think that even if you skim this article it is apparent that there is something very different going on here, well beyond a dragon meme coin. And I think people are starting to catch on, as Shytoshi was seen liking a Tsuka tweet the other day:

Shytoshi Twitter like

R has told us that we have favor, blessings, and that there is only one viable outcome. To me favor may be a humble reference to Elon. If we have some sort of pre-determined destiny we will find out eventually. For now it seems they have seeded us with many cryptic connections and clues around specific dates over a long period of time to help with sustained growth and narrative. I’m not sure when this all started to get planned out, but R’s first lunar eclipse related transaction was all the way back on May 5, 2021. And Elon actually posted this image of Doctor Manhattan facing away back on November 13, 2021. It may be nothing but he did so at 5:16 am UTC-6. Remember, the Doctor Manhattan tweet from Elon on May 28, 2022 led to the 227 Tsuka-Elon connection.

Elon Musk tweets

In the end what you see in all of this is up to you. I’ve presented lots of evidence and shown that many transactions or messages seem to have multiple meanings. The amount of things that are connected and the timing of it all is amazing. What is coincidence or not we may never know. We wait to see what R has up his sleeve and planned for the year of the dragon. We will see if Hoshi will govern a dragon chain or something else. In the meanwhile research will find new things and help us figure out where this all leads to. The community will continue to build and Tsuka will remain decentralized. And great opportunity will present itself to those who dive into the research and see what is unfolding here.

Elon Musk tweet


For reference I’ve included many important links here. Some of these have already been mentioned above. As time goes on the correct links may change. Make sure to double check to see if they are still accurate.

Official website: dejitarutsuka.io

Tsuka deployer address: 0x8242e56a759aa0B069B9c983fe3f582020CD1eC9

TSUKA contract address: 0xc5fB36dd2fb59d3B98dEfF88425a3F425Ee469eD

Buy TSUKA on Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?&chain=mainnet&use=v2&outputCurrency=0xc5fb36dd2fb59d3b98deff88425a3f425ee469ed

TSUKA Dextools: https://www.dextools.io/app/en/ether/pair-explorer/0x67cea36eeb36ace126a3ca6e21405258130cf33c

Hoshi deployer address: 0x1Fc835772E4d96121450CD50C22b172b902AE46c

HOSHI contract address: 0x5362Ca75aa3c0E714bc628296640C43dc5cb9ED6

Buy HOSHI on Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/swap?&chain=mainnet&use=v2&outputCurrency=0xc5fb36dd2fb59d3b98deff88425a3f425ee469ed

HOSHI Dextools: https://www.dextools.io/app/en/ether/pair-explorer/0xdd5c8950cba7de3e63b1efbac0f67073a1c8a88e

Community Links:

Tsuka/Hoshi Telegram: https://t.me/Dejitaru_Tsuka

Hoshi Telegram: https://t.me/DejitaruHoshi

Tsuka Twitter: https://twitter.com/dejitaru_tsuka

Hoshi Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dejitaru__Hoshi

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqn1UP4kPJXQ_ed5lDr_Uzw

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/TSUKA_OFFICIAL/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dejitaru_tsuka/

Medium: https://medium.com/@DejitaruTsukaSangha

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/uQyKc4nYkX

Uruloki Twitter: https://twitter.com/TsukaTRADE

TsukaWorld Twitter: https://twitter.com/TsukaWORLD

TsukaAlliance Twitter: https://twitter.com/TsukaALLIANCE

Dejitaru Tsuka Info: https://www.dejitarutsuka.info/

We Are Ryoshi: https://www.weareryoshi.com/

Personal Links:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KW555227

Ethereum Address: 0xef6b5268D340CeF7a149085e44480c07771fe453

Tsuka art

