Unmasking Dejitaru Tsuka Part IV

24 min readDec 7, 2023

This is now my fourth article covering Dejitaru Tsuka. We’ve seen that TSUKA is a dragon meme coin on the surface but there is something much greater underneath. There are cryptic messages that point to a large puzzle around Tsuka and some of the messages reference Cicada 3301. I’ve shown that Ryoshi created both Tsuka and Hoshi through 5 frontruns to Tsuka’s creation, Tsuka deployer transactions, and also transactions from his known Ethereum address. We’ve also seen dozens of connections to Elon Musk, showing that he appears to have some sort of involvement in all of this. In this article I'm going to look into some more Tsuka deployer transaction messages, some new research findings, and more Elon connections. I’ve left some stuff open ended as I did last time. Others can look deeper into it and try to see where it leads. As I've said before, the research that I’ve presented has been found by a community of researchers which includes myself. I’ve included many links and tried to credit people where I could. And I’ve tried to include many images as the details can be long and tedious. This article is in my own words and describes what I believe based on the evidence presented in the links and images. Your thoughts on all of it is going to vary, but the evidence and connections are there. It’s difficult to discern what is meaningful or not since Tsuka is cryptic by design.

Disclosure: I own TSUKA and HOSHI, therefore I have a vested interest in this project. This article is not financial advice. Do your own research and verify the information for yourself before buying the tokens. I have presented the information to the best of my knowledge.

Some Quick Things

First off, I can’t repeat myself over and over again in these articles so if I reference something and you don’t know what I’m talking about or can’t remember, just go back to the earlier articles and ctrl+f the keywords.

Secondly, I've been asked about this many times now so I'll share here. When you view transactions on Etherscan, most notably for the Tsuka deployer’s outgoing token transfers, it will show many transactions that did not actually come from the Tsuka deployer address. You have to click on the transaction and see if the “From:” address matches the Tsuka deployer address to see if it actually came from the Tsuka deployer or not. This is called transaction spoofing and you can read more about it here and alternatively use Ethplorer to see token transactions. I’m not too familiar with Ethplorer but I don’t think I've seen spoofs on there.

The last thing I want to mention is Tsukies, a community built limited edition redeemable NFT plushie series. All raised funds go to the Tsuka deployer.


New Research

I’ve covered many Tsuka deployer and Hoshi deployer transaction messages so far but I've also left out many. I’m going to cover some more of them now. If you want to see all of them, they are outlined here in this Telegram called Ryoshi’s Journal. The messages in transactions are in hexidecimal text and are converted to string on Etherscan. Some of them require additional decoding, especially in meaning as we’ve seen with messages that have multiple meanings before. But 3 of them (so far) require converting the hexidecimal text to ASCII text string instead of string.

This Tsuka deployer transaction message from May 29, 2022 is in Morse code:

Tsuka deployer message

Translating yields: “1 OF 12= GUILT”. When we check the BIP-39 wordlist, guilt is one of the words. Thus this looks like the first seed phrase word to a cryptocurrency wallet.

This was the next Tsuka deployer transaction message:

Tsuka deployer message

It looks like this is seed phrase word #2 of 12. It might be mail, but when we look at where the .0001969 ETH is sent to, the second word could also be something else. The receiving address owns neutral.eth, so neutral might be the second word.

The next Tsuka deployer transaction message is a bunch of gibberish:

Tsuka deployer message

Well, it’s gibberish when you convert hex to string. If you want to see the actual message, you must convert hex to ASCII text string:






Shout out to the real ones. J”

I’m not sure if this message refers to seed phrase words at all. It mentions three random crypto guys and honestly I'm not sure if “real ones” is serious or not. The address in the message is where it was sent to and it appears to be Luffy’s. And the J at the end represents a smiley face. What is important for this article is the translation, as the message of gibberish was used early on by the community to look for seed phrase words. It seems as though they just had the decoding wrong. Given that, if there really is a seed phrase, it is still out there yet to be discovered.

The next Tsuka deployer transaction message was sent 10 minutes later:

Tsuka deployer message

It’s nearly identical to the previous message. Did R mess up the previous message and have to send another transaction? It’s possible but there are two more that have gibberish when converting hex to string and require converting hex to ASCII text string.

This is the second Tsuka deployer transaction message that has some gibberish:

Tsuka deployer message

The beginning of this message in hex before converting is “0x04c6974746c6520626974206f662066756e”. We do the same conversion as earlier and get “Little bit of fun”. When we look at the rest of the message we see that phrase is misspelled, and it is also a seed phrase word. Maybe it’s important maybe it’s not, I'm not sure.

This next Tsuka deployer transaction message is one I have talked about before:

Tsuka deployer message

I had thought that maybe R had a talk with CZ about cryptocurrencies and his vision to decentralization. But R may have been calling Binance a house of cards. Binance is a CEX after all. CZ recently plead guilty to a felony and stepped down as CEO.

The next Tsuka deployer transaction message also mentioned CZ:

Tsuka deployer message

This message is confusing. Addresses that R has used, with the exception of self sends. There are a few outgoing transactions to addresses before this message. The last four of them were the first four I mentioned above. Two of them had seed phrase words. The “pharse” misspelling however was a self send. The exact purpose of this message will likely require many people to look into it.

This is the third Tsuka deployer transaction message that has some gibberish and didn’t come until December 5, 2022:

Tsuka deployer message

Converting the hex string to ASCII text string this says: “Respect one another. Rudimentary concepts are the hardest to grasp.” It is apparently a message in response to a split in the community at the time.

Back on June 13, 2022, this message was sent to the Tsuka deployer in a transaction:

Message to Tsuka deployer

The Tsuka deployer then made a random capitalization with the letter Y in the word okay in this transaction message:

Tsuka deployer message

The random capitalizations continued until November 7, 2022 and spell out “RJLYOPSHISDSREAMISSAFCUTAIW”. Or at least that’s what I got. Throwing out some of these letters it says “RYOSHIS DREAM IS SAFU TAIW” across 18 transactions. I outline the rest of the relevant transactions below. TAIW of course is wait backwards, so it seems R is or was telling us to wait.

#3 LOve (O):

Tsuka deployer message

#4 PerSistence (S):

Tsuka deployer message

#5 Hot (H):

Tsuka deployer message

#6 religIons (I):

Tsuka deployer message

#7 uSher (S):

Tsuka deployer message

#8 ToDay (D):

Tsuka deployer message

#9 jouRneys (R):

Tsuka deployer message

#10 larvaE (E):

Tsuka deployer message

#11 hArness (A):

Tsuka deployer message

#12 huMble, faIthful (M I):

Tsuka deployer message

#13 Sword, viSion (S S):

Tsuka deployer message

#14 sAngha (A):

Tsuka deployer message

#15 oFten (F):

Tsuka deployer message

#16 yoUr, doubT (U T):

Tsuka deployer message

#17 In, Any (I A):

Tsuka deployer message

#18 World (W):

Tsuka deployer message

This last message ends with “My dream is and has always been safu.” This confirms the analysis of the capital letters in the messages to be RYOSHIS DREAM IS SAFU TAIW. This was spelt out from June 13, 2022 to November 7, 2022. The last few messages came later than the others, and the last message came right before Bitcoin plummeted due to the collapse of FTX. Ryoshi’s dream is decentralization and involves anonymity. FTX is CEX with KYC. It seems as though he was waiting for FTX to collapse and had an idea on when it would happen.

Bitcoin price during FTX collapse

This is not the only time he’s done something like this. He was also spot on in this December 25, 2022 Tsuka deployer transaction message:

Tsuka deployer message
Bitcoin price and Tsuka deployer messages

The worst was behind us and the foundation was solid. Note that the website in the message was used in a community giveaway, but at the time of writing this it does not lead to anything.

Last article I talked about RFD and how R called the top of that coin. So R has called the BTC top, BTC bottom, and RFD top now across three Tsuka deployer transaction messages. Or at least these are the three cases that I know of so far.

I’ve talked about cryptoallen.eth before and how it was a well thought out frontrun of Ryoshi’s X pfp change. It was first funded on February 18, 2022:

cryptoallen.eth’s first transaction

The ETH amount seems to point to a date, May 25th. This is a day after the dejitarutsuka.io domain was registered and a day before Tsuka was created. The time 11:43:00 am UTC+7 is a frontrun of R’s X pfp to Milarepa on May 30, 2023.

On February 18, 2021, a year before cryptoallen’s first transaction, Elon was posting about Bitcoin and had some very choice words on it:

Elon Musk posts

It turns out that the very first transaction involving the Shib deployer address was also on February 18, all the way back in 2018. Notice that the date and time 2/18 at 7:52:46 matches almost perfectly with the ETH deposit of 0.21875241. I have talked about many specific dates, times, and transaction amounts lining up in various ways with Tsuka. It appears R has been doing these things for a long time now.

Shib deployer’s first transaction

Last article I talked about a urulokimasanori X account. You can see from these before and after images that a couple things changed:

urulokimasanori X account before and after

First they removed the quote in the banner, then they followed someone. But now at the time of writing this, they are back at 0 following. I said before I'm not quite sure who gave the quote, it is debated and there are a variety of versions of it. It is widely attributed to Lao Tzu, but it appears that he never actually said this. The name Tzu of course relates to Tsuka, and also the 64 digit hexidecimal text in the bio that decodes to the circled katakana syllable for tsu (㋡). That hex decoding was actually the same method used to search for private key words by the community in the gibberish that I mentioned earlier. In this case, the decode remains accurate. This X account still remains unclaimed by R, but someone out there was able to see what the 12 posts said.

Also of note, the urulokimasanori Youtube video Kavayacfvr Onke [rain] is no longer on private. Last article when I talked about it, it had been put on private for some reason after the link to it was decoded.

One of the clocks in that video is at 11:05. If we think about minutes the hour hand is at 55 and minute hand at 5, aka 555.

Unlisted video screenshot

This partial liquidity liquidity withdrawal by the Tsuka deployer seems to reference 555 using that way too, as the withdrawal amount is also represented by 0.00000115:

Tsuka deployer transaction

This is just a little thing, but as seen many times before there are little things can be found in the numbers.

Since my second article I've talked about ancalagon, his cryptic posts, and how they’ve led to many findings. Most notable imo is his “IDGTK UMLOO” post which led to the Alex Hern/Decoy Hoshi/Cicada 3301 revelations (although Cicada 3301 had been mentioned by a community member a few weeks earlier as being similar to Tsuka but no one really looked into it yet). What I didn’t mention is that there is another post attached to that:

ancalagon posts

Speak friend and enter is a reference to the Doors of Durin in The Lord of the Rings. The doors have an inscription on them written in Sindarin that says: “Ennyn Durin Aran Moria. Pedo Mellon a Minno. Im Narvi hain echant. Celebrimbor o Eregion teithant i thiw hin.” This translates to: “The Doors of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak, friend, and enter. I, Narvi, made them. Celebrimbor of Hollin drew these signs.” Gandalf opens the doors by saying the word “friend” in Sindarin, which is “mellon”. The door is illustrated below:

Doors of Durin

The letters in the top left and right match ancalagon’s image. The top left is a C for Celebrimbor and the top right an N for Narvi.

It appears that ancalagon’s image is composed of Roman numerals, Morse code, Tengwar numerals, and Elvish Ring. The Tengwar alphabet was created by J. R. R. Tolkien for his books. It is used to write his constructed languages such as Sindarin and Quenya.

Using this info, this is my decoding:

ancalagon’s image decoding

First off, 8 of 12 makes this seem like there’s a seed phrase word to be found here. There’s also 8 numbers, 3 of them having symbols that I'm unsure of. The image seems to be a compass given the NESW. Starting North and moving clockwise in the outer circle produces: “I MUST FOLLOW IF I CA”. Searching for this and The Lord of the Rings yields a song from The Lord of the Rings called The Road Goes Ever On. This is sung by Bilbo Baggins as he embarked on a journey:

The Road goes ever on and on,
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.

It’s clear when comparing the decode with the song that when reading clockwise from outermost to innermost circle it says: “I MUST FOLLOW IF I CAN PURSUING IT WITH EAGER FEET”. Tengwar numerals are apparently written with the least significant digit on the left and in base 12 instead of the base 10 that we are familiar with. If we ignore this and view them as the normal numbers we’re used to then N is 25 and P is 27. So this seems to be a shifted alphabet where A starts at 12 instead of 1. The missing letters N, P, U, R, S, U, I, and N correspond to numbers 25, 27, 32, 29, 30, 32, 20, and 25. This all checks out except for the U’s that start with 1 and 2 but have a same symbol that I'm unsure of. So I don’t know what to say about that. I can get into further analysis of everything including the numbers in the bottom right of my decode image but I'm just going to stop here and let others look into it. Do note there is still no clarity if ancalagon is community or team. If there is really a seed phrase to be found in all of this, then maybe only 8 of 12 words have been given so far. Who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

In addition to the cryptic Cicada 3301 references by the Tsuka deployer that I've discussed before, this obvious reference was made recently in a transaction.

Tsuka deployer transaction

There’s no message in this transaction, just a self send of 0.3301 ETH. This is just a little thing found in the numbers once again.

Elon Connections

I’ve talked about repeating 5’s many times before relating to both Tsuka and Elon. One of them is the first Tsuka deployer transaction message that was sent at 11:55 pm UTC:

Tsuka deployer message

Another message had a screenshot of a $155M balance at 5:55:

Tsuka deployer image

It turns out that Elon’s IQ is estimated to be 155:

Elon Musk’s IQ

On December 1, 2023 Elon posted this image:

Elon Musk post

Of all the things that he could have posted, he chose the item worth $55. This came within 24 hours of 555 days after Tsuka’s launch, which was on December 2, 2023 at 3:49 am UTC. For me that launch time was on December 1, 2023 10:49 pm UTC-6, the same day as Elon’s post.

Elon’s current pinned post is a 55 second video of Starship’s most recent launch. It was posted at 7:22 pm UTC-7, aka 227:

Elon Musk post

A little note is that Elon’s name backwards is nole which means the head:

Nole definition

Head of course relates to one of the best Tsuka-Elon connections that has been discussed multiple times before.

In my second article I talked about how Elon’s posts about The Iliad & The Odyssey related to Tsuka. Something to add on is that he specified which audiobook edition of the Iliad to listen to:

Elon Musk post

He also specified the Penguin Edition of the Odyssey in this post:

Elon Musk post

Just like edition of The Life of Milarepa that I've talked about before, Penguin Edition:

The Life of Milarepa

Remember, Tsuka is a cipher of the author’s name: Tsangyon Heruka. This cipher came days before Ryoshi’s X pfp change to Milarepa in a well thought out frontrun. This Penguin Edition of The Life of Milarepa was brought up by the community hours before Elon specified it in his Odyssey Penguin edition post. Both of Elon’s Penguin edition posts are just some little connections to add on to everything else.

Elon recently made this post after a memecoin was launched called XAI. It has no relation to xAI, the company Elon founded in March 2023.

Elon Musk post

This comment is good news. His companies are not going to create a cryptocurrency. I have said many times that I think Tsuka and Hoshi are the cryptocurrencies that he is involved with now. They were created in a decentralized manner, the way they should be created. If one of his companies created a cryptocurrency there would be a centralized creator and it would bring up issues with the SEC among other things.

xAI recently created Grok, an AI like ChatGPT, but with ambitions to be much better. They modeled it after The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and want it to maximally benefit all of humanity. You can see that this along with The Lord of the Rings are his favorite books:

Elon Musk post

Tsuka has been designed with The Lord of the Rings, The Iliad, The Odyssey, and other amazing stories in mind since the beginning. So seeing the design of Grok with HG2G in mind is a very interesting connection to me. In fact, it is now one of my favorites.

In these articles I’ve tried to focus on dates in the past that have lined up and led to something instead of ones in the future. Many future dates have led to nothing and disappointment, but not November 13th. Last article I mentioned this image of Doctor Manhattan on Mars that was posted by Elon:

Elon Musk post

The Tsuka deployer sent a message in a transaction on November 13, 2023, and it was the first message in almost 44 days:

Tsuka deployer message

My third article talked a lot about clocks and the urulokimasanori Youtube video Kavayacfvr Onke [rain]. That video showed video from a German Netflix show called Dark. Some of it showed a portable time machine referred to as Tannhaus’s clockwork device which relates to Tannhäuser Gate. This gate is mentioned in the Blade Runner “Tears in Rain” monologue during the climax of the movie. This has been mentioned before in what appears to be a Tsuka deployer frontrun to an Elon Musk post referencing this Blade Runner video. Tannhaus builds the time machine based on a blueprint that he receives from a stranger, the term blueprint here possibly being the origin for R’s use of the word blueprint in Tsuka deployer messages. In Dark, time travel through a wormhole is possible in increments of 33 years into the future or past. This number reminds me of Cicada 3301. But also the lunar-solar cycle is 33 years, which is the time it takes for the moon and sun to reach the same alignment they were in when the cycle began. I don’t know who decided on this, but Starship has 33 engines. At the moment it’s Elon’s wallpaper:

Elon Musk posts

He posted this image of the 33 engines yet again on November 24, 2023, and did so at 2:27 am UTC-6:

Elon Musk post

Continuing with the number 33, Elon created this X account cyb3rgam3r420 to test X video game streaming. During this stream he played a tier 69 dungeon in Diablo IV. Here we have 33, 420, and 69 altogether. Remember, Dejitaru Tsuka itself relates to 420 in that D is the 4th letter in the alphabet and T is the 20th letter. Then DT=420. Add 4 and 20 together you get 24 which is the letter X (D+T=X). And X is Elon’s ambition to create the everything app. The Tsuka contract address ends in “69ed” and the HOSHI contract address ends in “9ed6”, both relating to 69. And since e is the 5th letter of the alphabet, 6+9+e+d=9+e+d+6=24=X. All of which seems to have been very much thought out.

Elon was once again playing Diablo IV on November 6, 2023:

Elon Musk posts

What stuck out to me first was “Eternal Realm” since the E and R are capitalized (Elon and Ryoshi). But then also “SILENCE IS HELLISH” and “SNAKE DESTROYER”. His posts came at a time when the Tsuka deployer had been silent for over 37 days. The silence was hellish and a lot of people sold during this period of time. Of course I also have to note that there is a dragon in the game he is playing.

Continuing with the numbers 33 and 227, The Tsuka deployer blatantly referenced them in transactions on November 28, 2023 and November 29, 2023:

Tsuka deployer transactions

You can see that 0.333 ETH was sent to the Hoshi deployer and 30 ETH was sent from the Tsuka deployer to MEXC at 2:27 pm UTC.

I was surprised to see that buylowhodl made this post recently:

buylowhodl post

Remember, this term “Dragon Dawn” originated from an Elon Musk post about a SpaceX Dragon spacecraft that came two years before Tsuka launched:

Elon Musk post

Unless buylowhodl was quoting the community and is unaware this phrase came from an Elon post, he is directly referencing Elon.

On December 3, 2023 the Tsuka deployer sent this transaction message:

Tsuka deployer message

Here beacon is misspelled as bacon. It seems as though it might be on purpose, since Elon Musk was born during The Year of the Pig:

Years of the Pig
Elon Musk’s birthday

Remember, the phrase beacon of hope already related to Elon before this misspelling. It had been used in two Tsuka deployer messages, then Elon posted the same phrase on X, then uruloki masanori posted on CoinMarketCap later on the same day as Elon’s post, and it has now been posted by the Tsuka deployer again for a third time.

Final Thoughts

I see Shib as an experiment, Tsuka the finale. In R’s first Medium article he said he’d someday be gone without notice:

Ryoshi Medium excerpt

In Tsuka’s case, he said he’d devote most of his life to this journey:

Tsuka deployer message

Big difference here. The other big difference is the way that Tsuka came about with references to Cicada 3301, meaning the cryptic stuff left behind in regards to R and Elon was meant to be found. And many things have been found in connection to Elon. I do not see that in the case with Shib.

In my second article I pointed out how SpaceX has Dragon and Starship spacecraft. These match Tsuka (dragon) and Hoshi (star). Also, remember Elon’s house and how he has a katana and starship on the living room table, which relate to Tsuka and Hoshi. That photo was posted by Walter Isaacson who wrote a biography on Elon.

Walter Isaacson post

Something revealed in this biography is that Elon had been secretly funding Doge devs, as discussed in this Forbes article:

Forbes article excerpt

The key word here is “had”. It seems he stopped funding development but his level of involvement is unclear. Also, instead of creating a new social media platform he bought Twitter and turned it into X. And a “currency of Earth” fits in with Dejitaru Tsuka and X as D+T=X. As I have said before, I believe R’s vision now involves TSUKA and HOSHI, with an end result being a stablecoin that becomes the currency of the earth:

Ryoshi Medium excerpt

So it seems that R and Elon have the same ambition to create a currency of the earth.

Remember, open source code is the essence of cryptocurrency and its decentralized nature. R’s interest is in decentralization:

Ryoshi X account

Like R, Elon very much has an interest in decentralization. X corp. has been open sourcing X’s code and now even Tesla has open sourced the original Tesla Roadster’s design & engineering specs:

Elon Musk post

Here’s some more posts from Elon about decentralization:

Elon Musk post
Elon Musk post
Elon Musk post
Elon Musk post

The main purpose of cryptocurrencies is their decentralized nature that gives control of money to the people themselves instead of governments and banks. Besides that, the benefit is the utility that can be built around cryptocurrencies and NFTs, such as Tsuka’s community built DEX Uruloki. Most people will think DOGE has the best potential to be Elon’s favorite currency of the earth but things can change. When I do a quick search on X of Elon’s posts and remove the responses to users with doge in their name I see only 12 posts mentioning doge since Tsuka was launched. I have shared many more than 12 connections between Tsuka and Elon’s posts in my articles. That is not to say that Elon has given up on Doge though, I’m sure he will continue posting about it on X. Most notably he will be bringing it up because a Doge satellite is set to launch in 2024. But this was first announced all the way back on May 9, 2021.

The evidence of R and Elon’s connections with Tsuka have been laid out for over 18 months now. Anyone that has an interest in decentralized money has had the opportunity to see the potential in what has been unfolding here. The core community is small but stronger than ever. In my opinion those here deserve the financial benefit the most from whatever could come, as they are the ones most likely to have the interest in decentralization. The people that have been here the longest have suffered the most, drawing comparisons to the suffering in the story of The Life Of Milarepa. The community has tried to remain positive through bad price action, periods of silence from R, and silence about funds sent by the Tsuka deployer to CEXs. Only through research can we draw conclusions that the moves are in our best interest. I have wrote these articles on what I've found through research to share the potential on what could be at play here. What is truly a connection or not I may never know. What is meant to be found or not I may never know. What I think on all this and where it is headed, if not right, has been a suggestion. Some expect nothing else besides what the community does. But there is nothing from stopping R and Elon from immersing themselves amongst the community. As I have said before, my hopeful thought is that Elon will come onboard after a stablecoin is created. He definitely has the influence and power to fulfill R’s vision and apparently his own for a currency of the world. R has told us something big is coming back on September 3, 2023, and more recently “mewn sewn”. As the community continues to build and research, I await to see what unfolds next. And I will continue to put together articles on Tsuka, as I already have enough stuff to write another.

Messages from R via buylowhodl in HOSHI Telegram
Uruloki Masanori HOSHI Telegram message
Elon Musk post


For reference I’ve included many important links here. Some of these have already been mentioned above. As time goes on the correct links may change. Make sure to double check to see if they are still accurate.

Official website: dejitarutsuka.io

Tsuka deployer address: 0x8242e56a759aa0B069B9c983fe3f582020CD1eC9

TSUKA contract address: 0xc5fB36dd2fb59d3B98dEfF88425a3F425Ee469eD

Buy TSUKA on Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?&chain=mainnet&use=v2&outputCurrency=0xc5fb36dd2fb59d3b98deff88425a3f425ee469ed

TSUKA Dextools: https://www.dextools.io/app/en/ether/pair-explorer/0x67cea36eeb36ace126a3ca6e21405258130cf33c

Hoshi deployer address: 0x1Fc835772E4d96121450CD50C22b172b902AE46c

HOSHI contract address: 0x5362Ca75aa3c0E714bc628296640C43dc5cb9ED6

Buy HOSHI on Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/swap?&chain=mainnet&use=v2&outputCurrency=0xc5fb36dd2fb59d3b98deff88425a3f425ee469ed

HOSHI Dextools: https://www.dextools.io/app/en/ether/pair-explorer/0xdd5c8950cba7de3e63b1efbac0f67073a1c8a88e

Community Links:

Tsuka/Hoshi Telegram: https://t.me/Dejitaru_Tsuka

Hoshi Telegram: https://t.me/DejitaruHoshi

Ryoshi’s Journal: https://t.me/TsukaRyoshisJournal

Tsuka on X: https://twitter.com/dejitaru_tsuka

Hoshi on X: https://twitter.com/Dejitaru__Hoshi

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqn1UP4kPJXQ_ed5lDr_Uzw

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/TSUKA_OFFICIAL/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dejitaru_tsuka/

Medium: https://medium.com/@DejitaruTsukaSangha

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/uQyKc4nYkX

Uruloki on X: https://twitter.com/TsukaTRADE

TsukaWorld on X: https://twitter.com/TsukaWORLD

TsukaAlliance on X: https://twitter.com/TsukaALLIANCE

Tsukies on X: https://twitter.com/tsukiesofficial

Dejitaru Tsuka Info: https://www.dejitarutsuka.info/

We Are Ryoshi: https://www.weareryoshi.com/

Personal Links:

X: https://twitter.com/KW555227

Ethereum Address: 0xef6b5268D340CeF7a149085e44480c07771fe453

Tsuka art

