Which is better — mobile or desktop version of the KYCC wallet

2 min readJan 16, 2022


Which is better — mobile or desktop version of the KYCC wallet

According to statistics, the number of mobile Internet users increases every year. Modern applications allow trading and investing with simple and user-friendly interfaces.

But still, professional work on financial markets is impossible without a big screen, and often even a system of screens.

The desktop version of our wallet is designed for those who wish to access their finances on different platforms without resorting to a mobile app. It’s practical, convenient, and secure.

In addition, using a mouse and keyboard allows you to manage the receipt and sending of payments faster than in the mobile app.

So, the most important advantage of the desktop version of the KYCC wallet is the ability to deposit with a bank card in fiat money, as well as transfer your fiat money to the wallet balance without the use of third-party services.

Additionally there is a high degree of protection of the user’s personal data and funds. In spite of the fact that the wallet interface is made in a minimalistic style, the desktop version repeats and expands the possibilities, which are available to the users of the mobile version.

In particular, everyone has the ability to send funds not only to specific wallets but also to users of their contact list.

It’s hard to find users who like commissions. But we all have to deal with them in one way or another. This is also the case when we are not talking about trading or investing, but about the usual transfer of cryptocurrency funds to a loved one or a business partner.

Users of the desktop version of the KYCC wallet have a great opportunity to transfer their funds аabsolutely free of charge, without paying any commissions.

It is also noteworthy that the desktop KYCC wallet is designed in such a way that all data is stored on your hard drive. In encrypted form, of course.

What is better — a mobile wallet or a desktop one? This question is not worth asking, because each version is designed for specific purposes. Usually, KYCC network users install the mobile version on their iPhone or Android smartphone and use the desktop version when they really need it. Others who spend a lot of time on a computer or laptop, however, may avoid using the mobile version, as well as the mobile Internet in general. This is a rare case, so we can agree that the desktop version is a powerful and full-featured addition to the mobile version of the KYCC wallet and an important element of the entire KYCC ecosystem, whose main task is to provide versatility and a high level of comfort to every user.

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