CUNYcodes -Portfolio development program

Melissa Rojas
5 min readNov 4, 2016


Last semester I participated in a portfolio development program called CUNYCodes. The program was 10 weeks long, after-school sessions twice a week and the requirement of developing a working product. 10 weeks of learning, designing and coding a product, in my case, an iOS app called Hidden Gems. At first, it sounds fun and easy but, what is really like to be in a portfolio development program? I would summarize it in one word, “CHALLENGING”.

When I first applied to the program I thought it was going to be like another class. At the time, I was finishing my Master’s degree and I absolutely thought that I had everything figured out, I mean, how difficult it could be to attend to another class twice a week? I clearly had no clue of what I was getting into.

At the beginning of the program, everyone was asked to come to the first session with a project idea: a website, a mobile app, a web app, anything that you have always wanted to create but you had not had the opportunity to do it for different reasons. The scariest part of this first session was to pitch your project idea in front of the room. I never expected that part on the first day however, it all went well. I love to travel, and to be aware of what is going on at a particular location at the time I am visiting, for this reason, my idea was a travel app that would inform you of local venues and events based on your current location. But not only that, it would also tell you a little story about a specific venue when you get closer to it. Pretty cool ahh!!! The most exciting part of the first day was that my idea was chosen and I couldn’t wait to start the development process, however, this is when it all started, with a simple question; how do you create something like that in only 10 weeks?

The whole process involves a specific set of tools and skills that one person alone probably doesn’t have. It involves design, front end and backend development, in other words, people with a different skills set “a team.” I teamed up with 4 other people and we all decided to make an iOS app. I couldn’t be happier at the moment, I love mobile app development, had experience with iOS development and saw a great opportunity to improve my skills. I thought that I was going to work on the front end of the app and wasn’t going to be involved with design and backend. Again, I was wrong!

As the development process began, the problems began too. Choosing the technologies to use, learning how to use them along with the programming languages, using a software development methodology, defining user stories, working on every user story to create a Minimum Valuable Product for every sprint of the SCRUM methodology, having to demo the product every week and most importantly working together as a team. It didn’t sound that easy after all.

HiddenGems Team

All of us were still attending to school, with part time jobs, families, homework, side projects and activities that we all love. However, we fell in love with the project and the commitment to it was absolute. It was hard to keep up with all the tasks needed to complete the user stories required for every sprint. We all had to roll up our sleeves and put our hands in every activity of the project and my decision of not doing any backend or UI design tasks had changed. I found myself setting up the AWS server, installing LAMP, writing PHP code, working with MySQL and designing the UI. We all did a little bit of everything, whatever it took to complete the project.

During the course of the program we encountered communication problems, technology related issues, lack of time, demotivation, arguments among the members of the team, and all kinds of problems that any development team can suffer from. However, our goal remained untouchable. We all loved what were were working on, we all were confident that our project was going to succeed and that we were building a great product.

10 weeks of hard work passed and, with the help of our mentors John and Gregrian, we overcame all the problems and built a functional, useful, amazing and beautiful product which was considered one of the best in the program. I learned a great deal about backend and front-end development, APIs, RESTful APIs, SCRUM, Swift, AWS and most importantly how to work efficiently as part of a development team and how to manage a product development process from beginning to end.

HiddenGems team with mentors John and Gregrian

I have to thank every member of my team Kim, Amruta, Shylah and Bryan for the commitment, the patience and the support during every stage of the program. I also want to thank John and Gregrian for having me in the program and for the mentorship during it. After CUNYCodes not only have my development skills grown and improved but I have gained plenty soft skills and most importantly it helped build my confidence as a developer and speaker.

This semester I am returning to CUNYCodes as a peer mentor. I have decided to commit to this role as a way of giving back and to never forget that there is still a long way to go in my career path. It is also a reminder to constantly improve, grow and never give up.


