Why I Write

Kacy-Ann V.
2 min readApr 18, 2018


For one thing, verbal communication has never been my strong point.

I am an introvert and consider myself to be a pretty pensive person as well—so I like to think thoroughly about my replies before I give them. Unfortunately, taking a long pause for thought processing in the middle of a conversation is frowned upon more often than not. Who needs that pressure? Not me please and thank you.

With writing—even with deadlines in the equation—I am able to take the time necessary to form cohesive thoughts that I am satisfied with. Whether it’s a post for my blog, a research article for a client, or a letter to my mom—writing is the most effective way for me to communicate what is going on in this brain of mine.

It’s not all rainbows and cupcakes though. Being a writer comes with its own unique set of challenges. It’s a little harder to get your point across when people are unable to see your facial expressions or hear your vocal intonations. Nonetheless, I do enjoy the challenge of making sure my personality shines through in the content that I write. It’s rewarding when someone who knows you in real life can also recognize you in your writing.

Another reason that I write is because it is extremely therapeutic for me. Sometimes you just don’t want to talk about it. I have a journal that I try to make a habit of writing in daily. I’ve also written a bunch of letters and emails — for the sole purpose of venting—and have disposed of them shortly after completion. Usually before I even get to the end of what I’m writing, I feel a thousand times better—and what’s even better is that I am able to save my vocal cords from the yelling that would have otherwise been in a verbal venting session.

Me when I yell.

When I write, I am at peace. I can be myself — or even someone else if I want to. I can share my thoughts and contemplate my responses. Why on earth wouldn’t I want to be a writer?

Why do you write? I’m always curious to know the reasons behind why people do what they do. Please share below!



Kacy-Ann V.

Hi, I'm Kacy and I enjoy figuring stuff out and articulating my findings in clear, but unique ways. - UX Researcher and Writer in Columbus, OH.