The Missing Element to Stabilise Crypto Finance: Intro

Welcome to our ongoing series discussing burning issues behind the development of the hybrid economy for mobile games and crypto

2 min readApr 25, 2022

Saying we’re creating a hybrid economy is not a soundbite, it’s a whopper of a statement that’s saying even more than you think.

Finding the balance for a new hybrid creation

Explaining something so new, however, that comes from A LOT of theorising, strategising, and planning, is not something one can do simply. Especially when it’s something with an ongoing execution phase.

So, it’s time to bring you in on the journey. Hopefully, by the time we’re done, you’ll be just as hyped as we are — and if not, well, you know how to reach us. Our ears are open here, on Discord and on Twitter.

If you’re a cynical person reading this (and let’s be real: if you’ve been into crypto and NFT for more than 5 minutes you probably are cynical) then hearing about how “our NFT project is different and worthy” probably makes your eyes twitch. At this point it’s like a politician from The Joker saying they believe in the importance of mental health.

But then you hear it’s a mobile game-tech company with its own resources going into it. Then we started talking about a hybrid project, and you probably started wondering whether the most obvious conclusion is true, P2E?

Well, we do love having fun; which is why our Twitter and Discord channels are bursting with activity we call our Social P2E. These are prize-bearing games for fellow fun-loving social kahunuts.

But that is far from being the most exciting part. To truly explain what we’re doing, and where we’re going we will be releasing a series of articles to talk about the different aspects of our decision making, our philosophy, our goals, and why these are so important in the creation of a true hybrid economy that enables a long-term, sustainable NFT community.

For our first release, we’ll be looking into the particularly controversial crypto feud that pits value Vs volume. The question first posed by Bitcoin Vs Bitcoin Cash has led us to a question of our own — Why choose?

To discover more about us and our projects you can join our Discord community, connect to us on Twitter or visit our website:

