KaibaSwap Partnerships FAQ

Are you interested partnering with Kaiba DeFi? Below are details of what the Kaiba ecosystem is, what our partnership can offer, and how to participate. If you have decided you already wish to partner with us, or want to be listed on KaibaSwap, please fill out the following form: Kaiba Partnership Application

Kaiba DeFi
6 min readDec 10, 2021

What Is Kaiba DeFi?

Kaiba DeFi offers an extensive suite of decentralised blockchain products, incorporating next generation smart contract technology. ERC-20 projects have been plagued by increasingly exorbitant gas fees, which stunts project growth and deters smaller investors, forcing them onto centralised exchanges, exposing them to risk, lack of true token ownership, and mandatory personal details forfeiture. Our aim and philosophy is to restore decentralized affordability to users on the Ethereum chain.

We offer two forms of partnership, listing on our decentalized exchange KaibaSwap, and custom backend smart contract technology for gas intensive projects, such as Play-To-Earn games and NFT platforms and distribution. Partners can choose to take advantage of both or either of these. Whichever partnership you choose we are able to save users up to 90% in gas fees.

One of our core products is the KaibaSwap DEX (decentralised exchange). Whilst many projects have been trying to deliver Layer 2 solutions to Ethereum we have been building KaibaSwap as a Layer 1 solution. Our technology already works, and we are able to meet those goals without fanciful ideas, implausible timelines, or taking your project off-chain.

Our backend technology partnership offers your project the ability to use customized coding and smart contract implementation that can save your project and its users great savings on gas fees. We can also build a customized user interface to meet your projects needs and branding. For example we are currently partnered with a Play-To-Earn project in which we have designed their rewards claim system, their users are now saving large amounts of money on gas fees, and users are even able to claim in Bitcoin, Ethereum, or the project’s native token. With your project we can focus on your needs and requests and deliver a product we’re sure you’ll love with little limits to what we can achieve.


1. What is the main benefit of becoming a Kaiba Partner?

Being a Kaiba Partner can save your project and your community members up to 90% on Ethereum gas fees.

This was the promise of Ethereum 2.0, but this promise has never materialized and looks set to stay that way. Our technology exists as an ETH Layer 1 solution without needing to go off-chain.

This will have an immediate impact by allowing smaller investors to participate and not be priced out. Existing investors are also rewarded with Swap benefits that no one else has access to. Imagine your community being able to buy with the ease of UniSwap, but with even faster processing and gas fees virtually eliminated!

2. Besides providing backend gas savings and listings on KaibaSwap, what other benefits do partners have access to?

As a Kaiba Partner, you have access to a strong ecosystem of products, insights from a talented team, and built-in support for your project by tapping into Kaiba’s dedicated community.

Some specific benefits of being a Kaiba Partner, include but are not limited to:

  • Cross-community AMAs.
  • Social media promotions and marketing outreach.
  • Advertising credits used for advertisement banners on KaibaSwap, our DApps (decentralised applications), and across our wider ecosystem.
  • Advisory boards, technical advice, and strategic partnerships.
  • SVTs (Saver Tokens) which your team can give out for even greater savings on gas.
  • Commemorative NFT cross-promotions, exclusive and limited edition. We also create NFTs for The Sandbox metaverse!
  • Possible 1:1 token buys, wherein our project treasury buys an amount of your project tokens, m your project in turn buys a similar portion of $KAIBA tokens.

Additional benefits will emerge as Kaiba’s product ecosystem continues to evolve.

3. How Does KaibaSwap and $KAIBA work?

KaibaSwap is powered by our proprietary and groundbreaking Internal Virtual Chain (IVC) (see fig. 1).

The IVC works like a closed-loop economy bubble within the Ethereum blockchain. All functions are streamlined to ensure smart contract interactions are minimized without compromise or loss to the end result. Everything in this “bubble” is optimized and gas-efficient, allowing swap users to avoid unnecessary processes that take place on other common DEXs. On top of saving you on gas fees, KaibaSwap is able to ensure transactions are substantially faster than other DEXs!

Figure 1 – Flow chart of the Internal Virtual Chain that powers KaibaSwap

This proprietary technology is already embedded in our token, $KAIBA. As everyone who has ever purchased $KAIBA will tell you, they have paid up to 40% less in fees. Much like what $UNI has done for UniSwap, our native token $KAIBA will see an increase in its use-case and utility as our ecosystem expands. We encourage you to try it for yourself and see our tech in action, obtain a gas quote from a transaction buying an equal amount of $KAIBA vs any other another ERC-20 token. It simply works.

4. What do we need to start a Kaiba Partnership?

Our top priority is to develop partnerships that are safe and reliable for our users. Current requirements for Launch Partners, include:

  • Projects are required to be in an active state, with a committed team of developers.
  • Our own internal security audit will be conducted on contracts before onboarding. If you have completed any third-party audits, this will expedite the process.
  • Purchase and burn a set portion of $KAIBA tokens, to be determined.

We aim to make KaibaSwap open to as many Ethereum projects as possible while, at the same time, ensure that each partnership is mutually beneficial to both projects.

5. What action do our developers need to take to get our tokens on to KaibaSwap?

It’s simple and requires no changes to your token or how it functions. Contracts do not need to be changed, and current liquidity pools do not have to be discarded.

Projects wanting to partner with KaibaSwap simply must allocate their desired amount of liquidity on UniSwap and send it to the designated Virtual Chain address. The liquidity pool they send will be ‘frozen’ and then reverted back to the new value if withdrawn. This process is in essence similar to purchasing through Uniswap except the transaction will take place within our optimized IVC (see fig. 2).

Figure 2

Once our partnership commences, our development team will work with yours to outline the exact steps required to migrate your project token to KaibaSwap. The process is seamless, and we will work together on every step.

6. How much does it cost to become a partner project?

Becoming a KaibaSwap Launch Partner is entirely free of charge. All we ask is for our partners to purchase of a set amount of $KAIBA tokens and then burn them.

Kaiba DeFi has a long-term vision to be the prominent decentralised exchange and future of blockchain. As such, the quality and integrity of our Launch Partners is paramount to financial incentive. Securing your place as one of our Launch Partners ensures your project will remain on KaibaSwap indefinitely. Future fees that may be introduced will not apply to Launch Partners.

7. How do we apply to become a partner?

Get in touch and we will respond straight away to secure a discussion group with our Lead Developer and core team.

Please complete the following form: Kaiba Partnership Application. Alternatively you can reach out on our main Telegram channel, or email us at team@KaibaDeFi.com with ‘Kaiba Partnership Application’ in the subject field.

8. How do we begin integration with KaibaSwap once our partnership has been confirmed?

Once our partnership commences, our development team will work with yours to outline the exact steps required to migrate your project token to KaibaSwap.

The process is mostly seamless and we will walk you through every step.

For more technical reading on KaibaSwap and the $KAIBA ecosystem, check out our other Medium articles. For any further questions regarding partnerships or any of our products, feel free to contact us at team@KaibaDeFi.com or our Telegram channel linked above. If you are interested in a partnership with Kaiba DeFi please fill in the following form: Kaiba Partnership Application



Kaiba DeFi

Kaiba DeFi is here to solve the Ethereum gas problem! Tried and tested tech, revolutionary vision!