The Cultural Revolution: Robots and Trust

7 min readJan 5, 2018


It is important to understand where we are to see what the future holds. We live in a time of hedonism, what people call a hookup culture. Of disposable relationships. The most likely outcome is for the hookup culture to evolve. To a society is a similar situation Japan finds itself now. With the commodification of relationships. People will burn out, once this has run its course. Humans will have to connect based on connection and the want for children, as everything else has been parsed for profit or commodified.

There are two things that have and will continue to hinder the hookup culture to this point, pregnancy and rape. While contraceptives have mitigated unwanted pregnancies, they are not fully effective. As to the latter subject, well, there likely isn’t a solution to that.

So what happens when we add robots?

Robots and the Black Market

It is important to tackle this issue as this will be one of the main reasons for the introduction of pleasure robots. Pandora’s box will likely be open because of this and it will also cause a major societal shift.

The first major landmark ship shift will likely be pleasure robots.

The sex trade a multi-billion dollar industry. It commodifies everything about human relationships. It is important to understand it exists because people want it and it is illegal. While the hookup culture has devalued the price for sex it has also made it easier for the black market to go undetected. The black market makes a profit off the sex trade by indentured servitude. Individuals are forced through debt, violence and addiction to continue hooking. Illegal operations have high costs both implicit and explicit.

Robots will be introduced to combat this illegal market. Robots offer many advantages they do not need food, water, sleep, and do not become pregnant. More importantly, they are not human, which means they can be considered property. Which, can be legally owned and mass produced. Mass production will cause the further commodification of sex. Which in-turn will likely drop its price to virtually zero as availability increases.

This will force the illegal trade to do either compete on a comparable price point, try to compete on another level, or go out of business. Given the costs stated previously much of the market will dry up unless a caste system occurs. While there may be a higher end market it will be a small niche compared to the behemoth it is currently.

Thus legalized robots will irrefutably damage the sex trade. However, the bigger consequence will be the commodification of sex.

Flipping Culture on its Head:

Widespread pleasure robots may kill the pornography industry if it does not evolve fast enough. While the industry has tried to adapt to the internet, few will continue to pay as the legalized widespread access of robots becomes available. The pornography industry will survive however if it adapts to Augmented and virtual reality, especially if sense integration occurs.

Religions, particular Christians will be torn on this issue. I mention Christians specifically because their religion is what Western society stands on, due to its values, laws, history etc. Is it adultery, if it isn’t human, let alone alive? Is a man or woman still chaste if only a robot has been involved? These and many other moral questions will need to be answered.

The opening of Pandora’s box of robots, however, will eventually kill the hookup culture. As the prevalence of robots makes human interaction irrelevant. Men in particular who are disenfranchised by the current culture often drop out will now have an outlet. These individuals will be the first and will likely proselytize their lifestyle. Those who may respond with snark, I will remind that this is common in Japan. What starts as a taboo often becomes a societal norm.

This will not be without its consequences. The more men who switch from traditional relationships to mechanical ones leaves more women without partners. While some may be filled by mechanical ones undoubtedly it will not be at the same pace. This due to women’s higher desire for connection than men, and men’s higher desire for sex. One of which is easily fulfilled, the other much harder. Thus a glut of women will likely compete for a smaller amount of men. With more options, men will become more selective. To compete for a mate a war of escalation will occur. This combined with technology needing for a culture of trust will increase the likelihood women will return to chastity until marriage.

The legalization of these robots could, potentially prevent societal collapse and violence. As men and women who are unable to form social connections would now have an outlet for their unfulfilled needs. Individuals who have dropped out of society can now integrate to some degree. As the idea of pleasure robots becomes less stigmatized more people will begin to replace real relationships with robots. Robots will evolve to fulfill these new roles. Which will cause the further decline of relationships, marriage and birthrates.

Children and Robots:

Male birth control methods are primitive at best. New innovations that reduce the downsides will increase the deliberate action to have children. Unplanned children will drop dramatically. This will also reduce potential “gold diggers”. Children will be a deliberate choice, by both parties.

Thus birthrates will plummet. Far more then anyone can possibly imagine. People will call it the end of humanity, however, they lack vision. Artificial wombs may be the answer as humans can be created without the need for a female host. The other answer resembles a Margaret Atwood novel due to a crypto caste system.

Artificial wombs may also cause the idea of children to be more thought out, given the likelihood of genetic engineering. Children will be altered for optimum health. Mate selection in the future is quite likely to be based on genetics. Artificial wombs will likely lessen the maternal instinct of women and her potential child. Which will make the child more of a commodity than a unique being, due to less of a psychological attachment. Infanticide may increase due to this lack of connection.

Maternity, as we know of today, may be reserved for the rich. As the expense of rearing a child normally will be extremely high when compared to an artificial womb. It is entirely possible a system of sperm banks, genetic engineering and artificial wombs for adoptive parents emerges. One that selects for genetic diversity. This to reduce the likelihood of mass extinction while removing undesirable traits.

The Outcome:

Personal robots will be first reserved for the wealth due to the newness and complexity. So robots will operate in a manner similar to medieval brothels. Designated areas, cordoned off, especially if Artificial Intelligence continues to grow at the speed of Moore’s Law. Also due to the cost of ownership and maintenance. This will eventually move towards mass ownership as costs come down and the cultural stigma subsides. Crimes regarding adult prostitution and sexual violence will likely drop. Poverty may increase as prostitution becomes a less viable way to earn money.

The culture will eventually accept albeit begrudgingly the robots as they move from pleasure to romantic companion. Women will likely choose chastity if the above situation occurs, even if they have the full cultural, legal and independent rights to do otherwise. But why? A war of escalation. While the majority may live their lives how they like, a small group will counter the rise of robots by doing the opposite of what the group does.

This group will be more valued due to its rarity like all things, especially given the abundance of pleasure. This group will be hated however they will be more successful in obtaining relationships, all else equal. As a result, a cultural movement will emerge.

In return, these women will want longer courtships as they only have one chance due to their choice. Men will agree, as pleasure is bountiful. Courtship will occur again, as the value of relationships takes on new meaning. A culture of trust. Similar to the Victorian era will develop. Courtship and chastity will be normal. Chaperones of robots or via the Internet of things is entirely possible. Trust and in turn honour will be valued. This due to the changing nature of relationships and the irreversibility of cryptographic transactions. Who you spend your time with, personally and in business, matter more.

The irreversibility of cryptocurrency transactions will impact business. Marriage unions, the joining families to secure alliances and business ties may also occur once again. It sounds ridiculous now, but what is the likelihood you would rip off your family? I bet less likely than some random stranger.
Lineage and Dynasty two words very uncommon today will likely make a resurgence into the public consciousness and lexicon.


It is difficult to predict the full extent of how robots will change human society. This article offers a brief glimpse into what it may look like. Robots will likely speed up the current culture of hedonism, which will cause an eventual reversal. There will be three main robots that will change human society, pleasure robots, companion robots and artificial wombs.

One thing is for certain they will be in every part of our lives, ubiquitous. It will often change unexpected things in ways we did not expect. It is possible men and women play more of an active role in courtship. With the ideas of connection and children being at the heart of a relationship. If so this would create more stable and longer lasting relationships.

