Do Hamsters Bite? They May Eat Your Fingers by Mistake

Hamster News
2 min readAug 16, 2022


Do hamsters bite? Hamsters are relatively docile little animals, they will not take the initiative to attack humans, that is, they will not take the initiative to bite people. When hamsters first come to a new environment they may be nervous and unfamiliar with many foods. If owners approach them to feed , they may bite your fingers, but do not worry, this is a very normal phenomenon.

Why Do Hamsters Bite People

  1. When teasing the hamster if not very familiar, it is best not to leave the smell of grains and melons on your hands.

2. The rat will eat your finger by mistake if it is a very grumpy rat. Will bite down very hard!

3. Do not scare them down from the top of his head while he sleeps. Rat sleeping is defenseless, if this time you from the rat is above to touch him, he will be frightened back to a bite.

4. Don’t touch the mouse when it is very nervous, such as fighting in a cage, or mating, when pregnant.

A hamster is looking at a hand

How to Prevent Hamsters from Biting People

  1. If the poopers are very afraid of being bitten. Can bring a rubber glove.

2. You can often feed snacks to the mouse until the mouse is familiar with the smell, the mouse will become less likely to attack.

3. When the hamster is eating from the side or front touch the mouse. Hamsters in eating when the desire to attack is very low. (Do not touch the food being eaten, will be bitten).

Things You Need to Pay Attention

  1. After being bitten, if not just bought back from the market hamster, generally only needs to disinfect.

2. If it is just bought back from the market, pay attention to cleaning the wound after you can choose to go to the vaccination or wound is larger can be injected with tetanus vaccine.

3. Domestic hamsters do not carry a variety of germs or viruses (similar to rabies).



Hamster News

Hello, I’m a pet lover, and here to share with you about hamster care and feeding knowledge.