How to Stake $MPWR? Let’s stake easily step by step!

Kalia Network
3 min readJul 1, 2023


Empower mainnet is live! We at Kalia Network are happy to validate the network.

Kalia Network wholeheartedly stands behind Empower Chain as a validator, offering unwavering support. As a holder or delegator, you can amplify this support by participating in staking with Kalia Network. To facilitate the process, we have thoughtfully prepared a comprehensive staking guide exclusively for our community members.

Let’s start to stake your $MPWR …

How to stake?

  • Step 2 — Click “Connect Wallet”

Important: If you didn’t add Empower chain to your Keplr, do Step 3.
Otherwise, you can skip to step 5.

  • Step 3 — Click “Enable Keplr”
  • Step 4 — Click “Approve”
  • Step 5 — Click “Next”
  • Step 6 — Type your wallet name
  • Step 7 — Click “Next”
  • Step 8 — Click “Save”
  • Congrulations! You have successfully imported your wallet. Now it’s time for staking!
  • Step 10 — Your balance
  • Step 11 — Enter the amount you want to stake
  • Step 12 — Click “Send”
  • Step 13 — Click “Approve”
  • After pressing the “Approve” button, we are waiting for a few seconds for our stake transaction to success.
  • That’s so! Congrulations! You have staked.
  • Let’s go to the this page.
  • You can view all the details under “Empower Wallet Assets” (the yellow frame)
    - Balances, Staked Amount, Rewards, Unbonded Amount, Your Validator
  • You can view all actions under the red frame.
    - Delegate, Re-delegate, Unbond, Withdraw Rewards

Kalia Network

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