One a day, one a week, one a month

5 min readMar 30, 2018


Ok, tell my story….

I’ve been wanting to share stuff for forever.

I learn so much from other people sharing their stuff and I thought I want to give back (but also just have fun doing and sharing).

So often, stuff I found around gave me thoughts, ideas and life, so I thought that maybe I can throw some of my stuff back into the everything and it’ll stick to someone, and make some kind of impact, maybe someone will get a chuckle from it, go for a bike ride, start chasing some dram (what an interesting sounding typo), or carry a cabbage.

And I’ve been postponing it for a while too. Been trying to get myself to share in different ways, have a couple of drafts here from through the years, ideas of posts and skills and tips and to-dos I could share. But it would always get lost somewhere. Anyways at some point I came up with the idea that I’ have to get myself on some regimen of habit, basically do something every day, or every week, or month, so that I get into the motion, stop wondering if it makes sense, if it is good enough, if if if, and just do, sure carefully, respectfully and responsibly, but do nonetheless. It’s been a while since I took this decision as well, but finally last week I started with the #oneaday-s. And now the #oneaweek is here too.

Simple rules:
- one a day: I share something easy everyday, and decided it’ll be a picture. It’s on Instagram now, just because easy, and sometimes friends and people give me likes which is actually pretty sweet. Some random person gave me likes on Strava for a while on everything I did, and at first I was confused, but then I thought, man this person is trying to support me in what I do, and I started taking them as little “good job”s and “go-go-go” and well, it felt good. (Little note on Strave: I am particularly fond of it as it was the “first” place where I practiced sharing with some frequency — what I did, where I was, and some imagery too). And back to the likes, I now give likes with more generosity as well. Still sometimes I worry I might post too often, but hey people can unfollow, and there is so much info out there, I hope people have some ways to protect themselves from the constant info waterfall anyways, so that my sprays can be either avoided or enjoyed.
- one a week: writing, I’ll try writing something once a week. Maybe thoughts, or memories or tips or whatever. I’ll put it into text and send it out. It’s here now. Just because it’s easy. And it’s a week, because it takes a little more, but still not too much.
- one a month: I want to be able to share a project once a month, either video or something that has to do with programming. I am still 3 weeks away from when I have to do so, so don’t know what will be the place, but probably Youtube and/or random websites.

I think this rhythm is good enough. It’s not too tight, an it’s not too loose. It’s quick enough for me to learn, and strict enough to take all the worries away. And hopefully the right mix of tight and loose to make me motivated and not too stressed.

— —

So “today” as I mentioned this wish to share, someone said that I should write about the fact that I have a cabbage head in my backpack. Which is what I have in my backpack.

I eat cabbage sometimes, and so I have it in my backpack. It’s best if one can buy the smallest cabbage head there is, because they are the sweetest. They are usually lighter in color and gentler in taste and less dry, more watery, firm maybe, like dolphins. (not food, by touch).

I like to make avocado-cheese-cabbage wraps. I love those, but I only eat them in certain geographical locations. If I can easily get cheap small avocados, and if the (often mild) cheese is cheap enough. I have those in my backpack too.

Along with my cabbage head.

I eat the leaves one by one, sometimes adorned, but mostly plain.
I am not necessarily that much into cabbage, but sometimes I like to eat it.

It doesn’t get squished easily, I can portion it easily, and as I work through it I get to sweeter and sweeter parts, so it is rewarding too.

I have the cabbage head with me in my backpack, and I pretty much always carry my backpack with me.

So if I have a cabbage head, it’s probably with me in my backpack.

— —

One of my biggest “regrets” in life is an incident that happened a while ago.

A friend of mine invited me to an improv session they had. And they had games and tasks, and the audience was involved sometimes. They shout silly things, go back and forth constructing stories, playing around.

And then they started a new session, and they read out the instructions of the task and said something along the lines: “let someone of the audience volunteer their bag, and the group will have to make a story up from the stuff in the bag”

That was my moment to shine, to share the little treasures I carry with me.

And on that day, I had left my backpack in the car.

I had no cabbage head.

Let me write a poem:

If my head was a cabbage
Couldn’t carry much baggage,
except the baggage of the cabbage.


They say kids are born under cabbage leaves, maybe I’ll find one one day in my bag.

One a week.

Oh and one more thing I realized. So Slovenian has silly little upside down roofs on some letters: ž š č, and the word for wishes in slovene is želje. But when one is around, or on an international keyboard it’s bothersome to try to get all those little roofs right, and so I usually just skip them. So when one writes želje without the roof it comes out to zelje, which is the word for cabbage.

So if I carry cabbage in my bag, and if cabbage is actually wishes, it means, you know what it means.

A bag full of wishes.

Sometimes I eat some, and sometimes they come true.

