Golden Touch: Winners Mentality!

K.A Luxe Media
2 min readJul 8, 2021


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Remain Modest and Humble!

Having the Golden Touch is a modest term, believing in yourself taking a risk and being a trendsetter has to be in your heart, your winning formula is unique to you and what you are trying to achieve. Use your unique talents and skills to achieve and win..

You are a True Champion remember that, no one does things quite like you do.. Why? You have the Golden Touch! You vibrate higher, positivity and new possibilities are always around the corner, being assertive with a strong willpower, but move in total silence.

A high performance mindset and intuitive with insights and the sense of always doing things in a synchronised but effective chain reactions of positivity and abundance spinning over and over.

God fearing with strong faith and trust in the Lord, believing his word and following in his steps, whilst most importantly, caring, supporting and sharing with others. Always thankful and showing gratitude and appreciation. Good morals, values and principles also.

Be Blessed And Stay Winning!

Related article: Law of Attraction: High Energy + Vibrational Level

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You are the beacon of light that shines through the darkness to nurture your soul and others. Kay Angela (K.A Luxe Media)

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K.A Luxe Media

Author, Life Coach & Digital Marketing Blogger (UK) - Website: K.A Luxe Media (Medium Member & Writer Celebrating 5 Years since 2019)