Prayer Protection By Dr Shandrey Thumbran, A Pastor, Visionary Leader, Public Speaker and Author

K.A Luxe Media
3 min readAug 14, 2020


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How do you Plead the Blood of Jesus over your Family, Home and Possessions?

The best scripture to explain this is in Galatians 2 vs 20 – I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Dr Shandrey Thumbran is President of UKuphila Leadership Consulting, an Author and founding pastor of LOGOS Bible Church.

Recently I’ve been speaking about how powerful this prayer is, my mum (RIP) spoke highly about Pleading the Blood of Jesus over all of us, whilst looking online I saw Dr Shandrey Thumbran’s Prayer for Protection post which explains in detail How to Plead the Blood of Jesus over Your Life, it was a Facebook post, but although it was dated in 2011 it’s. still very relevant today.

Prayer Confession: Protection over your Family Home and Possessions.

The enemy is not all knowing. So when you address him speak aloud. You don’t need to scream, even a whisper is fine. When you pray, pray in faith he will not be able to ignore you.

The Blood of Jesus – Prayer Protection

I draw a blood of protection, from Heaven right across the circumference of my Home (name it) Family (name them) Possessions, (name the items) that cannot be penetrated!

In the Name of Jesus Christ, I Bind any wandering spirits, in my house to get out and to get right beyond that hedge of protection right now!

I Command Warrior Angels, from the only Living God, be posted at the four corners of my House, watching over all my Family and over all of my Possessions, ready too resist and fight off any demonic attack!

I Plead the Blood of Jesus, over all access points in my home, (TV, internet, telephones, cellphones, gifts or toys, or any other purchased items…) every demonic plans assigned to these items, is been dismantled and cancelled right now!

I Plead the Blood of Jesus over the doorways and window sills of my home, and against any demons attached to any individuals or animals who enter my home and property or come into contact with me or any of my family members. I Bind them, their plans and render them useless and void in the Name of Jesus Christ!

There shall be no evil that befalls me, and my house from this day fort and forevermore!

No plague or pestilence or death shall visit my house!

Because the Lord is my Refuge!

His Blood is my Defence!

His Blood is my Heavenly Hedge Of Protection!

Therefore, the PEACE of God, Resides, Rests and Habitats My Family, Home and Possessions!


If there be any be any sin in or my house that would compromise my Prayer Petition and give the enemy a foot hole in my home, I ask Father, that you reveal it to me now God, I am quick to repent it all before you..

Written by Dr Shandrey Thumbran

You can find out more about his services here: LOGOS Bible Church

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