White Feather: The Spiritual Meaning

K.A Luxe Media
3 min readFeb 15, 2024


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I don’t see white feathers that often, but that particular morning there it was as clear as day. In my bedroom on the floor, the window wasn’t opened and the door was closed. Strange things have happened, but as I know, some things need no explanation at all. My initial thoughts were on my beautiful beloved mom, who has passed away and simply departed, so suddenly, on occasions I’ve felt her presence and in visions, being instinctual and as intuitive as she was.

I was delighted to know and feel her aura and presence reigning low enough to check in on me; she loved us all so much.

It was only a few hours later, when I was outside shopping with a family member in a busier part of town, that as we sped up to lose the crowds, a white feather flew close to my face, and a few steps after that, another one, almost like footsteps on a pathway, I felt an indescribable, intuitive feeling. That’s a mother’s touch, my mom!

Everything happens for a reason, so later that evening I did my research to find out what seeing a white feather symbolises. This is my interpretation here:

New Beginnings and Spiritual Growth

A fresh start and a subtle reminder to remain optimistic with a positive outlook through a renewal of feeling rejuvenated, elevated, and spiritually enlightened.

As a bird soars past and loses a feather in the process, initially viewed as a spiritual messenger, but it’s all lighthearted and not set in stone, in general looking on the brighter side of life with positive energy and high vibrations, planning and achieving goals, meditating whilst motivating and inspiring others, and being mindful and prayerful with peace and happiness.

A Guardian Angel or a Departed Loved One

It’s a comforting feeling that a white feather signifies a departed loved one circling positively in a protective mode, radiating peace and positive energy, knowing and sensing their presence, and it’s how you absorb this and reflect on things as your departed loved one (or spirit guide) watches over you, blessing your path, and assures you that everything will be just fine.

White Feather Meanings in a Different Culture

White feathers represent faith, purity, and good luck in different cultures, and they’re also mentioned in the scriptures.

A Soul Mate or True Love Connection

A white feather also signifies a soul-mate connection, either at present or a true love experience in the future. You can read about the soul mate connection in my list.

To Conclude Things

The white feather appeared a few days after a special date that was special to my mum, and the white feather disappeared within that week. – I felt blessed!

Read more at: K.A Luxe Media and here👇🏽



K.A Luxe Media

Author, Life Coach & Digital Marketing Blogger (UK) solo.to/kayangela - Website: K.A Luxe Media (Medium Member & Writer Celebrating 5 Years since 2019)