#ArmchairImagineering Food Cart

Shelly Warmuth
3 min readApr 28, 2020


On April 17, 2020, Rob Yeo put a challenge up on Twitter.

This is my entry.

Cursed Pumpkin drawing

Please excuse the crude drawing. I’m a drawing n00b! I usually demonstrate my designs with inspiration photos.

The Cursed Pumpkin

The Cursed Pumpkin is run by a ghost girl, Amelia. She was lost in the woods when she fell off the family cart while trying to pass through the Gloom Wood. She was such a picky eater that she starved to death.

Ghost Girl image

The ghost effect is achieved by filters in the glass of the cart or, alternatively by makeup and costuming.

Amelia’s “Scary Godmother” (a dark fae) took pity on the girl’s lost soul. She has promised to free Amelia from the dark wood if she feeds the travelers so that they do not suffer her fate.

She offers Goblin Wings that bleed in bowls made of leaves.

Leaf bowls. Image from BoredPanda.com

The leaf bowls are made of food-grade cardboard bases with cooking parchment “leaves.”

For drinks, she offers Swamp Water:

And Liquified Werewolf:

Both drinks are offered in a special temperature-sensitive mug similar to the Magic Mirror mug from the Disney collections.

Disney Magic Mirror Mug

When the mug is cold (has one of the drinks in it) it appears to be a simple reflective surface. But when it warms up (the drink is gone) your inner demon starts to show in the reflective surface via a temperature-sensitive filter.

My original design was a child’s hearse overgrown with vines and all black.

This drawing is even more crude than the pumpkin, but gives a better idea of scale for a functioning food cart.

