A Man Thinking About You, But Not Contacting You, Is Most Likely Thinking Like This

Kama Adams
5 min readApr 13, 2024


Photo by Michal Biernat on Unsplash

Usually, when someone misses you, they can’t help but want to reach out to you, even go to great lengths to see you.

However, liking someone is unrestrained, while loving someone requires restraint. Some people, even when missing you dearly and feeling deeply in love, will keep it hidden deep inside.

Similarly, some men may miss you but not contact you due to this kind of mindset.

It’s Not That He Doesn’t Want You, He’s Just Afraid of Disturbing You

When a man develops genuine feelings for you, he will occasionally contact you, talk a lot with you, and even want to be with you 24/7.

But many times, out of concern for your feelings, he becomes cautious and hesitates to disturb you.

Jack had been in a relationship with Lily, a colleague, for many years.

Later, due to work requirements, Lily was transferred to a different branch. They started a long-distance relationship.

Long-distance relationships are very challenging, full of unbearable distance and the bitterness of missing each other.

Due to this, the deep yearning for a loved one can only be expressed through messages or calls.

One evening, Jack called Lily. At that time, Lily was riding her bike home, holding her phone with one hand and the bike handle with the other. She accidentally bumped into a pedestrian, luckily without any serious consequences.

After learning about this incident, Jack, no matter how much he missed Lily, restrained himself from calling her whenever he wanted.

Gradually, Jack’s calls became less frequent. Lily noticed the change and called Jack to express her displeasure.

Jack told Lily, “On the days I don’t contact you, I miss you even more. But thinking about you being busy with work or on the road, I dare not disturb you, fearing it might cause trouble.”

In relationships, a man who cares for you will always conceal his emotions and prioritize your feelings.

If contacting you might cause you trouble, he will suppress his yearning and avoid bothering you.

At such times, women tend to overthink, feeling that the man no longer loves them.

In reality, the man does love you; he just cares too much about your feelings.

If you feel his contact is not unnecessary or bothersome, respond positively to let him know you need him.

As Long as You’re Doing Well, That’s Enough

People experience joys and sorrows, just as the moon waxes and wanes.

In real life, there are always some couples deeply in love but unable to be together for various reasons, ending up keeping their longing in their hearts.

The love story of a boy and a girl is like this.

They had sweet moments and heartbreaks, ending their eight-year relationship.

The boy said, “I genuinely hope she’s happy, I hope she’s doing well.”

Even apart, she remains his true love, the one he misses the most. This longing turns into the most sincere blessing.

In the end, they both learned to not disturb and let go. Just as the girl said, “Adult relationships are simple; they don’t need too much worry.”

She also buried her last bit of affection deep in her heart.

Some people, if missed, are missed, with no power to pursue, only able to cherish the beauty in their hearts.

Perhaps he will silently keep an eye on you, miss you, but won’t contact or disturb you, won’t step back into your world, only smiling and wishing you happiness.

Genuinely loving someone makes you selfless. Regardless of your current relationship, you want them to be better off than you.

As long as you’re doing well, that’s enough.

Longing in the Heart, Quietly Diminished by Time

Each of us yearns for a beautiful love, hoping to have you for life, kiss you before sleeping, hold you at midnight, and wake up with you.

However, real life is cruel and never smooth sailing for your emotions.

“Most love stories don’t end well, either suffering from the weariness of finally becoming a couple or the sorrow of never becoming one.

Some love stories are a kind of sorrow of never becoming one.

During a trip, a man happened to pick up a woman’s ticket, helping her out and getting to know her.

Later, they rented a booth in a mall to sell accessories, lived together in a basement, grew to know each other, fell in love, and their hearts slowly came together.

When their feelings deepened, the woman joked, “Do you think we’re so happy, will we break up in the future?”

The man assured her, “No.”

But three years later, they split due to differing beliefs.

After parting ways, they experienced bustling life, met many different people.

However, they gradually realized they still missed each other.

Yet, no matter how much they missed, they couldn’t be together again. The man started a family, and the woman pursued her happiness.

They became familiar strangers, no longer in contact, no longer disturbing each other.

The longing in their hearts and love for each other could only be left to time to fade away.

Let the past be the past, memories are just memories. Even if you can’t bear it, you must let go; even if you can’t move on, you must move on.

After all, you still have your own path to walk.

As Tagore said, “If you cry because you missed the sun, you’ll miss the stars.”

So, bury your deep longing, hide your love, don’t look back anymore; your happiness is the best blessing to the past.

Silent Blessings

“If you’re willing, I’ll love you forever; if you’re not, I’ll always think of you.”

When someone misses you but doesn’t contact you, it’s likely because they’re afraid of disturbing you or loving without being loved back, so they let go and wish you well.

As the saying goes, apart from fulfillment, there’s nothing but blessings left in a certain kind of love.

Therefore, not all longing is hidden in contact; there’s an extreme form of longing called silent blessings.

As someone once said, “The best kind of love is one where I wish you happiness, even if it’s unrelated to me.”



Kama Adams

Passionate writer exploring love, relationships, and emotions.