Hidden Texts and Links in SEO — A Black Hat SEO Technique

The Webomania
3 min readJan 2, 2018


Hidden texts and links- A Black Hat SEO technique.

What is meant by the term “Hidden texts and links”?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is expounded with several techniques to achieve ranking for your website and web page. Hidden texts and links are one among the old, unethical and a black hat SEO technique to achieve a high ranking position within the search engine result pages (SERPs) by violating Google rules and regulations.

On the earlier days, Hidden texts associated links was an aggressive strategy in which you may hide texts on web content to achieve ranking for a few keywords which aren’t visible within the web content, however, is crawled by the search engine bots. This technique is also known as “Content Cloaking”. There are various hidden text techniques.

Example of Hidden links.

What is the reason for using hidden text and links in SEO?

The actual reason for using hidden texts in SEO are as follows:

  • Keywords which should not be visible to the users, however, desire the search engine to crawl and gain high ranking within the SERPs.
  • Some SEO professionals believe that the number of keyword count on a web page actually helps to rank the keyword by the search engines and thus leads to keyword spamming the page.
Percentages of frequently used Black Hat SEO methods.

Consequences for using Hidden texts and links techniques:

Hidden texts associated links is a black hat SEO technique that is outdated and an unethical method and it is the way to cheat the search engine. For achieving a high ranking position within the SERPs, you must improve the quality of content, the site’s usability and create back links. However, if you employ this method nowadays, your website might get penalized from Google or might even get banned by the search engines.

A Popular Business takes the time to be Popular & it’s good for that Business.

Google’s Rules and Regulations.

About our expert team:

Our skilled team are an integral part or members of The Webomania who put their immense effort and hard-work in developing various useful and important SEO tools and also provides service for the best techniques regarding Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Optimization (SMO), including the whole Digital Marketing, PPC techniques, Web designing, Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) and Online Reputation Management (ORM) techniques and we deliver the best and the most efficient results than all the Indian SEO companies.

If you are interested to know more about SEO package in India. Visit us to explore more.

