Published inData ConversationsThe Three Steps of Data UsageThe current business environment is filled up with romance stories about data. It’s like sex during that time back in grade school when…Apr 26, 20192Apr 26, 20192
Published inMindNinjaCopying files and folders between Linux Server and WindowsMany a time you’ll find yourself wanting to copy some file or folder from your windows machine to a remote Linux server. Now, if you’re…Apr 23, 2019Apr 23, 2019
Published inMindNinjaA question of Time: [Part 1: Understanding & Definition]Time, one of the most important things [should I even call it a thing?] in our day to day lives. As far back as we can remember, humans…Apr 20, 2019Apr 20, 2019
Published inMindNinjaVader: A sneak peek into a Python Sentiment LexiconValence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner is a lexicon and sentiment analysis tool. It is specifically tuned for social media text…Apr 19, 2019Apr 19, 2019
Published inMindNinjaTwitter Sentiment Analysis in PythonWe looked at Twitter sentiments using R in my previous post. You can check it out if you’re interested.Apr 17, 2019Apr 17, 2019
Published inMindNinjaTextBlob 101: A sneak peek into Python’s NLP libraryTexBlob is a textual data processing library that allows you to carry out some NLP tasks such a speech tagging, sentiment analysis, etc.Apr 16, 2019Apr 16, 2019
Published inMindNinjaAdvice from a young fool: A few words before I leave 23Hello, world!Apr 14, 2019Apr 14, 2019
Published inMindNinjaSending Mail from BashBash is a UNIX shell and command language.Apr 9, 2019Apr 9, 2019
Published inMindNinjaBuilding a simple PostgreSQL API in Node.js[Part 1: Reading]Hello lads and lasses!Apr 3, 2019Apr 3, 2019