5 AI Tools to launch your FUNNEL in 2 hours — Here is everything you need to know

Kanika B K
5 min readFeb 9, 2024


Most Marketing Agencies Will hate me for this.

But, you can launch your funnel with these 5 AI tools in Just 2 hours.

Hey guys, this is Kanika, your Passive Income Coach and today I am going to teach how you can align AI within your business, and save a few hours every single day.

I still feel that many people don’t even know what a Sales Funnel is, so I thought why not make a detailed article, so that even if you are a newbie, you will get some value from this read!

First things First, What is a Sales Funnel?

The sales funnel is a fundamental concept in marketing and sales, but it’s often misunderstood.

In layman’s terms, it’s a visual representation of the customer journey, from initial awareness of your product or service to becoming a loyal customer.

The sales funnel is a fundamental concept in marketing and sales, but it’s often misunderstood. In simple terms, it’s a visual representation of the customer journey, from initial awareness of your product or service to becoming a loyal customer.

Think of it like a real funnel, a wide-mouthed container at the top that narrows down to a small spout at the bottom.

Photo by Shengjun Shi on Unsplash

At the top of the funnel are all the potential customers who might be interested in what you offer.

As they move through the funnel, they’re qualified and nurtured, until only the most qualified leads emerge at the bottom as paying customers.

But why Sales Funnel is so important?

It provides a clear roadmap for how to attract, engage, and convert leads into customers basically it shows your customer’s journey.

It has many benefits as well:

  • You can focus your marketing efforts on the most effective channels and tactics for each stage of the funnel.
  • By tailoring your messaging and content to each stage of the funnel, you can provide a more relevant and valuable experience for potential customers.
  • By understanding where leads are dropping off in the funnel, you can identify and fix leaks, ultimately leading to more sales.

Well there are tons of more benefits, but these are the ones that worked for me in my business.

Sales Funnel also has 5 Stages — Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action and Loyalty.

Let’s jump into each of the stages one by one and see how these AI tools can help you to save your time.


The “Awareness Stage” is like the very first chapter in a good book — it sets the scene and introduces the main characters (in this case, your brand and potential customers).

It’s the crucial phase where people first become aware of your brand and what you offer, even if they’re not quite ready to buy yet.

Before grabbing everyone’s attention, you need to understand who you’re trying to reach.

Who are your ideal customers?

What problems do they have?

What gets them excited?

Knowing your audience is key to crafting messages that resonate.

Imagine building a lemonade stand in an empty park.

No one will buy your lemonade if they don’t even know you exist!

Use SEO, social media platforms, and public relations to put your brand on the map. Get involved in relevant conversations, collaborate with other businesses, and make sure your target audience can easily find you online and offline.

Idea — Start creating content for your product.

Tool —

Chapple AI — Content Writing

Link- http://chapple.ai — All-in-one platform to generate AI content


Interest Stage is where potential customers transition from passive passersby to engaged onlookers. They’ve noticed your brand’s captivating glow from the Awareness Stage, and now they’re leaning in, eager to learn more.

While valuable content is key, remember, people crave connection. Go beyond simply broadcasting information. Start conversations in comment sections, respond to inquiries promptly, and offer personalized recommendations. This human touch fosters trust and makes them feel valued, not just another number in your funnel.

My Idea — Drive traffic with newsletters.

Newsletter Creation tool — Tugan AI

Link — https://tugan.ai/?via=kanika

(This is an affiliate link, won’t cost you anything but could help me to reach my goals)

Generate Captivating Newsletters.

BONUS — Here is the FREE Step-by-Step Tutorial on How to get started with TUGAN AI


Individuals at this stage have not only recognized your brand but have also identified it as the potential key to unlocking their desires.

They’ve compared your offerings to competitors, weighed the pros and cons, and feel a strong pull towards what you offer. Your job is to fan this flame of desire into a roaring inferno.

At this stage, a little extra push can make all the difference. Offer LEAD MAGNETS, that add that extra touch of irresistible sweetness. Remember, it’s not just about the product or service, but about creating a compelling, value-packed offer that speaks directly to their desires.

Idea — Start distributing Lead Magnets,

for example ebook

AI Tool — Designrr

Link — https://app.designrr.io


Idea — Build relationship with consistent Emails & Meetings

AI Tool — Scheduler AI

Link — http://scheduler.ai


The focus shifts from acquiring new customers to retaining and nurturing existing ones.

Treat them as valued partners, not just numbers on a spreadsheet. Personalize communication, offer exclusive benefits, and engage them in meaningful conversations.

Show them you not only care about their business but also truly appreciate their loyalty.

Idea — Keep customers engaged by creating Product-specific videos

Tool — Synthesia AI

Link — http://synthesia.io

Hope this article was helpful!

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Kanika B K

Writes about AI Tools that could change your life| Currently running my YOUTUBE CHANNEL @KanikaBK | FREE RESOURCES👇https://kanikabk.carrd.co/